Chereads / A Rose And The Thunder / Chapter 3 - Scenes From The Past

Chapter 3 - Scenes From The Past

Sierra sat cross-legged on a soft bed, her freshly washed, long, blonde hair cascading down her back and a mug of hot tea in her hands. She tentatively raised the mug to her lips to take a small sip, relishing the warm sensation spreading to her stomach. She is feeling refreshed after that shower, especially now that she is dressed in a clean, white cotton nightgown. Lynette had left a while ago before promising to serve dinner in about half an hour. Until then, Sierra is left to ponder over the day's events.

The room is rather small, with cream coloured walls and only a few items of furniture. Along the wall furthest from the door is a single bed with a bedside table and a small lamp sitting on top. It would have been nice to have a window. Sierra wished she could observe everything that was going on outside the building. She could only try to imagine what lies beyond the building's exit.

What kind of world is 2060 anyway? Obviously entering an era with greater advances in technology could mean improvements are common in healthcare, transportation and particularly machinery used for the purpose of making life easier. On the other hand, it could also be useful for the fabrication of weapons used in warfare. Before her previous life ended, Sierra recalled news of breakthroughs in robotics and artificial intelligence and that, very soon, their world would be depending on robots, even in order to carry out daily tasks. There were also fears that robots would one day take over our world. It wasn't a pleasant thought and she hoped that those theories weren't true.

Life is certainly strange, with many unexpected paths one can take. Sierra did not know hers could take such a surprising turn. She was the type of person who was content with living a stable life and therefore, could not adjust well to change. However, she knew she had to leave that part of her behind and accept that she is now a part of a new world. And a new world came with plenty of opportunities.

She didn't blame her family for the decision they had to make, no matter how awful it made her feel. She knew they were only trying to do their best to help her. In the hope that she will live a normal life free from danger and destruction. But now, they were no longer here and she had to enter this new life alone. The guilt was still there. Did they really make the right choice, sending her here, so they could suffer instead?

After finishing her cup of tea, Sierra lay back onto the soft bed, her hair splayed out in all directions on the mattress. A small, sad sigh escaped her lips. A wave of fatigue swept over her and she closed her eyes. It wasn't long until scenes from her past replayed in her mind, with blurry figures dancing in the darkness.


"Sierra! Sierra, please look at me! You have to do this! Don't think about us, you need to live the best life you can! You only get one chance and you still have many years left ahead of you!" Her mother cried, she could barely hold herself together. "I'm not letting you throw that all away! Your dad and I have made this decision together and you told me you wished you could escape everything. Darling, we just want you to be safe."

"I can't leave you! I won't..." Sierra felt like her heart was ripping in two. Tears silently fell down her cheeks. She knew it was desperation that had led to their decision, but she couldn't let her parents preserve her body and send it forward in time. Not while they were in danger and stuck in the past.