Ian has lived a normal life you can say that he wasn't that rich or that smart but somehow his life was lived differently than most others. He lived most of his life pretty much hanging out with his friend from a prestigious family known as Claire who he's known since childhood their parents were friends back in their school days so their parents had them play together and they became friends he got a job that at Aexis from his college friend named Rob and he didn't know what was going to be entailed for him with the project of the portal. After working there for a couple of years and also bringing some other people like his friend Grant Ian had tried to be as meticulous as he could and make sure he did everything right while being at this job even getting his ring clear to help support the project too but It all went wrong on the test day.
"I thought I had all the numbers and the theories right I didn't think I could go this wrong"
As Ian says this to himself as he is floating in a void of nothingness that just contracts and grows further the more he looks at it. He tries to float or move his way to get to land that he can see, but the more he moves there the further away he gets.
"Damn, it feels like I'm trapped out in space" with the area around him continuing to grow and expand.
Ian says as he can't reach the land but as time goes on Ian starts to notice one thing his body is elongating further and and expanding from the way his original form.
"No why is this happening how do I stop what do I do"
Ian panics floating in the void trying to find a way out of the situation that he is in but he can't do anything with space growing further away from him so he tries to just think and calm himself down with anything that can help him. The first thing he can think about is sleeping, being at home playing with dogs and being with his friends, and also being with Claire his closest friend but none of those work, and his body starts to change, and he feels like he is teleporting, going through dimensions, growing, shifting, and splits in half but then he finally opens his eyes and he noticed that the area around him is changing just as much as himself.
"What is this where am I what what's going on"
As Ian says this he notices that the world is shifting, flipping, turning in and out, glowing with different colors, expanding, and shrinking as his body is doing the same thing but he is also splitting in half duplicating himself and coming back together into one singular being, his body parts expanding and coming of piece by piece, and then being put back together. He tries to refocus on and thinks to hold himself as being a whole a singular being that is not expanding, elongating, and not growing out further than it should be and it's working he tries to keep himself grounded to remember his original form and shape and as he does that something starts to press around him unknowingly.
As he has his eyes closed the space around him seems to be compressing itself until it goes into one singular point. The space that was growing endlessly starts to shrink down as the energy that is permeating from it starts to focus on one source Space is going into one singular point which is Ian. He feels himself growing bigger and bigger but he remains the same as he has his eyes closed. The space around him seems to Compacting itself shrinking from its endless expanse into himself being absorbed into his body and possibly his soul. As the space finally stops expanding the area around it seems to return to normal. The void is gone and Ian is just there changed in different ways than he could understand seeing everything around him including the big piece of the land around him but the main thing that he sees right now is a being that is coming closer to him.