"Duke Kurt von Donnersmarck?" asked Cordelia, looking at the Prince. "I thought I had met all von Donnersmarck alive."
Lex had no idea why Alexander's banished uncle came to Ashgraufelsen in the middle of the night announcing himself that way, but it didn't look auspicious.
Ordering the butler to allow the Duke in, Lex turned to Cordelia,
"I can tell you it's fortunate that you haven't met any dead von Donnersmarck. So many things have come out of dark and forgotten places lately, that I wouldn't be surprised a von Donnersmarck has found its way to the surface too ..." Lex didn't want to reveal anything about meeting Kurt beforehand. And she had no idea if the witches knew about his presence at Kielstadt, or that the Duke had organized the raid on the cult meeting place.