Chapter 28 - Salvation Lab pt. 1

Sitting across from me days after his capture is a tired bloodied man. His graying blonde hair has been essentially shaved and scalped off in places. One of his brown eyes gouged out as the crushed remains are mashed along the inside socket. His arms flayed down to the bones as belts restrict his blood flow. His family pride shredded and chopped up between his legs as he'll never have kids anymore. His legs are practically fine, as well he'll be using them to try and run soon.

Taking him out near the Lincoln Memorial, I turned Holland loose. The rat couldn't even look at me to try and do anything he just ran. Which ran he did try before a code Feral blind sided him after a block. It ripped him apart mid tackle and began to eat him, till I aimed Death Hazard at them both and fired. The two bodies basically exploding from powerful magnum and .50 cal rounds. Reloading my gun I think about the information I been told by Holland about what I wanted.

The soldiers captured wouldn't talk to the others so they've been executed after day one. However, what I got out of Holland did help us find out something. Shepherd's little group calls it's self Salvation with the motto of "We are gods, we cleanse this broken world with the wrath of the damned. Only by siding with us can one find salvation! Stand against us and you will know the damned like the rest." Along with a lab being nearby that we'll need to raid. Although I'll be sneaking into the lab honestly, I want some time to be an ass.

After having everyone organize a small forty man strike team for this as we're going into the unknown. I had already left with Laura sticking to my body as a black mass under my trench coat. Myriad following suite but with my shadow as I walked the streets of DC. Glacial is being the rather angry guard tiger stalking the white house grounds. My three undead are being WEIRD in the underground facilities after we brought them bodies.

Pulling myself from my idle thoughts I slip into becoming a ghost, my presence fades. I walk right through the broken doors of a foreign embassy. The sight of blood, bodies, destruction, and bullet casings still littering the ground as I walked in. Forming a knife in my hand I throw it with a flick of my wrist to my left at a pillar. The knife curving around it before sticking its blade through the forehead of a guard. The guard stumbled a bit before standing straight as the knife seeped into their brain.

Once the knife has disappeared, the now undead guard walks towards a hidden door. Opening it up for me with a keycard from a pocket, I walked through it towards my destination. They pulled their service pistol from a chest holster and followed me as a smile formed on their lips. While they are undead, I didn't do much to them, they look still very much alive as the knife mark closed up as it seeped into them. However, now they think they are still alive, and have the balls to try becoming the lab commander.

Just some simple soul manipulation necromancy to get a sacrificial pawn. As I come upon the lab section with a reinforced steel door and finger print scanner. I look at the sole guard at it as from behind me my pawn comes walking calmly. Gun hidden with both hands behind their back as they look bored. As they approached the door guard looked at them passively before walking forward. Right at that moment when they are about to speak, they suddenly have a gun barrel planted in a spot to muffle the shots.

As the one I've given a confidence boost through necromancer ways, closed the distance rather quickly with a sudden sprint. Unloaded a clip into their friend as a hand covered their mouth to stop the screams. That wasn't the end though as they pushed the now dying guard against a wall and bit into their throat. Ripping it out with a head jerk while chewing and swallowing the flesh of their friend. Who's eyes are wide in terror as the life left their body with blood coating the floor and walls.

The pawn let the dead guard slump down the wall just watching them with a smile. Before finally walking over and placing their hand on the scanner. With a flash of green the door opens while I look at the dead guard, motioning a finger upwards. The dead guard jerks up with a gargled groan before picking up its dropped M16 from the surprise attack. Pointing forwards into the lab I send the dead guard after their attacker, both are playing for the home team now.

As the undead guard walks in he checks his mag before clicking it back in, and opening fire at some scientists. The glass wall they had been behind relaxing just moments ago shatters as bullets pepper their bodies. The undead walking through the broken glass with its boots crunching it into powdery bits. The undead bites each one, one by one but one still alive gets the back of their neck ripped out. Soon they join him as they rise up with jerky movements and follow his lead.

With a distraction in place I walk in finally and begin to explore. Gun fire and screams resounding in different sections of the lab shortly afterwards. But I just chuckle as I shake my head a bit, I'm not getting any exp but my undead seem to be improving. This is proven when from around one corner a fleeing scientist has her legs shot out by turned guard. Then from the ceiling as a light fixture breaks an undead dressed as one of Sheppard's spec ops lands on them. A knife sinking into their neck before the undead yanks it free.

The spec ops soldier having a bite mark under their right arm pit so they got take by surprise. It's a bit surprising that my undead seem so... Smart its a bit concerning. I didn't let this deter me from advancing though as the lab survivors died slowly. That when I entered one of the lab rooms my people arrived gunning everything down. Not letting my rather scary undead use their weaponry or skills. Each undead and survivor they crossed they quickly put two bullets into their skulls.

Letting my stealth focus slip I wander the lab a bit. Before coming upon a rather dark looking substance that is marked "Extracted Grieved: Liquidated" interesting. Poking its container The substance violently hits the container wall with a temper. Poking it again I chuckle as the thing slams into it again while bubbling. The twitch chat in my head remarking that this thing is pretty weird but cool. Thinking a bit I look at the thing more amusedly as I pick its container up.

Being held up suddenly the caged waker goo looks like its hissing at me. Using the workshop with this thing as the base material I created a umbrella. A pitch black umbrella that I soon hold with a smirk as the thing coils around my right arm. Forming skull like gauntlet around my fist and power glove as it "looked" at me. With a small scare of my necrotic energy, Laura's misty red eyes, and Myriad's shadowy glare. The thing relents being tamer for now as it physically shakes.

『Name: Alucard

Weapon Model: Ego Shapeshift Melee Weapon

Race: Liquidated Necro Wyrmling

Loyalty: 4/1000』