Walking in the dark walls, water drip... cold as ice.. As I walk, sense some people talking too.. We were all afraid. This morning, I was walking home, then someone kidnapped me... I know it is what common people like me think. Imagine a sock? And something that cover my mouth and nose... this is creepy.. I shouldn't go out at night. Maybe, some unknown human... follow my schedule pattern.. Argh. My anxiety is getting high.. I mean, really height..
Oh shit. Did he or she, can... re-read... minds?!
And I become quite...
It's been, hour we were walking... my eyes is already gaining something.. I could barely see what is outside through the small hole from the sock? I don't know what kind of fabric is this,but if your in panic mode. You might die... Hmmm... my feet is so wet.. My rubber shoes from Lazada is wet.. It's an online shop..I missed the sale!
As we walk even further, I realized that there's a lot of people... woman, men, old people, boy & girl? Wait?! Boy and girl?! They kidnapped little ones!
Now, I'm getting angry!!! Really angry! And then, my body is on fire... the thing covering my head.. burn.
Suddenly, I have seen the creature around me... many people cover with cloth.. like they did to me.. and then..
Then, I finally understand things...
They were not human..
Tikbalang (horse head and lower body, from the waist is human, some have human from waist above and a legs of horse), duwende (dwarf, elf,) and even diwata ( fairy or nymph). All in this place...
The people, still walk as if nothing is happening. They were under spell... I don't know why, but I have been in this state.. I want to go out!
A witch approach me, not too old... but a woman? She is gorgeous one... her voice is so clear.. she is wearing a black coat with hoodie... and under the cloak is red-haired woman, her long red-blood dress with 2 cut for her legs. Shows her legs, with gold writings, it was the Baybayin, the old letter of Philippines. Even her arms are cover with tattoos... She unleash her magic spells, they were red mix with gold..
"Woman, I know your scared.Believe in me, you know me..." her voice were sounded like Catriona Gray of Miss Universe. And now, I have noticed the resemblance.
As she cast the spell, I fell asleep...
When I woke up, I was in a room... the bed is wood... I smell the old narra tree.. That's my grandmother old table. The upper ceiling looks like I'm inside a 'kubo'.
The woman in red, sits besides me...
"Good Morning, little girl" she smiles at me and it's kind an eerie feeling when you jist enjoy watching the Miss Universe smiles at me... I mean, all Filipino loves them..
"Hello, mam. May I know your name? You resemblance someone I know, that she don't know me... like that? Set-up." I'm scared mix with excitement.
"Hmmm, that's normal in here. My name is Lady Catty The Red Witch. I will be yiur teacher. I choose you to be my student. To be one of the greatest witch." she smiles...
I feel like, I couldn't say 'no' to a gorgeous woman... and she looks really like her..I mean. Even her outfit, she told me... About this world, using her old table.. There's a lamp of fire.
From that fire, form a story... it form the story about this place... why is people were kidnapped..and what happens to them..in this world..
Little by little, I understand the world...
To be precise.. There were 4 Goddess in this world that balance the whole world.
Catty as the Fire
Pia as the Water
Glory as the Wind
Marga as the Nature
The cool and interesting is, they looked a like the Ms.Universe... Now, I'm much more curious, she told me.. Humans feel comfortable whenever they used this face. And she told me, that people, Filipino were so madly in love with this woman. For so many years, they used thus face, it's like magic...
I now realize something, ask her...about the "diwata" taking some mortal and let them enter their world... then.. timelap is way to different in this world. By now, it maybe, a year in mortal... I remember my grandmother used to tell me...
A old man, were tempted by a 'diwata' and entered her world. They became husband and wife and children... Many of them... however, no matter happens.. A human will never think only by himself. He asked the 'diwata' whom he loves so dearly to help him to visit his siblings. She refused and told him, that everyone of his family died. So long ago, it's 50 years since he came here... and he told him..how about his youngest sister. He knew he was a baby girl when he went with her... Around 3 years old... and he was 20 years old back then...
The 'diwata' told her this, "She is an old woman,only few days and she will die too... what is purpose when she will die too.. and they already forget about you. You know, this world right? Once you return to your world, you will died faster... in here, it holds you even more, until 200 more..your body will turn really old when you go out."
He was so angry, because the 'diwata' didn't told her about her family. His children, told him not too... and even put a curse on him if he still wants to go..but he wants to see his last blood-related sister. I miss the hug of my family.
Soon, he ignore what they told him. When he entered the Human World, he wore the same clothes when he was gone in the mountains. He did found his youngest sister. She is around 50 years old, but the Life she had is almost gone now... she was busy taking care of her Mini-store.. He approached him and told her about him. He even remembered everything as if it was yesterday.
The two were so happy, but human still harbor painful memories. She didn't have memory of him, except from the old stories from their parents. The family of his sister feel suspicious about him... and started to fool him that it was just mere joke to be his family.