*Third Person*
The glistering night sky shines brightly on Rasuda's campsite. A calming waterfall next to the campsite can be heard as Rasuda can be seen comforting Rio, who sheds a small, unnoticeable tear. After a while of comfort, Rasuda then went back to cooking her meal. Rio looked at Rasuda as she continues to stir the pot and adding more ingredients into it. Rio decided now is the time to ask her for a map.
'Rasuda?' Rio called out.
"Yes?" Rasuda answered, as she puts chopped carrots into the pot.
'I got a favor to ask you' Rio shifts uncomfortably while waiting for a reply.
Rasuda stirs the pot with a ladle as she pulls it up to take a taste test.
"What is this favor you asking Rio?" Rasuda place the ladle on a table nearby.
Rio looked at Rasuda as she begins getting out two bowels underneath the table and poured them in.
'Do you have a map?' Rio asked telepathically.
Rasuda thought for a moment."I think so let me check."
Rasuda place the bowels on the table as she goes into her tent, as Rio is laying down near the campfire. Rio heard some *shuffling* as he watch the tent intently. Rio then looked at the table with the two bowels on top of it. He then looked back and forth between the table and the tent that Rasuda resides. So Rio decided that it could not hurt to taste a little of the food...
Meanwhile, Inside the tent, Rasuda is currently inside looking for her map. The inside of the tent is in disarray; as piles of clothing, papers, and medical potions are scattered inside. Rasuda is seen holding two scrolls on each hand. One of the scroll holds an outdated map the other looks like an unknown island chart. Rasuda looks back and forth between the two as she shrugs and throws the other scroll back into the mess. Rasuda went back outside where Rio is patiently waiting for her.
"Here you go" Rasuda said handing the scroll to Rio.
Rio deadpanned 'No hands remember' as he flaps his feathered wings.
"Oh right, I will just open it for you then"
Rio nodded, as Rasuda unrolls the scroll and placed it in-front of Rio.
Rasuda walked back to the table as she notice that one of the bowels is empty. Confused she looked around the table for any indication of the thief.
"Hey Rio have you seen anybody coming to our campsite?" Rasuda asked.
'Uhh... nope" Rio telepathically said.
Rasuda looked at Rio suspiciously, she scanned the ground for any trails. After a few, minutes of scanning she finds Bird tracks. Looking at the trail, it leads to Rio who is currently analyzing the map.
Rasuda walked towards Rio and asked.
"Rio did you eat my food"
Rio turned around 'It was delicious, what can I say'
"You just ate raw meat" Rasuda said casually.
Rio looked at her blinking rapidly 'what?!'
Rasuda laughed as Rio tried to purge all contents onto the ground near the waterfall. As Rio compose himself he shouted telepathically to Rasuda.
'why would you do that'
"I did not do anything you just took my word for it"
Rio groan as he dunk his head, beak first into the water and screamed.
*Time Skip*
The next day, The sun shines brightly as Rasuda and Rio are seen walking towards Iron Haven's entrance. A long line of merchant carts, and civilians are being inspected by a group of guards. Rasuda walked pass by them all as Rio follow pursuit. Once Rasuda went to the front of the line, she showed the guard her Adventurers Identification paper. The guard checks, and authenticates it through a crystal globe. The globe flashes green as the paper is seen hovering on top of it. The guards gave back the papers and let Rasuda through. Rio followed as the guards ignored him.
As always Iron Haven is crowded with civilians walking to their destination. Rasuda stopped at the adventurers guild and turned to address Rio.
"Okay Rio I need to do something in the guild you can go and explore, I will contact you when I will be leaving okay?"
Rio nodded. Rasuda went into the door and left Rio outside.
Well then I guess it is time to learn some magic, maybe the school is a good start. walking along the streets of Iron Haven, I saw a building with students outside. Mage school is what the entrance sign says. I wonder if they would allow me to go in. Well only one way to find out!
I walked in.. and surprisingly I saw Instructors with students outside the area casting their spells at a target dummy. Seeing students casting a variety of spells I decided to walk towards them. Which is not a good idea apparently.
A student pointed at me and shouted "Instructor look behind you, A Cute Battle Bird!"
Their Instructor did not turned and laughed.
"now, now Initiates. do not make such nonsense I feel no monsters in the area"
Hey I am not a monster... Okay maybe... I am classified as a monster to them.
The students are an uprour as they rush towards me. Well I guess this is how it ends...
I close my eyes for the inevitable... Waiting... Waiting... Still Waiting... Okay seriously what is going?
I open my eyes to see all the Students? Initiates? whatever they call them. Looking at me.
"Can we ride on you?" asked one of the students.
'What am I... a mount you can just ride on for fun!' I telepathically shouted at them.
All the Initiates looked at me surprised.
"Instructor The bird can talk" said one of the students excitedly
"Can he now?"
The instructor walked towards me with his cane in hand. Wearing a red decorative robe. with his eyes blindfolded by a white cloth.
"Tell me young bird your name is Rio Correct?"
What! how did he know my name!