Author's Note:
You've all said that you wanted the story back and I've started getting back in the groove , so here it is.
This is a original chapter so don't worry about it.
Just something I have been dealing with guys that may be a problem with the story....
Until later , for this Volume, there is no overarching plot.
Now hold on , I do have a plot for the whole story but for now due his actions and the era he is in , nothing can happen.
Villains of The Original Series ? Ben has either non existent ( Ghostfreak), killed or redeemed them. Or there Inconsistent constants of the universe ( Vilgax and Animo).
The Highbreed or certain crossovers ( Rex and the Saturdays) happen in his teenage years and can only happen in his teenage years ( due to him being older than Zak Saturday and the dimensional crossing happening years down the line ) without smelling like loads of story breaking BS .
And I've heard enough readers say they dislike the rehashing of canon so after a few chapters explaining how many butterflies Ben has unleashed for future plot threads, some filler , omakes and 'my' version of Secrets of the Omnitrix , I'll start doing Original stories and his teenage years.
Take look .
What are the similarities between a thunderstorm and a computer ?
Sensors online.
Audio systems online.
Thermal sensors online.
Fuel lines intact.
Atmospheric pressure generators online.
Electronics work when electrons move to create electricity and electric signals carried .
An electric signal is simply an electric current or voltage modified in some way to represent information, such as sound, pictures, numbers, letters, or computer instructions. Signals can also be used to count objects, to measure time or temperature, or to detect chemicals or radioactive materials.
Now apply that to a thunderstorm...
Electronics depend on certain highly specialized components, such as transistors and integrated circuits, which are part of almost every electronic product. These devices can manipulate signals extremely quickly; some can respond to signals billions of times per second.
Lightning is a discharge of electricity. A single stroke of lightning can heat the air around it to 30,000°C (54,000°F)
This extreme heating causes the air to expand explosively fast.
All the energy needed for a supercomputer...
The expansion creates a shock wave that turns into a booming sound wave, known as thunder.
The sky was roaring.
As ice crystals high within a thunderstorm cloud flow up and down in the turbulent air, they crash into each other. Small negatively charged particles called electrons are knocked off some ice and added to other ice as they crash past each other. This separates the positive (+) and negative (-) charges of the cloud. The top of the cloud becomes positively charged while the base of the cloud becomes negatively charged.
Because opposites attract, the negative charge at the bottom of the storm cloud wants to link up with the ground's positive charge. Once the negative charge at the bottom of the cloud gets large enough, a flow of negative charge called a stepped leader rushes toward the Earth. The positive charges at the ground are attracted to the stepped leader, so positive charge flows upward from the ground. When the stepped leader and the positive charge meet, a strong electric current carries positive charge up into the cloud. This electric current is known as the return stroke. We see it as the bright flash of a lightning bolt.
This is how millions of lighting bolts were striking the western hemisphere, specifically the USA.
Thunder and lightning occur at roughly the same time although you see the flash of lightning before you hear the thunder. This is because light travels much faster than sound.
Hundreds were permanently blinded before they were given deafening rumbles.
Hurricanes form from disturbances in the atmosphere over warm, tropical ocean water. They die down when they move over land or out of the tropics and into cooler latitudes. These storms are called hurricanes in the Atlantic and typhoons or tropical cyclones in other areas of the world.
Because of the Coriolis effect, the storms rotate counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
At the center of the rotating storm is a small area of calm weather and clear skies called the eye of the storm. Surrounding the calm of the eye are the most intense winds of the storm and thick clouds of the eyewall.
Hurricanes grow when the storms travel over areas with warm ocean water, low winds outside the storm, and high levels of moisture in the atmosphere.
There destructive capabilities is untold.
Temperature - Calculating
Humidity - Calculating
Wind Motion - Calculating
Chaos Protocol.
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