Chapter 57 - V7 Ch 8: Cat boy... !?

Arriving at the shrine Sandstorm senses something off and sends Bunta home in her car saying she can make it home no issue.

Sandstorm walks up to the shrine and looks around. It a out door shrine in the mountains with a dirt path leading to it.

"Hello? You can come out now?" Sandstorm asks unsure of what the presence she is feeling is. I mean of course she could forcibly move it from wherever it is but that would give away her abilities. Although her power is weakened she should still be the strongest being in this world.

Suddenly a tear in space opens up and out steps a boy with cat ears.

"Sandstorm Ford, we would like it if you supported us like your great grandfather did." Says the boy

'Why the hell is warrant officer Schrodinger in this world'

"I have a question first." Sandstorm says smirking

"Ask away?" Schrodinger asks a bit worried that she's not immediately asking what he is.

"If you answer this question... I can give you immortality." Sandstorm says trying not to laugh looking at his face.

"Ok so here it is. If you put a cat in a sealed box with nothing observing it and in there is a device that has a 50% chance of killing said cat within the next hour" Sandstorm starts

Warrant officer schrodinger starts to feel a cold sweat go down his back.

"At the end of the hour is the cat dead or alive? Because according to quantum physics it is both, right? Or do you get a cat that can teleport?" Sandstorm asks him showing him a shit eating grin before disappearing from her spot like she teleported away.

Leaving Schrödinger sufficiently spooked.


In the bar Carnation

"Hi Re"Sandstorm says showing up at the bar to see Seras sitting at a stool.

Sandstorm transforms into her 9 tailed fox form.

"Seras, how did you get here? Arn't you stuck in the avatar word?" Sandstorm asks Seras.

"Uh hi? Do you know me?" Seras/Micheal asks confused

"Hi Sandstorm" Re says walking out with the alcohol only gods can drink.

"Yes and no Micheal, thanks for curing cancer in my home world." Sandstorm says with a smile.

"So you also reincarnated?" Seras asks

"Yes and no... through several mistakes I also became a girl." Sandstorm says

"So Re?" Sandstorm starts but is quickly interrupted.

"Yeah I know your question. Some worlds are mixed because there are infinite universes so infinite possibilities." Re says

"Then is the one I'm in now the same as Seras?" Sandstorm asks

"Shouldn't be I was sent to a mix of 3 hellsing worlds." Seras says with a smile.

"Does that includes the abridged?" Sandstorm asks taking a drink of the drink Re gave her.

After awhile of talking and drinking

Sandstorm face starts to flush red after drinking a few drink.

"Ne, Seras! What's it like with Allucard?" Sandstorm asks

"He's actually pretty great." Seras says with a smile.

"I wish your Fate weaver(author) kept writing it's been like 2 months and I like watching your life." Sandstorm says drunk while Re is waving at her to stop.

"Fate weaver?" Seras begins to ask then noticed that Sandstorm has passed out drunk.

"Well it's been fun Re, I'm heading home Storm is a good drinking buddy." She says before teleporting away.

"What am I going to do with this drunk goddess of fate?" Re asks herself with a helpless smile. before moving Sandstorm to the same room upstairs, she used the first time she came to Carnation.


The next morning

"Huh a familiar ceiling?" Sandstorm says looking up in the bed.

(Fate: you have to love your status basically no hang over... im jealous)

'You can drink?'


Sandstorm then heads down stairs.

"I'm heading back Re, see you another day." Sandstorm says with a smile teleporting out.

Forgetting to transform back.