dawn of november 30,2025 a festive day was happening in a palace ground in a asian country because the president is speaking after the transistion of a federal government. as a young talented commander you are needed to attend the party!
the president are now speaking after a several introductions.
president: a pleasant evening to all my cabinet members,heads of the military and my foreign ambassador friend i commemorate this day as a success in my administration that this transition of federal government has been passed during my time.
Lt. commander cruz: why i feel eerily quiet this time hmm maybe i just excited to get home, then your aid started to notice your abrupt silence.
the aid: Sir you seem to be quiet tonight,i didn't like it when your quiet like that.
after your aid has spoken the light starts to flicker then bullets are flying all over the room
Bang Bang Bang brrt... brrrrt.
a assault rifle begins to sweep the floor
the doors of the hall begun to explode to smithereens.