"You can use your other hand, right?"
Aiden asked out of the blue.
"My what???"
Nathalia, on the other hand, asked back with a dumbfounded expression.
Her brain was still having a hard time trying to keep pace on what was happening at the moment.
"I mean can you use your left hand at doing your Hokus Pokus instead? Like waving or snapping your finger or whatever it is that you do every time you are trying to teleport us somewhere. Cause I don't think I would be letting go of your hand anytime soon."
Nathalia gasped for a while and then she followed it with a sultry laugh.
She rested her forehead against Aiden's hard chest. A lame attempt to hide her face which she was certain that had already taken a complete shade of scarlet by now.
Once again, Nathalia got attacked and was defenseless against Aiden's unexpected words and she fell defeated and all words she wanted to say was as though thrown out of the window.