Chereads / My Brother Pulled Me Into Another World / Chapter 23 - Post Meeting Huddle of the Gods I

Chapter 23 - Post Meeting Huddle of the Gods I

"She means that whatever that was stored with him is equivalent or same as to a person of divinity." Hades replied bluntly. He was expecting this already. Only him and Sefie knew that when Takehiko's soul was migrated to Zariya. Takehiko had traces of exposure to divinity for a long time. Either Ryuji is a divine being, someone close to them is a divine being or they came from an ancestry that has divine connections. He noticed only an immense block of unknown from Ryuji's soul. No traces of divinity or exposure from divinity from his soul aside from that mass unknown data. Was it hidden with that unknown data?

Hades was in deep thought. There are a lot of what ifs running in his mind. If Ryuji was indeed a divine being, what level of divinity they are dealing with? The unknown that is within the young man is quite dangerous, from basic details that they have assessed it right, he is the equivalent of a demon lord that is capable of wiping half of the world population. The devices , should be sufficient enough to suppress anything that harmful that may leak out. is just a failsafe. Yubis wanted to contribute because he felt it was his fault for not properly assessing and equipping the young man or the young goblin with his new life. The problem is should it be enough.

Hades also is thinking that the brothers may have inherited from a divine ancestor. Sefie mentioned that during the Greek age, his brothers are usually on the prowl hunting mortal women. Hades was among the three brothers that actually did not even bat an eye after he first laid his eyes on Persephone. He only needed one consort, and this had a good impression with his wife in the long run. Zeus and Poseidon on the other hand rape or sleep with a ton of women, from goddesses, nymphs and humans. His brothers were such promiscuous beings which was enough to almost dragged anything that they see beautiful either forcefully or coercion. Zeus even bed a man, just to fulfill his lust. Despite the notorious reputation of his brothers, other gods and goddesses engage also in these acts, copulating especially with human mortals. Women who were bewitched or fell to their grasp bore offspring which to the disdain of the jealous Hera and attempted to wipe almost everyone who had been from Zeus. Tethys in the other hand was more magnanimous with such arrangement, she practically welcomed her husband concubines, or she was not getting involved with pursuing such maidens. She knew some of them are forced as well. Among these offspring mutated like the minotaur. Some offspring inherited power into human demigods like Hercules, Oedipus, and Achilles. But the most interesting is after the third generation of these demigods, the divinity that inherited from the original ancestors becomes a dormant power to the descendants. However, the consequence was a large draw back to the family affected. These mortal descendants could not even wake the potential of their ancestry. They may have powerful bloodline that may increase their attribute from the average person but aside from that they do not have the capability to ascend into the path of the gods.

There are some spikes along the genealogy wherein further down the series of generations will allow individuals to be Saints or ranked to Demigods which are entry levels for divinity. This was the case that Hades was considering. However, getting information from Lady Inari, one of the matriarchs from Japan, Japanese gods do not have many demigods comparing to other mythical age Gods. Only about less than a hundred have Gods and they are well recorded. Abe no Semei, a lesser god helped him and Sefie investigate these families and they found out that neither of them have been ancestors for the Takeda brothers. Hades thought that they need more time and more details to gather. He and Sefie are currently looking for more clues at other eastern deities as they intend to overlap. He started to consider about the gods from the neighboring countries on Earth land expanded their search to among the divinity within the Asia Pacific region. He thinks that having a divine ancestor is one of the plausible scenarios to explain why these brothers have traces of divine powers in their souls.

Hades' thoughts were interrupted as Vreta asked "But why has to be sent in Zariya?". Vreta does not interact much with Zariyan world affairs unless it threatens the Realm of Dreams. She gets the memo but does not take it into heart until this meeting. Honestly, she found the meeting interesting an exhausting. The goddess of dreams was curious of such arrangement and based on the conversation of her seniors, it seems there is something that is hidden to the mortal's soul.

Back on Earth Vreta did not even know about the divinity. She gained consciousness as goddess and she does not have any memories previously before she became a goddess. During her time in Lithuania, she heard people ascending into sainthood which is an entry level of the lower divinity. She is curious though. Would this case create a divinity? Better to watch on the sidelines.

"There must be a reason of having him sent him here." Hades just kept his answer short. He just glanced at Sefie. He remembered that It was Takehiko that suggested to bring him from Earth, but they were delaying the response until this year because Sefie was the one who was gathering data from Lady Inari.

After Takehiko died, Lady Inari promised to look for the older Takeda, but they were informed about the blessing of the fox goddess was being cancelled after a period of time. The couple knew this but did not share the details to Yubis during Ryuji's transmigration. They knew that the binbogami was the cause of the abnormality but looking with all the recent observation for this man, everything seemed not as simple as it was before. Oddly enough, the divine staff back on Earth did not notice this.

"One thing I am certain, this man has a certain connection divinity. His brother is also connected so it would not be a surprise, if he too is connected as well. But to what extent, we still don't know." Hades added. There are several things that they need to confirm. They should request an audience with the Supreme Being Karim, but the cosmic deity had yet to give a response.

"We still don't know his alignment. Do you think he is aligned with the Outer?" Yubis was also in deep thought with the conversation. The jackal god was referring to another group of Gods managing the world which they refer as the other religion. The divine realms are actually the headquarters of godly organizations. There were three known organizations, the Cosmos, the Outer and the Nomads. The three groups do form factions of divinities across universes and different gods and goddesses usually belong under them.

Almost all the Zariyan Gods and the gods of Earth are members of the Cosmos. The Cosmos are concentrating with creating habitable worlds and managing these habitable planets thus increasing the influence of the group. The group is headed by a supreme being, regarded as the highest form of divinity. They no longer addressed as gods but rather their aspects have been a cornerstone of forces in the universe. Karim, the current supreme being is a manifestation of karma, which spans to several universes. The very nature of these aspects like karma and balance are the core of these universes to operate. There are subgroups underneath the organization as well but most these days the groups are classified to administrators and the area they are associated with.

The Nomads are also gods that manages planets and life forms, but they usually confine themselves on these planets alone and rarely expand out like the Cosmos. In a glance their organization looked like a collective of gods from several plants that banded together to form an alliance to continue managing the worlds under their jurisdiction. Odin's family was a Nomad group. Yggdrasil which contained the nine realms was actually a group and the nine realms were referencing to nine tribes are under Odin's command. Atermis and Athena also had created the Nomads that associated with the Greek myth taking with them mythological beings and lesser gods. While Cosmos has its structured command for divinity, the Nomads are pretty precarious as the commands differ from each group but unified with their collective influences.