WAIT!! the clan leader was cut short and a Elder stepped up, the Lords and the other elder looked towards the foul..
Elder Arttack; the clan leader looked over and saying..
There was an unwritten rule that while the leader was speaking you do not interrupt but this was not the first time this elder had done this. "Where are the child's kin, and who are they" he shouted with a smug look on his face..
"Right here" Tyaon walked in with bloody bandages around his knuckles and up his hands, slash marks could be seen but weren't deep.
Tyaon strolled in with more of a stragger than he would of liked but he reached where he wasn't to go..
"It's Tyaon, does that me Shyki gave birth" one of the house lords spoke in a hush tone. Tyaon stood in front of the crib and latex his eyes upon his son, a single tear slide down his cheek and a faint smile appeared then slowly faded..
The hall became silent as the almost crippled elf took the child from the crib and knelt in front of the clans leader.
The clan leader knew what Tyaon was initiating and so without wasting time he waved for the two elders and the four house lords to gather around and they stood in a circular formation around Tyaon and kialo.
Rez stood back she as she was appointed clan witness. The clan leader approach and stood in place the he began..
To all who stand here and to the gods of our realm, the house Nor has bore fruit thy of our kin, Clan NorTirion accepts all responsibilities and burdens within there name form now on and till time ceases, the bond of clan and house must be united so I ask who bears witness; the clan leader spoke in a stern and leading voice..
I bear witness; Rez;Rez stepped forward and voices her words.
Who of the clan bear witness; the two elders Arttack and Gimeal looked down and said..
We of the clan NorTirion recognizes house Nor as legitimate in its name and place in the clan.
Who of the houses bear witness; the four house lords looked down and spoke one after the other;
We of house Pregance bear witness to the house of Nor..
We of house Whitemane bear witness to the house of Nor..
We of house Ecotiako bear witness to the house of Nor..
We of house Clamkati bear witness to the house of Nor..
White the recognition of house Nor and there blood maybe recognize as true Kin's men to the clan of NorTirion for the rest of there time.
The clan leader Knelt down and looked Tyaon in his eyes, and placed the two collars in front of him, Tyaon eyes narrowed and he felt his own collar tighten but he understood and took them. The circle never fades he thought to himself as he stood up and turned.
As superior as the elven race was the humans found a way to beat them down into submission. And the Collars where at the center part of it. A Imperial slave and if an elf was caught or seen without an collar they would be killed on sight as a strick reminder to others..
And without saying a word he turned and walked out in to the setting sun of the second day.
305 Year of the world Calendar
Boy!!; the sound of Tyaon voice tumble through the wooden cabin that had been builded upon a sturdy mountain cliff far and deep away from the village.The ear drums of the now 5 year old kialo ruffled and he sprung to his feet. He darted from his room as his collar dangled around his neck and to the front of the cabin.
Tyaon stood in his hunters furs with the carcass of a dead deer over his shoulders.
Kialo stares up at him bright eyes and he was about to speak when Tyaon stopped him.
Find the fire coals and pikes I'll be outside it's time for you to learn how to cut and skin a carcass and then how to fight and hunt feel you..
Tyaon said no more and turned and walked out into the tattered and messy yard, kialo looked at the fade of his father and hi a hush tone he said slowly
Welcome home father..
Tyaon payed the boy no mind and kept walking out, the air was bashful and he stood there by taking it all in a faint smile appeared as he thought of his wife then it disappeared and he returned to a cold as ever.
Kialo came out and laid out the coal and Tyaon placed the deer down upon them. Come here boy; he shouted and grabbed kialo's hand, Now listen boy and this will be you first lesson; said sternly, don't talk "you must always listen before talking. "
Tyaon looked into kialo's and placed a dagger into his palm. The boys eyes and tilted but pointed ears twitched as the weigh of it pulled him..Listen up Tyaon began..
Then your prey is down you must strike it at these points, Tyaon point to the under part of the deers throat, the spit between its two front legs, then to the middle section of its rib cage and then final at the head..
Tyaon to hold of kialo's which was wrapped around the handle of the blade and pierced the neck of the deer swiftly..Then he did so with each spot he had pointed out previously.
Now depending on what type of prey or threat you have in front of you delivering these blows must be precise so you must practice those strikes every day without fail.
Now lesson two; To Survive you must kill; To eat you must hunt; To thrive you must rule, Never forget this; Tyaon leaned in deep to meet kialo's eyes. Now grab that end and dig your fingers in, and so he did and they both pulled back and peeled the skin of the deer..
Good now lesson three..
Author here👋🏾: If you like the story so far please do vote or leave a comment either one..Thank for reading and the building time is up next.