Chereads / The Hole In The Wall (Horror Collective) / Chapter 11 - The Hemlock IV

Chapter 11 - The Hemlock IV

Have you ever read something so twisted that you can't figure out how someone could be so fucked in the head?

Well that happened to me awhile back. It was early spring in 99'. You know, when the calendar says spring but there's still that grey shit slush all over the roads? Yeah, it was that time of the year.

I was still working out the logistics of the county area I had to cover, we only had two squad cars and the deputies in particular was total shit. An '88 Ford Bronco 2' if I recall correctly.

The damn thing always had something wrong with it, blowing through transmissions like they were the school shoes of a twelve year old. We couldn't keep it running. So Ralph had to ride along with me and it stayed that way up until 2001.

Anyway, we hadn't necessarily figured out how we were going to patrol everything with one car so in the meantime we would just drive around different parts of the county. Stopping frequently at random areas to make our presence known.

Not that it mattered, the crimes that were committed in Calfrey weren't exactly done by people, and you can't arrest a pack of rabid wolves for tearing apart local livestock or slap the some cuffs on an elderly woman who leapt from her walker on main street and took a chunk out of Huck tannin's throat before her heart exploded in her chest and left them both dead as shit on the sidewalk. (More on that some other time.)

Nevertheless, one morning Ralph and I were making a pass down by lockheart. It's an old cover-bridge just on the south west side of town where local teens like to gather around and smoke pot, make out and fuck. I'm not just assuming either, do you know how many times I've had to run some boy off of Sam Malcolm's daughter Kimmie? Yeah, that little bitch gets around.

So we pull up and park. Its around 5 or 6 in the morning so the sun isn't up yet, we're in that awkward twilight where its still almost pitch black but there's a grey faint glow to everything, ya know?

Anyway, I don't turn on my mag-light because well, truthfully I was bored. So I wanted to catch these horned up teens and drag them home instead of just scaring them off. So I creep into lock heart and Ralph covers my rear. I hear movement and I can literally feel Ralph grinning behind me at this point.

So we stand there for a moment, waiting for another shuffle just to make sure it's bugger than a raccoon or something and then Ralph says, "Alright break it up, you can get your little willy wet some other time."

I chuckle, expecting some kid to squeal or at least run passed us with his pants around his ankles, but instead the rustling continued. It wasn't just rustling either. Sounded like someone was really getting it good. Even after Ralph pretty much ruined the kids night, we kept hearing "Thump! Thump! Thump!"

I started to laugh at these kid's nerve and shouted. "Alright boy cut that shit off, he said let's go!"

Now.. I don't know if its just my bad luck, or if I'm just gullible in assuming that normal things actually happen around here but when I flipped on my torch. I expected to see two teens with red faces...

I flip the light on and at once this naked, thing whips its head around and screeches at us. I was so shocked I dropped my flashlight. Its fucking mouth had rows of teeth at least 13 rows in. I'm not sure the amount but it looked like a blender in there. I screamed "what the fuck!" And tried to pull my gun in the dark. Ralph must've seen better than me that night because as I struggled with my holster the thing had leapt at me. This was only confirmed when I saw it in the strobe of Ralph's gun barrel flash. He emptied his clip but the thing knocked me down and took off into the woods behind the cruiser.

When I managed to finally grab my torch and we determined the thing was completely gone, I turned back into lockheart to see what it had been doing.

Now I've seen a lot of things in my day, but until the spring of 99' I have never seen a teenage girl with her reproductive organs missing...

The coroner determined that Kimmie's uterus looked gnawed and tore out... By the hemoraging, the Doc determined that she had been alive when it occurred and the strain in her diaphragm and vocal chords showed tremendous amounts of stress. As if she was screaming.

So Kimmie? she felt every. fucking. second.

The coroner didn't believe a word of our story and determined that it was an animal attack but I know what I saw.

A few days later, Kimmie's boyfriend came forward with a note she had left him, and here's where things get even more twisted. It reads like this:

'Cody, I met a boy who's parents are Wickers, they seem really great and I think I wanna be with him. I mean, I barely know him but let's be honest here. I wasn't very faithful to you. I fooled around with Darren and Michael a few times and that time you accused me of fucking Bo? Yeah well....

Anyway, I'm meeting him tonight at lock heart. DO NOT START ANYTHING. we are over.


We arrested every single one of those fucking wicker Weirdo's that week. All of them. There isn't a single child in the group.

But you can't really get a straight answer out of the fuckers, they're either silent or going on about the "true king of darkness has returned! You will all burn."

Fucking nutjobs.

If you've ever heard of this thing me and Ralph experienced.. Let me know.

This is Ezra.

Signing off.