Tomorrow morning, I woke up, took a shower, and brushed my teeth. Pretty soon, I was out of the hotel, and caught a taxi to go to the West Australia coast.
In the Taxi, I drank my coffee. When I got there, I went to the ship I booked.
My heart was beating fast. What If I died at Antartica?
"Boarding pass, please?" the shipman asked.
I gave him my ticket, and he let me go on the ship. In about 20 minutes, the ship departed.
"I can't wait to get to Antarctica," I told myself, excited.
"Hello," One random man greeted me.
"Oh hi," I greeted.
"So, how old are you?" he asked me.
"28" I lied.
I don't want him to know I'm a teenager.
"What are you doing here?" he asked confusingly.
"I'm researching about penguins," I lied.
If I told him I was going to save my husband, he would've made fun of me, and got me kicked out of the ship.
Nightfall came, and I set up my sleeping bag, and during the night, I watched the stars.
I was pondering about Antarctica, and I always wanted to see the penguins.
In the morning. I caught a cold, and was sick.
"I need medicine right now!" I told myself.
Lucily, I packed medicine in my bag. I took 10 ml of mucinex.
A few hours later, I walked to the deck, and I saw Ice and glaciers.
"We're here!" I told everyone.
"Yahoo!" one man yelled.
I saw the massive glaciers, and a lot of penguins. I took a picture of them in my camera.
Antarctica can be so beautiful. At least that's what I thought?
Suddenly the ship stopped, and was bending down.