When Daniel Joint the School, he observed that all the tasks he saw in his dreams are done the next day. He Found it Quite interesting. He tried to beat Toppers n got 1st Position but his Mom doubted. Her Mom kept an eye on him. After sometime, the reality was known by his mom. Daniel n Mom was now together. Time passed. One Day he dreamt that a big challenge is coming to him. It was like a nightmare. He got scared and ran to his Mom. His mom calmed him down and asked him to tell her full dream. He told everything. His Mom Said," Honey, no problem I'll always be there to fight for you & help you face your problems." Daniel was now fine, as regular days he went to school n get back to home. When he entered to his room he felt that someone was inside but he couldn't find who's that. Suddenly A strange looking Lady came in front of him n that was a Vamp. Daniel was scared, he tried to scream but that lady stopped him. The Lady was Friendly. She introduced herself she said," Hi Daniel, I'm Mia Hawkins, I know you're surprised seeing me but don't worry I wouldn't harm you anyway." Daniel asked that what do she wanted from him. She said that some bad Vamps are chasing her to get her superpowers n she wanted to pass all them to Daniel. Daniel asked Consciously ," What? What type of Superpowers?". Mia said that there are some Vampire powers but for that she has to turn him as a vampire by inserting fangs. Daniel called his mom n he asked her. Mom was ready to help Mia. Daniel was now turned into vampire. Those bad vamps found Mia. Mia taking Daniel with him Flown Away. Those bad Vamps were Ranky & his brother Leon. Mia escaped to a forest hill. Ranky & Leon also came there, Daniel Knew that vamps are scared from dogs. Daniel with his powers ran at super fast speed in 2secs he got his dog there Ranky and Leon was defecend now. Now it was the time of attack to kill them Daniel and Mia got Sunshine only on Ranky and Leon, they were finished and turned into ash. This problem was also finished. Daniel & Mia was Best Friends. They used to spend time together & suddenly, Mia screamed.. "OMG!!!!! WHAT'S THAT?"
to be continued...