The hotpot meal did not last long, and the earlier incident was soon forgotten.
Yu Lingfeng, who was sitting with Bo Jinyan, found Mo Jiangye pleasing for once.
"Let's go," his friend whispered to him.
After all, they could no longer enjoy their hotpot.
He took another look at Ye Erruo, only to receive a frosty glare from her husband. After flashing a contemptuous smirk at him in return, he turned to leave.
As the two of them were leaving, Bo Jinyan dropped something to the ground. The woman happened to notice this when she turned around to retrieve her scarf in preparation for leaving with her husband.
She wanted to call out to the man at first, but they were a long distance apart and, after taking into consideration various reasons, she could not bring herself to do so. She figured that, if the necklace was truly important to him, he would come back to the shop in search of it.