I just got to the new place I'm going to have to call home. It is smaller than my original town for shore. I'm looking out the window and I see a bunch of different people, kids riding skateboards, kids on horse and on dirt bike but all together that would never happen in my town. Everyone in my town belong in a group so this was all too weird. When me and my family got to the house with my new step dad I was stunned. It was so small how is 12 people going to fit in this house.
Annastcia mom - so what do you guys think I know it small but we are going to add on to it.
Annastacia step dad - yeah we are going to add on so what do you guys think.
Annastacia siblings- um I guess it's cool.
I mean ok this should do are we sharing rooms.
Annastacia mom -Yeah you guys are. you girls have the room on the top floor by mine and dicks room. and rylee your and maddox room is by the girls and Cody and dixton you two are at the bottom floor.
Oh my god you're joking mom right how is 5 girls are sharing one room.
Annastacia mom - It only for a bit thin you all will have your own room okay.
When I walked into the house there was the smell of caramel and it was neat I actually loved it. I walk outside where there is a barn that is two stories I fell in love with more than anything. Even though I miss where I come from like hell I think I can possibly call this my home.