I was so scared
That cause me to desire to close my eyes
And I want to hide
Into the gaze of judgemental people
Who surrounds me.
I want to hold my ears
Forever...if it could be
But it can't be...
To avoid hearing their horrible laughs.
I want to shout!
Like an angry tiger,
Who seeks peacefulness.
In the world of schemes
In the world of full of mystery and misery
In the world of full of strange
In the world of good and bad.
In the world of full of thirsty and famines
In the world of emotional and emotionless
In the world of full of different people, cultures, beliefs and traditions
In the world of life and death.
It's like how a flower spouts and withered
By the time passed.
I want to escape on this kind of world
And live into another world and become another person then...
But it can't be...
And it's just a fantasy.
I want to change their mindset and heart
It's not only for me but for everyone!
But I don't know how to approach them
That it's not good and it affects into the emotion
May cause emotional depression to others
Who specifically experienced bullying
Especially for those who bullied from then until now
It may cause them to suicide
Specifically for those weak
In mind and in heart.
Be hold
Be strong
Never give-up
God is always there for us.
To give us strength
To give us a hand.
As long as you go near to him
Without you are nothing with him you'll be blessed.
Change the world by the word