Anthony was tired from busy and stressful school work so he couldn't come to the man's house. Plus, he had a flight going to his cousins house and is staying there for three days. Although, he had his phone number so he could call the man when he has arrived at his cousins house. He and his family went to the airport and flew off to Liverpool. While everyone was doing their stuff, Anthony decided to eat a gobstopper on the way. As the plane landed, he was excited. As he and his family were getting ready to leave the airport and go to their cousins house, there was a telephone nearby but though, Anthony couldn't call because they would be late if they arrived sooner. So, Anthony couldn't call the man and he had to wait for a while. 1 hour later, they arrived at their cousins house and Anthony decided to call the man. He dialed the number on an old telephone box and hurried to call him. Then, the man picked up the phone and said, "Are you in Liverpool, lad?". Anthony responded with a yes. They had a very long conversation, for about one hour or so. Then, they were tired of talking so they hung up the call. As Anthony had dinner with his family and cousins, he decided what things to do with his cousins. As he finished his food, he went to his bed and slept calmly.