Alexa tested the rope again, and realizing it was firm enough, accepted the flashlight her brother handed her. She was at the edge of an abandoned cistern a few kilometers from Ashgraufelsen, in a disused and dilapidated military post.
The place where Alexander and Konrad had supposedly hidden the 'thing' they had found and which they dared not mention in detail in their letters.
The night before, Alexa discovered that Alexander confided many things to his cousin, and vice versa.
In his letters he spoke of 'Greek girl' with distress and at times, with horror, sharing with his young cousin what he knew and what he discovered.
And Konrad, instead of advising him to forget about these matters and to seek refuge in religion, helped him to investigate his presentments and doubts. Often Konrad used his own resources to fund searches, travels, and mercenaries, which wouldn't attract Gutard's attention. As it would have happened if Alexander did it.