Open my eyes
Open my heart
I felt delight
To honor you.
Worshipping your name
How sweet the taste
I felt wondering
And longing for your words.
Always felt in the dark
Never seen the light
Want to see
And felt the warmth
Of your embrace.
I want to be freed
From the chain
Of sins
Check my desires
Inside my heart.
Clean the uncleaned of me
I want to be pure
Pure as pure as gold
Help me
Show the way.
How can I tell to others
Your goodness for us
How much mercy and grace
You gave to us
It's too much
It's like a flowing water
As like as falls
How much love... gave to us
It's too much
You used the blood
Of your Son
To Spares our life from sin
Through Jesus crusification.
Search my heart and my mind
If there's uncleaned
Things or thoughts
Help me, remove it for me
Because I am yours.
Show me your will
Lead me to the path
You've choose to me
Shape me like a clay
To become a pot.
Use me to glorified your name
Through spreading your words to others
Show me your gifted talent for me
To use it
For your glory.
Open my eyes
Open my heart
Open my mind
Open my soul.
Waken up the holy spirit
You gave to me
Since I accept you
As my lord and savior.
I don't want to waste my time
You gave to me
To those useless things in this world
Instead use my life
To glorified your name.
Here I am Lord
Begging in front of you
To use me, my life
As you want
Tell me your will
Show it to me
Because I didn't know
That's what I want to know.