Chereads / The Demon’s Summon / Prologue Part 1

The Demon’s Summon

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Prologue Part 1

Arthur awoke in a dark room. All he could hear was his annoying alarm. "Jesus Christ!" He grabbed his phone and realized it wasn't his alarm.

It was his sister trying to call him. 'Forty two missed calls?!?' He picked up the phone. "It's nine in the morning! What's so important, Isabella?"

Through the phone, a worried voice came through. "Isn't today your fist day working at X-Tech? Your shift should've started already!"

Arthur sighed. "No, it's tomorrow. Besides, it wouldn't have started until four anyway."

"That's a late start..." Was all Isebella could say. "Anyways, why aren't you already up?"

Arthur got out of bed and walked to his bathroom. "Gabriel and Drew were keeping me up. I told them you'd kill them if I don't go to sleep and they finally let me go."

He shut the bathroom door and turned on the shower. "I'll talk to you later, sis."

He laid his phone down and took off all his clothes, throwing them in the hamper. Arthur stared in the mirror. He had short blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin, and an average build.

"You're finally gonna make your parents proud." He said to himself.

He took a twenty minute shower before getting out and putting on clothes.

He wore sighlty worn blue jeans, a white shirt, and an open red flannel shirt. He grabbed his glasses and looked at the time on his phone.


Arthur sighed before brushing his teeth and leaving his apartment. He drove through California City, arriving in front of a café. He walked in after parking his car and ordered a coffee. He got his order and walked back to his car.

As he began drinking his coffee, Arthur's phone rang. "What is it, Gabriel?"

"Dude," Gabriel's deep voice came through the phone, "It's Friday! Are you skipping the lectures or something?"

Arthur almost spit out his coffee. "Oops. Im still in bed. I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Hurry, the lecture starts in twenty."

Arthur put his car in gear and booked it, barely going over the speed limit. As he arrived at an intersection, he didn't see the light to red.

A truck was coming at him and... he stopped his car in time!

'That was close.' Arthur thought. 'I almost died today!' He barely managed to stop the car as the truck passed by.

After driving a bit more, being careful not to be hit by a truck, he made it to the campus, five minutes remaining. As he parked his car, he got out and sprinted for the building.

After a long sprint, he made it to his lecture hall. 'Made it.' He slowed to a walk as he went inside.

"Hey, Arthur!" A girl said. "No one thought you were coming today." Arthur waved and walked over to Gabriel.

Arthur is somewhat known through the college, seeing as he is one of the only three who was able to get a scholarship over the past two decades.

"One minute? Good time, for someone who slept instead getting up. Don't you already know most of this stuff?"

Arthur nodded. "Most, meaning not all of it. You also sounded upset."

Gabriel shook his head. "Not upset, frustrated. I don't like your twin breathing down my neck all the time.

Anyways, I found this anime where the MC was transporte-"

"Stop." Arthur said. "You know it's impossible for something like that to happen, right? It'd be cool and all but..."

- Processing... -

- Host Selected -

- Beginning Summoning Process... 1% -

Arthur looked around, confused. "Did you hear that?"

Gabriel shook his head. "Hear what? Did you get enough sleep, we let you off at 4:00 am." He shook his head. "Never mind that. The lecturer is here."

Ten minutes into the lecture, Arthur heard it again.

- Summoning Process... 2% -

He looked around again, blaming his imagination and boredom for the cold robotic voice.

The lecture ended a bit earlier, due to the lecturer having a family emergency.

Gabriel turned to Arthur. "Hey, how much money would you take to willingly let someone do whatever they want to you?"

Arthur laughed. "What kind of question is that, man? My answer would be a few billion, maybe a trillion? Some people have the money for that."

Gabriel nodded. "I'd say no in general. Taking any sum of money for someone to do whatever they want to you. I read a study that said most people that give an answer like yours are immoral. Are you?" He joked.

Arthur shrugged. "Maybe, I've never had to do something immoral, so we won't know unless something happens."

Gabriel understood. "Hey, isn't it weird that it's almost Christmas. And then 2040 will be a few days away." Arthur added. "I can't believe it, I'll be twenty one in just a few days. I also can't believe we haven't had a second World War yet. I mean, yeah it's good, but I just don't believe it."

Gabriel agreed. "There was almost one one hundred years ago, but the man, Adolf whatshisname was assassinated early on."

He waved goodbye to Gabriel and walked out of the hall. He pulled his phone out and heard the voice again.

- Summoning Process... 5% -

He waved at people that called out to him. He then bumped into the director of the college. "Sorry, Uncle Drew."

The man was in his late thirties or early forties, and wore a suit and tie. He had long black hair and a portable game device in his hand. "Don't worry about it, Arthur. We've got a raid to beat in a few hours, don't forget to mend your relationship with Dragon, alright?

We can't beat this boss without her."

Arthur nodded. "I'm just not ready for a relationship, and she knew that. It wasn't my fault. She won't even talk to m-" He looked at Drew's sad eyes.

"It's an event boss, Night! You said we could beat it!"

Night referred to the Guild leader of the Nine Fallen Greats. The smallest, yet one of the strongest guilds in Second Chance: The RPG.

Arthur shook his head before saying,"Shh! Don't use that name here! I'll talk to her." He left after the day ended, Arthur left the campus and went straight to a fancy restaurant.

In Arthur's world, MMORPGs became one of the most popular media, almost completely taking over the gaming industry. Many indie devs began to make

"Hello and welcome to the-" The girl greeting him had long pink hair, smooth white skin, big green eyes, and a soft voice. "What the hell do you want, Arthur?" This was SilverDragon, also known as Dragon, Silver, or what her friends call her, Kate.

Arthur asked if they could talk.

She reluctantly agreed and they sat at an empty table. "You're lucky my parents run this place. What is it you wanted to talk about?"

Arthur looked into her eye. "Listen, I'm really sorry I can't return your feelings, but the guild needs you. We can't defeat the event raid boss without you. Your a a key piece of the machine, that can't function if you fall out."

Kate raised an eyebrow. "Cruasader sent you to tell me all this, didn't he?" Kate only refers to Drew by his class because no one ever chooses Crusader as their main role, she also refuses to say his name: TheDominator. Crusader is the most difficult class to play in Second Chance.

She sighed. "Fine, but after this raid, I'm also leaving the Nine Fallen Greats."

Arthur nodded. "Yeah, I don't blame you, after Joker and Diamond left, we aren't as powerful as we used to be. There factions also left the guild, joining others." He looked down at his phone.


'I need to get food.' Arthur thought.