"No!" The maiden couldn't suppress the surprise, and Dieter turned back, but it was too late. The blade was already buried between his ribs, and he still let out two deep moans, looking at her with an expression of surprise and pain, before collapsing to the side. Dead.
The other assassin, dark-bearded with grimy yellow teeth, grinned at her, and took another blade from his waist.
Alexa started stepping backward in fear, and when he came toward her she kicked the dead assassin's blade to the air, catching it right by the hilt.
The assassin was not impressed by her blade trick, and Alexa wondered how much he knew about her. Still advancing, the killer apparently intended to corner her, so Alexa couldn't waste time. With half-moon motions of her blade, she tried to push him away and gain ground. He gave in, leaning back so as not to be hit, and Alexa seized the moment to quickly sneak into the ship's lower deck.
She needed to hide, and fast!