Chereads / Total War System / Chapter 65 - Philip makes a desperate plea

Chapter 65 - Philip makes a desperate plea

King Philip had ordered makeshift Forts to be built and manned by Low end Conscripts this was to only Slow down Ryjins march as he prepared Pella for the Definite siege to come these Forts where set up in the way of the march towards Pella this was not a Problem for Ryjin due to His force's are So huge he can separate a 100k detachment and have them Continue to lay Siege to all these forts to Destroy any plan Philip had of stalling Ryjin's March did not slow at all infact it speed up Much to the Dissatisfaction of Philip.

Achilles had given his second in command a mission to attain Archimedes and Alexander and also Olympias Alexanders mother his second left the main army at the march's start and headed Straight for Pella.

with this Ryjin was confidant of Wiping out the Macedon's however Ryjin believes that once all of Macedon knows he intends to wipe them out all of the Macedonian people will rise up and fight but Ryjin will Kill them all regardless he is at the head and see's a string of forts come in to sight He wave's his hand and Archie Takes a detachment of 1000 legions of Ji Infantry and also 500 legions of Thunder of Jian'an Crossbows Ryjin continued his march Leaving archie to slaughter all these forts and all the towns and city's round this area.

Ryjin was now on a beeline March for Pella as he saw more of these makeshift Forts So he had the 1500 Thunder of Jian'an crossbows Up front of the army as they Fired Bolts after bolts with Extreme range the enemy could do nothing and Fort after fort was Razed and all enemy's Killed the fort's where aflame and the smoke could be seen even from Pella King philip was now worrying and was becoming frustrated he had ordered all his generals and commanders to take to the walls and he shall guard the palace with his elite guard He had his wife and child Locked in his chambers for the last 2 days he decided to go and relive some of his stress by Having his wife a few times before the siege fight How ever to his surprise his wife and child where no where to be found ??.

He shouted for the servants and slave's to tell him where she is and where she has gone But no one know's she vanished they all believed she was in his chambers Now philip was angry his wife had left With his child -Little did any know that from the north gate of Pella a carriage had just left Pella and was speeding towards the east- Philip Grabbed a servant Girl and started to Viciously Rape her to vent his anger and Frustration as some of his Generals came rushing in Shouting that The enemy army could now be seen from the walls Philip was Literally half way with this Crying Servant Girl as he threw her aside and went to his armour and Don'd it and also took his sword and spear and left to the walls with his generals.

Ryjin had now arrived at Pella 10 days after he set out on the march the reason it took so long was due to the sheer size of his army archie had returned to the army after razing all forts Ryjin then Gave Archie command of the 1000 legions of china's Heavy Xiliang Cavalry his orders where to Attack every Town city and village with no walls and to Raze them all Kill everyone Take what ever you want Archie had Rode off with the cav as Ryjin's Full attention was on Macedon he was going to show the world Who not to fuck with As Ryjin was on deathclaw at the head of his army Ryjin went forward as his army had Surrounded all of Pella except the Port area he did not bring any ships so that area was open and not blockaded.

Ryjin was now in no mans land between his army's siege camp's and the enemy's walls as he Shouted while enhancing it with magic as he said.

-I am Emperor Ryjin De Dragon Emperor of Draconis Empire and I tell you now ALL MACEDON'S SHALL BE EXTERMINATED DOWN TO THE LAST this is for your Muppet of a kings Insults and provoking me and my empire and now i shall show you What it means TO FUCK WITH MY EMPIRE-

as Ryjin said that he raised his right arm as it glowed a Crimson Red as a Huge silhouette was now shrouding him and before Both sides a Huge Dragon appeared and Roar'd at its maximum and the ground shook and so did the walls and buildings the land round the dragon had started to Set ablaze due to the Dragons Sheer heat Ryjin was Literally stood under it as all heard his next words.

Deathwing -as he said his name the dragon looked at his master- BURN THAT WALL TO MOLTEN ROCK open up that wall for my army to enter and massacre that City after that you can stay out and kill all you like of there people.

-Deathwing Literally just gave the enemy 1 Evil Grin as all could see flames gathering in his mouth at an alarming rate as he arc'd his head back and gathered all the air and fire he could as In 1 Full burst he just Fire'd all he had towards the wall Many Macedon troops on the wall just set ablaze and started to set aflame and some melted The wall its self had also started melting-

To the horror of the Macedon's and King Philip had become terrified he shouted for his Priests to Sacrifice 100 animals to the gods for aid But as they where leaving he shouted NO sacrifice 100 Virgin girls To all the gods for help.

This Very act would Go down in history as the moment a battle became a Fight amongst Titans and gods.

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