Jane was one of my good friends, but when I left that eerie house it was getting dark already. we were walking when Jane said "carry on, I'm tying my shoe laces." Those two words "carry on" caused us heart break. when she said carry on we walked for a minute to see she wasn't there. Minutes turned into hours and eventually we gave up. still to this day we think how we might have lived our lives if we hadn't kept on walking.
The appearance of the mysterious Redfield wasn't the last. years later I ended up in the woods searching for jane, when I woke up to a text which had a set of symbols and on the side "heart bow lake" the word took me years back when I was given a code handbook in runic. using google I found it said "it's me Jane I was told by some one I was meant to know you, meet me at Barker's Avenue" and there I was with a sliver of hope. 5 minutes later I walked out of the house in not having one doubt about this text in the night. There she was looking aged. We had a chat and she had no memory of going in the woods or ever meeting me and her other freinds. she had completely forgotten or that she didn't belong here.