Chereads / My Brother Pulled Me Into Another World / Chapter 38 - Brainstorming?

Chapter 38 - Brainstorming?

"Then what's the problem?" Yubis asked Ryuji again. He intentionally showed that he was annoyed with the discussion as it went back from where they started. For Yubis is normal that slaves followed their masters to their deaths. It was the practice back then. He did not pay attention to political stuff whenever he visited earth as it was no longer his domain. And he does not have many followers as the centuries passed. He was keener with the modern culture and he was an icon of death which amused him. The same practice applies in Zariya which Hades and Sefie does not dwell on. After all, the first taming practice has that ideology in mind, 'Slaves follow their masters to death'.

"I just feel it's wrong especially if they could think for themselves… for me it's probably my moral standpoint from my previous life." Ryuji replied earnestly. He could feel that Yubis is annoyed but for some reason it doesn't faze him at all. Probably working under pressure that he learned during his corporate work. It was better to provide solutions than be terrified of someone higher than him. The more he thinks of this, it's rather humane to treat creatures that can be familiars as sentient beings rather than tools. He might have jumped the gun before with Pyun-Pyun. Ryuji contemplated and slipped out. "Is there another way to do this?"

Yubis observed Ryuji's demeanor with interest. 'This creature really is something, he did not falter even in the presence of a god or was it because this is an apparition? At any rate, the guy seemed to be on to something that we may have overlooked in Tartarus.' The jackal god thought to himself. He mentally noted this observation for now.

"Well, the taming process requires some magic to infuse into the familiar's being. That is the reason why your slime starts to exhibit some intelligence aside from its natural instinct. Familiars follow their masters wishes. It depends on the strength of your will that allows the magic of taming to evolve." Yubis briefly explained the rationale for the taming process. "That in turn suppresses the familiar's individuality to ensure loyalty." This was the inevitable truth. It was set this way by the previous creator god. Simple rules to rule the living things in this world. While that creator god was eventually replaced by Hades as the overseer of this world. They have a free reign on worlds they oversee but when a god set his rule, it becomes a law that governs the world. It can be overwritten, but it will undergo review by higher beings which takes millennia. The last thing that they had something overwritten by the previous god was about 5 centuries ago. It was about recycling souls to undergo reincarnation. It was a tedious process.

Ryuji listened but as Yubis has explained the matter, it is likely a yes or no choice and there was no middle ground. However, it is not acceptable if he chose yes. If he chose yes, he might be condemning them to eternity and if he dies, they will also lose their lives. They can work together to live longer but usually goblins like him have a shorter lifespan. He does not exactly when but reading isekai mangas and based on games, usually goblins are cannon fodders. He can opt for no, but these wolves and abilities can be more of some help in the future. If it was a simple rule, to be a slave and to die, he might be a slave as well by another creature and he cannot regain his freedom when that happens. "But I don't think it's that simple. If it's that easy, then one can easily tame dragons and some can even use a taming spell on humans…"

"That is quite impossible, that depends on the level and magic resistance." Yubis was about to retort as he realized something. He never witnessed one but theoretically, it is possible. They had encountered cases before but humans, humans have some sort of elitist thing in their societies. They tend to group and whoever has riches or wields power, it is their point matters. It has been this way even back on earth and Zariyan kingdoms have similar behavior. When Yubis was still around the ancient Egyptians, they didn't like Hebrews and Hittites and even had some prejudice against them. The only thing different in Zariya is their race. Humans are the most judgmental creatures. They judge other races, and they judge their own race. For tartarus they still have a utopian ideal which they are now enjoying but it's hard to apply in Zariya because of the previous creator rules. "Oh, I see…. I think I understand what you are talking about." In his millennia, he just understood this point of view just now. 'This is really amusing. Maybe I should ask someone to research earth soon.' Yubis took more mental notes on his observation on Ryuji.

Ryuji looked at the two wolves. "We swear our lives to follow you great one." The older brother wolf again mentioned. They are still shaking, but this involuntary shaking is more of them making a mistake or displeasing the jackal man. The unknown aura seemed to dissipate a bit making them breathe a little bit easier. The younger wolf seemed to have a vague idea who Yubis is. He was listening attentively to the discussion between the two.

Ryuji glanced at Yubis and sighed. "The taming spell still feels wrong… I cannot lay my finger to it. but I feel in the long run, these creatures should be able to make their own decision despite me being their master." To be honest Ryuji liked the idea of loyalty but not all ideas should be coming from him especially he is just a few days old in this world. He needs more insight and suggestions might be welcomed soon. This was something he learned while working in a company from his past life.

Ryuji then thought of the loophole with this. He remembered reading his contract as a corporate worker before. An idea came into his mind and asked Yubis. "Is it possible to specify that they follow me instead but to have their individuality be retained. I mean since they have the ample intelligence to think on their own, they should have the freedom of making their decisions, even as my familiar." Ryuji explained what he was trying to aim for.

"As optimistic it might be, aside from the taming spell, it has never been done before." Yubis shrugged. Takehiko might be his good friend but Ryuji has a different way of thinking. This made Yubis intrigued. He does hope that Hades is watching or else he would need to report these observations as soon as possible.

"So, there is no way?" Ryuji is still trying to grasp the idea of it. It is frustrating that he hit some road blocks. On the other hand, this activity is quite enlightening but at least his brain is still functioning and did not regress like a drooling goblin. Can he create something similar with the taming spell?

"I just said it has never been done before but I never said it is impossible." Yubis replied nonchalantly. He was more interested in what this creature is currently thinking. Good thing the energy seemed stable, it's been like almost 30 minutes since he appeared, and the apparition has not waned though his aura has faded, but it was something of an uncontrolled introduction on the area where he appeared. He was warned earlier and thought. 'I do hope Horus is observing the data.'

Yubis was thinking about this current experience with this experimental contact when Ryuji seemed to have blurted out of the blue. "Could oaths be the answer?"

"Oh wait… is there some sort of magic involved in doing oaths?" Ryuji then asked Yubis out of the blue. It's interesting that he thought of Oath as something would bind between a master and a familiar. Oaths are more honor bounded magic. Yubis started to explain. "Oath itself is magic. But it draws more on the merits of an individual and converts it as a divine magic that binds the parties involved in Oaths. This involves the heavens beyond Tartarus. That is why oaths are sacred." While Oaths can be annulled once one of the parties dies, the other party remains unharmed. "Though this might be good as Oaths have 3 statuses, fulfilled, annulled and broken. Oaths fulfilled satisfy the requirement agreement between two parties. An Oath annulled is when one of the parties dies outside the Oath condition. A broken oath is when one of the parties disregard the agreement intentionally and usually met with great punishment except death." Yubis gave a simple explanation about oaths. It may be fitting that oaths can solve transmigrated goblin's predicament with the canine party.

Upon hearing it Ryuji seemed to be dissatisfied with the information that just heard. It still is not fitting to what he and the wolves need. And oddly death again is the only way out. "Then it should not be that simple but should have a similar effect on two parties….". He is now keen to apply something similar with his last employment contract. "It should be like a contract?"