In this World power are measured according to the contracted beast and their levels. the more the level of the beast the stronger they were.
Beast are contracted either by defeating them or are acknowledged by them. They can have contract with at most 5 beast.
[Earth Level beast = normal
Mid-Earth Level Beast = Rare
Sky Level Beast =Very Rare
Mid-Sky Level Beast=Ultra Rare
Heaven Level Beast= Epic
Mythical Beast = Legendary
In this world Mythical Level Beast were the strongest beast but was only a legend that no one has ever seen or heard. Beast has Ability to grow and evolve but the skills they gain are varied from each, A same species of monster may or may not gain same skills. So the skill varied according to their ability, potential, nature, etc.]
Mortal Level (level 1-20)
Earth Level (level 20-40)
Sky Level (level 40-60)
Heaven Level (level 60-80)
Mythical Level (level 80-100)