"Stephen is here," he announced. Katherine giggled when she heard him curse. She linked her fingers with Cage's and pulled him towards the door. He was a tad bit reluctant to move but she was excited to see his friend-cum manager who had helped them resolve their problems.
"You shouldn't be so excited," Cage told her. She laughed as she opened the door.
"I am more excited about the food. Handsome men are easy to come by." He pinched her side, making her glare.
On the other side of the door, Stephen stood with too many packets in his hand.
"I have been glared at a lot by people but I usually do something wrong before it happens." Katherine ushered him in as she replied.
"Cage here was being handsy, so I was warding him off." Cage pouted.
"I thought you were asking me to..." Stephen shook his head.
"I didn't know he had this side to him. Sorry for unleashing him on you." Katherine nodded sagely.