Chereads / Lost in Time; Battlefront / Chapter 51 - Tradelands; Master Kota

Chapter 51 - Tradelands; Master Kota

As the sun set over the horizon, everyone made their way to the meeting place. Lord Valen, Sebastian, and Ari were already there by the time Mav, Amai, and Serena came down the hill. "After we all meet and share what we have learned, I will reach out to Madame Wren and share with her group. All the while, you can all go clean up and eat dinner. Let the hostess, Kayla, know you are traveling with me. Serena, I request your company while I reach out then you will be free to go on about your way." Serena bowed slightly in response to Lord Valen.

After everyone discussed what they heard, saw, and smelt, they left towards the inn, while Lord Valen and Serena went towards the edge of town. "My Lord, why are we choosing this place to "Reach Out" to Madame Priestess? Would it not be-" "Do you have any inkling as to why I requested your presence Serena?" As they were walking side by side, the moon and stars began to light up the sky, "N-No My Lord, I do not," Serena looked down at the loose dirt as they walked along a lightly traveled path. "For one, I trust you judgment, if I didn't, you would never be a part of Orion, "19" and you wouldn't be on this mission either." Serena quickly looked up and saw Lord Valen looking her in the eyes. "Second," he looked away and continued their walk towards a clearing in the trees. "I have noticed many unfortunate things happen over the years, and I've noticed, for whatever the reason may be, you have the ability to see that within someone." He stopped talking and all that could be heard was the light scuffle of their shoes on the dirt, and a mild breeze rustling the tree's leaves behind them. "You are a high ranking member of the Lightning Unit, but not much has been observed of your true abilities."

Serena suddenly stopped walking, and Lord Valen stopped as well, "I-I don't...My is little more than-" Lord Valen sighed and walked over to where she stood. "Serena, I promised your grandfather I would look after you and protect you, as with many others. Your ability is your own and it should give you strength and confidence. Do not let someone else's belittling, continually bring you down. I didn't know your parents, but I witnessed your grandfather's ability many times. The ability to see what someone truly desires and truly feels is a very helpful ability that can be honed and strengthened to accomplish many great things. Along with the traits of the Lightning Unit, you are a very important member of Orion, and an important person within the temple walls." Serena's bottom lip quivered slightly before she managed a smile, "Thank you for your words My Lord, I can feel the sincerity of them all. I hope you can overlook any doubt you may have seen from within." Lord Valen chuckled lightly and softly patted her head. "Share with me what you truly witnessed today in town," he said as he moved closer towards the edge cliff. She nodded and began to tell him what she saw and heard when she was traveling through town. After a few more moments, Serena began walking back towards the inn while Lord Valen prepared to contact Wren.

...Everyone else had made their way to the Inn and settled in for some dinner and drinks. After most everyone was finished with their dinner, Lord Valen arrived. "Hey, isn't that dark fellow-" *SLAM!* The bartender slammed his fists on the counter startling Jack, the man from earlier in the day as well as drawing the attention of the others sitting at the bar. "What did I say about keeping yer nose to yourself? And dark fellow? Really Jack?! How rude can you be?! I am getting extremely tired of your bullshit and if you so much as turn around to glance at them I will have you thrown out and banned." The man had a startled look on his face, "B-but my luggage-" "Zip it, you shit! I'm only giving you this last warning, not even Kayla can help you after this." Jack slumped in his seat slightly and nodded. "Good, now stay quiet and finish yer drink." The bartender said before walking over to help another customer. "Wow, I wonder what all the fuss was about at the bar. Sebastian you manage to hear what was going on?" Amai asked, he shrugged lightly, "I think the man is just a drunk close minded person is all." He said before downing his remaining drink. After some time everyone made their ways back to their rooms and prepared for the mission the next day.

..."Lord Valen, why must you insist on such things?" Mav had an irritated look on his face as he spoke to Lord Valen. "Maverick, do not question my decisions. I have business to attend to and I need to be leaving." Lord Valen said in a very matter of fact tone, "B-But My Lord, I have heard rumors about a man who lives in the mountains; he's dangerous." Lord Valen didn't answer, he just stared at Mav. "Are you done? I need to-" "I fear an attack My Lord! You will not be safe within the mountains. At least let me and Amai be the ones to escort you. We have far more training-" *Snap!* A twig snapped in the distance and it caught their attention. Mav began walking towards the sounds and he heard people whispering, then they were gone. "There are eyes and ears everywhere Maverick. Never forget that," He said as he turned and walked away; leaving Mav seething with anger. He sighed deeply and cursed under his breath, then walked off as well.

..."Lord Valen, I have heard many unfavorable things about a man in the mountains. The people of the Tradelands say he is deformed due to a curse. I also heard that he was a wanted criminal, I mean we even found his poster on the wanted board. Is it really..." Sebastian trailed off when he saw the uninterested face of Lord Valen; Ari chuckled slightly. "Do all of you think I'm a child? An insignificant being with no previous military experience?" Lord Valen maintained his usual cool demeanor but there was a strong presence of his intimidating aura coming off of him. Both Ari and Sebastian stopped walking, "W-we are just concerned My Lord. We are aware that you were within the mountains over these few days a-" "We would feel at ease if you allowed us to accompany you Lord Valen." Ari interrupted Sebastian's ramblings and Lord Valen sighed deeply. "I will allow it, however, if he does not want your presence near, I will do as he wishes." Lord Valen started walking again and the others followed closely behind.

"What do we need to expect with this guy? I've heard all sorts of- *BZZ* Uh, ok rude. Anyways I heard he was cursed by a- *BZZ* ugh really?!" As Sebastian was trying to talk a large bee was circling his head; he was failing about trying to avoid being stung. "He is referred to most commonly as Kooky or Crazy Toto and Pervy Koko. There was mention of deformities, aggression, loss of humanity, and more. We just want to have an idea on how best to interact with this man." Ari said as Sebastian was still running through the brush and trees avoiding the bee. "This man is responsible for most of my teachings. He has similar abilities as my own and experienced in many forms of combat. I won't get into his full story; he would have my head. But he is a strong and stubborn individual but he is very skilled." As they were walking up the hillside, talking, the air around them begin to get cooler and the light breeze turned into a stiff wind.

...They finally arrived at the mouth of a cave that was partially covered with trees. There were no trespassing signs scattered along their walk towards his location. "I feel a super sketchy aura now. I-is that y-your fr- *SQUAWK* A bird squawked loudly near the 3 causing Sebastian to jump. "Heh, he prefers to be addressed by Koko, he is very untrusted of outsiders, and can be very powerful. Remember, if he says to leave, I expect you to do so." As Sebastian was regaining his composure, they both nodded in agreement. As they approached the opening of the cave, Lord Valen took out a dagger he had sheathed in his belt. He made a small slice on his palm and placed his hand over a small carving. Suddenly, there was a low buzzing sound and a small flash of light, before a translucent "door" the covered the cave, seemed to break away. "Lets go," Lord Valen said as he wiped his hand on his pant leg. They all walked slowly into the mostly dark cave, they turned the corner and noticed a faint glow coming from the other end. "Kota, what is with the theatrics? Just show yourself already, we have important business to discuss." There was silence before the room began to shake slightly. "WHO DARES ENTER-" "KOTA!" "Ugh, fine fine, you're never any fun," The voice at first reverberated loudly through the cave with a deep thunderous tone, after Lord Valen yelled out Kota however, the voice changed into a normal tone of a man with a slight rasp.

The cave slowly became brighter and they could see the shadowy figure of an older man sitting on a large wooden chair with his legs crossed. There was a dark shadow across his face so they couldn't see him clearly. He wore dark blue, loose fitting pants. He had a light colored shirt under a dark green jacket type garment that was tied with a dark blue sash. His neck, face, and feet were the only visible parts of his skin. The skin was a medium brown color, there was a partially visible tattoo that covered most of either side of his neck. Aside from that, only scars could be seen on his feet and bottom part of his face. He had slight grey colored stubble on his chin, along with a large scar. "Kota, stop with this. These are some of the members of the Guard Units at the temple. Ari of the Fire Unit and Sebastian of the Lunar Unit." Lord Valen said with a sigh as he moved to the side and "presented" them; both bowed in front of the man, Kota. "Boy goes but the girl stays." Sebastian's jaw dropped when he heard the words from Kota, "Well, unless the boy has some breasts under-" *BAM! CRACK!* Lord Valen swung his arm into the side of the cave wall, causing a fracture and dent. "Do not disrespect my own!" Even the cave seemed to shudder slightly in fear at the dark aura coming off of Lord Valen. "My bad, both of you can stay...I'm only teasing, don't be mad." Kota leaned forward from his seat and smiled, exposing the rest of his face. He was missing one of his bottom front teeth, he had medium grey hair with occasional lighter grey streaks, along with one light purple eye, and one that was a darker red/purple shade. Ari and Lord Valen scoffed at almost the same time. "Now, what can I do for my strapping young student, hm?" Kota asked in a playful tone.