I looked at her wondering what all that was about. Why were these girls talking to her with such disdain? "Thank you for being so quick to clean up the perfume. Your jacket is more then likely ruined though." She looked at me a little stunned and replied "You're welcome. I just reacted so fast I guess I didn't really realize what I was doing. Honestly, I'm not sure what came over me, it just felt like it should be cleaned quickly." Smiling I introduced myself "My name is Nesana but my friends sometimes call me Ness! What is your name?" The young lady replied "My name is Charlotte but everyone calls me Charlie... except my father, he only calls me Charlotte."
Something about this young lady felt familiar to me. It was a very odd feeling. Shaking it off I started to help cleaning the spilt potions. After we were finished I asked her what she was here looking for. "I'm not really sure. I walk past here everyday on my way home from school. I was curious what kind of shop this was so I finally came in. It feels like, I don't know, like home in a way." I fully understand what she meant. That's how I wanted my shop to feel to others. I designed it that way so humans and witches alike would all feel welcomed.
"So there is nothing in here that caught your attention?" I asked. She kind of looked around and started walking towards the gemstones. Looking at them with sparkles in her eyes she exhaled and then sighed in frustration. "I don't know what it is about these but I've never seen anything so mesmerizing. Each one is unique in its own beauty and it is almost like they are pulling me to them." I know exactly what she meant.
Crystals and gemstones are something I've always enjoyed working with. Using them are one of the very most important part of my magic. "Which ones call to you the most? Touch them and hold them... let the stones speak to you." She was hesitant and looking at me I gave her a reassuring smile. She picked one up very gently and one after another she held each one of them. "I'm not entirely sure which ones I like the most. They all feel powerful and they are all breathtaking. If I had to choose I would pick this black one or this green one."
Hematite and Moldavite, two of my favorites and truly powerful stones. Most people don't go for those first because while they are beautiful they are not the prettiest. Usually humans go for pretty. I couldn't help but wonder why or how she picked these out first! The fact that she took her time and admired and appreciated all of them caught more than just my interest.
I explained further "This black stone is Hematite and while it aids in healing it also very powerful in providing protection. This green stone is Moldavite is perfect for centering your emotions in the aspect of releasing unwanted baggage and emotions. It helps embrace self awareness and heightens your awareness not just about yourself but your surroundings and others around you. It brings you out of unwanted situations and releases unhappy emotions from the past or present. These two specific stones are truly two of the most important stones on earth."
Charlie looked at them in awe and brushed her delicate fingers over them gently. "That must be why I can feel them through me. I can feel a vibration coursing through my fingers into my body," Charlie responded.
I looked at her with a new fascination. That isn't what typical humans respond with. Usually they seem interested but not genuinely and not with a response that usually a baby witch would say... which she just did. So I asked her "So you come from a lineage of witches?" She looked a me confused and shook her head "No I don't believe so. My father isn't a witch and my step mother and I aren't close and it wouldn't matter if she was because we share no blood."