Chereads / My World Now / Chapter 39 - Blind Man

Chapter 39 - Blind Man

I train Tatsa for six hours. After that we go eat at a restaurant called, "Hearths Embrace." The place is always busy being the only restaurant in town. As soon as we get to the street we can smell the food and hear laughter. Tatsa runs out in front of me saying, "Are you coming? Hurry up! I'm starving." I shake my head and smile as I follow her the rest of the way."

The waitress that steps up to us when we get to the door is Rayca. She has on a yellow dress and an off white apron. Her hair is green and skin is orange. She is a little on the heavy side and has huge breasts. She smiles and says, "Table for two?" I nod yes and she leads us to our table. Every step she takes people watch out of the corner of their eyes. Her chest jiggles slightly with every step.

The place has a nice atmosphere. There are a good 30 round wooden tables. Each one has four matching wooden chairs. She leads up down a line of booths along the wall. She motions to our seats and asks, "Do you know what kind of drink you want?" As we slide into our seats Tatsa almost jumps out of hers again as she says, "I want clava berry juice."

I turn to her and say, "I'll have water and some Tarkna tea." Rayca bows with a smile and says, "I'll be right back with your drinks" Tatsa pulls out the menu as she hums to herself. I silently look at mine. There isn't much to choose from only ten meal items. When Rayca gets back and sets the tea pot down I take the time to pour myself a cup of the cinnamon lemon scented tea. Then I ask for Boiled sluga roots(sweet potatoes with a raw onion taste) and roasted Partma. Tatsa gets the same thing with Mushroom bread sweeten with honey and Clava berries.

After we eat we head back to the house for one more training session. This time Tatsa doesn't even wait till we get back to the normal training area. We are walking out onto the field when three earthen Wolves lunge at me from behind. She spins around right as my vines wrap around them. They melt back into the ground and the ground around me begins to rise. I find myself surround by earth that is taking the shape of a giant hand and it tries to crush me.

The earth starts to crack as seeds start to sprout through the whole hand. As it starts to crumble I find myself falling through the air straight at the spikes of earth that have appeared below me. Vines sprout from my chest latching onto the arm of earth that is still above me and stopping from landing on the spikes below.

The spikes continue to grow aiming straight at me. I swing myself up her creation and Land on top of it. Then I slide down the arm as spikes come at me from all directions. I hear her scream as the earth falls back to the ground. Tatsa is now upside down wrapped in my vines. She looks angry as she says, "This is so unfair." I look at her and sigh. As walk up to her I wrap the vines around the nearby tree. Then I take a vial I got from Wizzal out of my Void bag and fill it with Earth. I put a cork in it and slide it between the vines and her skin at her waist.

With that I turn and walk away. She says nothing at first until she realizes I intend to leave her like this. She yells, "You aren't going to leave me like this are you?" I wave at her over my shoulder and say, "You have everything you need to free yourself. Think of this as training. Also stop concentrating so much on your opponent. It leaves you open to attacks." As I walk towards the center of town I hear her scream, "Lizeli! Come back here! This isn't right."

I head back to the town square. Then look around and decide to head into the library. I smile at the woman at the front desk and wander around. It don't take me long to get to the backroom door. I wait for a good 1/2 hours before I get a chance to slip through the door. I close the door quietly behind me. There are boxes of old books everywhere. Shelves of scrolls and ink. Stacks of parchments and pens.

I head through the backroom until I come to the far wall. I look around and slip behind the last bookshelf. There is a small crawl space I'd found years ago. I set myself on fire. It's just a soft burn to clean the cobwebs from the crawl space. Once everything is cleared I sit down and close my eyes. As soon as I get settled I send my vibrations into the earth. Being closer to the alchemy shop I can see more details.

The stairs under the alchemy shop go down a good 100 feet then there is a huge cave. I can see stalactites hanging from the ceiling and stalagmites reaching towards the ceiling. There is a huge area cleared of stalagmites. I can feel a man walking around. He is thin and tall. I can see cage after cage. A few have animals and there are huge vats of liquid. I watch him for hours and it looks like he's at a desk working. After watching for a couple hrs I check in on Darkness.

As soon as I connect to him images flash before my eyes the man coming out a few times. Once for a break and another to get a few more empty crates. Three different men went into the backdoor and twice the man from before closes the backdoor after looking around to make sure nobody sees him. I change between Darkness and watching the man through out the day and as night falls the library shuts down. I wait for a few hours till I take action. Then I head out into the main library.

I look around and after a few minutes I pick a window high up above the book shelves. I take flight and land on one on the left side in the back far away from the front desk. When I land on the bookshelf. I find the window is easy to open. It is hinged at the top and goes outward. Once I slip out and drop to the ground the window swings shut after me.

My wings vanish after I softly land and I head over to where darkness is hiding. I put my hand down on the ground and he climbs onto it. After making sure the coast is clear I walk over to the side of the alchemy shop. I place Darkness on the window ledge and as I watch he turns into a stream of black flame and smoke starts to rise as he burns through the wood of the window and melts the lock that's inside.

As he is doing that I remove his jar from my Void bag and open the lid. He turns to the jar once he is done and enters. I close the lid and say, "Good job." After I put him back in the Void bag I start to open the window. The window hinged the same way as the library only these slide inward. I let the window slide shut and turn my feet to a Florensin. Even hidden in the boots I watch as the earth below me starts to rise. I send the dirt through the Slightly open window. Then make a ramp of dirt to the floor below. When I open the window the jars roll down the ramp and land softly against the wall.

I wait for a minute. When I hear nothing I slip into the room and again wait. "Still nothing," so I creep across the floor after I've placed the items back on the window. I wait quietly by the backroom door. I can see a light from under the door and hear laughter. I decide to peak through a crack in the door.

There are two men drinking at the table. One is the one from earlier he has blue pants and a off white shirt. He no longer has on the apron. His skin is orange and his hair is lite green. The other guy has yellow skin with blue hair. His clothes are well maintained. His pants are black and his top is a soft blue color. I can see meat and bread with some kind of soup and cheese on the table.

They appear to be on their second bottle of mead. As I watch the guy I've been watching all day pours the other some more laughing as he says, "He's an idiot. I'm telling you I was this close to getting his Rayback." They both laugh. The man pouring the bottle looks in the end holding it to his eye he says, "It's all gone. Wait here I'll get another bottle." He gets up and is coming my way.

I think fast and slip between the wall and one of the counters covered with products. I slowly pull out my knife. The door bangs open as he passes by. He stops for a minute looking around. I hear him say, "That's where I left ya." He points and follows his finger as he walks over towards the door. He lifts up the clothes hanging over the counter and pulls out a bottle of mead. He laughs as he almost losses his balance and says, "Got ya."

Taking the bottle he heads back through the backdoor saying, "Last bottle. I bet you 5 silver I can drink you under the table." The other guys laughs and says, "Make it 10 and you are on." They both laugh as I put my knife away. As I get back to the door the man is pulling the cork from the bottle. They both tip up their mugs at the same time gulping it down. They slam the mugs back down at the same time saying, "Next," With a laugh.

They continue this and in less then 30 minutes the one I've been watching all day is dragging the other up the stairs saying, "You owe me 10 silver. Make it 15 hav, hav, having to deal with your dumb ass." He laughs and almost falls down the stairs, but is able to catch his balance and continue up the stair. Once they are gone and I hear heavy snores I slip into the room.

I walk over to the trapdoor and after a few minutes I find out it's locked so I take out my black fire knife. It cuts through the lock like butter. With that I slip through the door and into the stone stair case below.

I head down the stairs and through the darkness. Lucky I can see in the dark. I've just made it to where the stairs open up into the cave. I stop to take a look around when a voice says, "Why don't you come down instead of lurking in the stairwell." I look down and continue walking down the stairs. I come to a huge cavern. A man is working at a desk. With chemicals and powders. I can see leather and crystals.

He is a tall, thin man with lite blue hair and orange skin. He lifts up a vial above his head and swirls it to mix it as he looks up at the vial he says, "So what do I owe this unexpected visit." I look at him and something feels wrong as I say, "I'm investigating the crazed beasts attacking the town. Do you know anything about them?" He chuckles writes something down. Then turns around to me saying, "And what would a poor blind man know of such things."

I look at him. His eyes are pitch black. I lift my hand and I can't tell if his eyes are following me. So I move to the left and he turns his head keeping me insight of his pitch black eyes. I look at him as he picks up a crystal from the desk beside him and lifts it up as if comparing me to it. I say, "You may not see like a normal person but I have a feeling you can see me just fine."

His eyes close as he laughs and says, "Right you are, and you happen to have a very strange energy about you. I've never sensed or is it seen anything like you in a living creature. It's almost like one other thing I've sensed or seen just not as amazing. I'd love to take a look at you." With that he laughs and reaches up pulling a lever. The cages hooked to the wall open and 15 wolf beasts come out.

They are coming straight towards me as he says, "Sadly I'll have to examine you some other time. Maybe your dead corpse. Cause I can't risk you messing up my research." Bars slam down between me and him. As I watch he turns and grabs a book from the desk. Then he pours some liquid into one of the vials of bubbling liquid he has over a fire crystal, and runs into the dark cavern.

I sigh and pull out my sword hilt from the Void bag. With that I take a step towards the monsters. The air is suddenly full of a strange odor. I barely have time to change my shape as the vial explodes followed by the huge vats of chemicals behind the desk. I part the flames as I look around. Nothing is left behind but the smell of burnt flesh, fur and the charred remains of the lab. "Pathetic creature," I say as I look around at the remains and see nothing useful.