Sleep paralysis demon was just one of the common creatures of the dark that were at large on the mortal realm and there were times that Murphey took initiative to get rid of them whenever he found some spare time in his disposal.
But other than that, there was also another infamous entity that was associated with sleep. these were the incubi and succubi.
Unlike sleep paralysis demons who simply paralyzed one's body for a while out for fun, incubus and succubus were more dangerous entities.
They were demonic spirits that used to appear on one's dream and usually took the form of either male or female demon depending on the gender of the victim that they wished to seduce. These demons breed themselves by invoking salacious dreams on their victims and having intercourse with them.
The incubus used to impregnate women with its demon seed while the succubus on the other hand would usually impregnate itself using a human male.