Chereads / The Theresian The protector of the world we deserve / Chapter 4 - Bella the Loli bowman and Theresian Academy

Chapter 4 - Bella the Loli bowman and Theresian Academy

"This city is so beautiful !!!"

Thought Abigail.

"Focus !!! I have to get to the Academy first. I can still visit this city later when I return."

Thought Abigail.

Abigail ran towards the Theresian Academy until suddenly something hit Abigail. Both fell.

"Ouch, sorry I didn't pay attention to my way."

Abigail said.

"Abigail? Abigail !!!"

Said the girl who got hit.

"Eh? Wait a minute. Bella !?"

Asked Abigail.

"Hehe. Right! I'm Bella the eagle archer-"

Bella said.

Then Abigail hugged Bella.

"Bella! I miss you."

Abigail said, hugging Bella like a child.

"Abigail! Let go! I inj not a doll!"

Bella said,

Then Abigail stroked Bella's head.

"Yes Bella. You are not a child. But, every time I see you I always want to pet you!"

Abigail said.

Abigail stroked Bella's head and Bella began to look angry with a cute face.

"Stop it! I said stop it!"

Bella said.

Then when Abigail stroked Bella's head, a hand tapped Abigail's shoulder.

Abigail turned and saw the two SES people.

"Sorry, miss. But what did you do to that little boy? If you can please come with us to the SES office."

Said the SES to Abigail.

Abigail and Bella broke out in cold sweat.

"Our Abigail will be late if we come with them both."

Bella said.

"That's right. It's all your fault."

Abigail said.

"Why is it my fault!"

Bella asked irritably.

"Try growing taller. At least grow to about 30 CM."

Abigail said.

"Why do you blame my height!"

Bella said.

Then an SES woman dressed in white and light blue saw Bella's breasts.

"Why does a child like you have breasts?"

SES said the woman.

"Of course because I'm a teenager! Look at this!"

Bella said showing her student card.

The two SES still don't believe it.

"Why do you two look disbelieving !!!"

Bella said irritably.

Abigail could only laugh out loud.

"Do not laugh!!!"

Bella said.

Then, you heard the sound of a clock on the clock tower and it was seen that the time had shown 7:57.

"Bella, hurry! We'll be late."

Abigail said.

Abigail took Bella and carried Bella by the waist like a bag.

Abigail put her talent to use and dashed very quickly towards the entrance of the Theresian Academy. The two SES only looked at each other.

"They both just ran away and disappeared."

SES male said to female SES.

"Shall we look? I think they're wearing Theresian Academy uniforms."

Said the SES.

Abigail and Bella arrived at the gates of the Theresian Academy. Bella was breathless after Abigail brought Bella like a Chihuahua.

"I'm not a Chihuahua!"

Bella said angrily at the previous text.

They were both about to enter Theresian Academy when a security guard stopped them both.

"Sorry. This place doesn't allow you to bring your sister in. This place is for hero training not a kindergarten."

The security guard said to Abigail and Bella. Abigail laughed and Bella got angry.

"What do you mean! I'm a student here! Look at this! I've been wearing this academy's uniform!"

Bella said.

Abigail couldn't stop laughing.

"Hahahahahaha .... Sorry, this is too funny. But, it's true. He is a Theresian Academy student."

Abigail said.

The security guard still doesn't allow Bella to enter.

"Sorry, but I told you. This place isn't a kindergarten. So better stop joking and take this little kid out!"

The security guard said to Abigail.

Abigail looked at Bella and was shocked. Bella seemed to have tears in her eyes.

"Bella. Bella, don't cry. Please don't cry."

Said Abigail frantically.

"I'm not a kid. I'm short but I'm a teenager. I'm not a child!"

Bella said crying out loud.

"Yes, I know! I know you are not a child! Please stop crying!"

Abigail said.

"Come on, hurry up and get your little sister out of here-"

Said the security guard but Bella hit the security guard.

"I'm not her sister !!! And I'm not in elementary school either !!!"

Bella said, crying.

"Bella, never mind. Don't cry. It will be more difficult here if you continue to crying!"

Abigail said.

Then a teacher saw the incident walking towards the two of them.

"Good morning. What's the problem here?"

Asked a woman wearing a coat with a spear on her back.

"I'm sorry. But my friend is not allowed to enter the Theresian Academy. Even though she has registered and also she is actually a teenager, only her body is short."

Abigail said.

"Oh, I see."

Said the woman.

Then she called a little woman towards them. Abigail stroked Bella's back to make Bella stop crying.

"What's your name? If I know your name we can solve this misunderstanding."

Said the woman.

"I'm Abigail. She's Bella. And you?"

Abigail said.

"Marie. Call me Miss Marie because I am a teacher at this Academy."

Said Marie.

"Thank you Miss Marie."

Abigail said.

Then, the little girl who was called approached Bella.

"Why is she allowed in and I am not?"

Bella asked, crying.

"I'm not a student. And not human either."

The girl said to Bella.

"Detecting ..... Detection complete. Name Bella Armstrong. Age 16 years old. Student member of Theresian Academy."

Said the girl.

"Just call her Miku v.03. She is an artificial android from the cooperation of Earth and Vulcan."

Marie said to the two of them.

Abigail was amazed and Bella had started to calm down.

"Thank you teacher Marie. Thank you Miku." Abigail said.

Then they both walked to their class and they weren't too late.

Marie approached the security guard who lay on the ground after being beaten by Bella.

"So? Why don't you check first who he really is?"

Said Marie.

"Sorry, but she's like a child. So I thought that she was actually just the little sister of the young lady there."

The security guard said to Marie.

"Good, at least you didn't use your strength to fight back Bella's punch."

Said Marie.

"There's no way I hurt a child."

Said the security guard while showing his slimy hand.

"Now get back to work."

Said Marie.


"Huh? Why is this class empty?"

Asked Abigail.

Bella and Abigail looked around and only found the class empty.

"What are you doing here?"

Asked Wisley who is a teacher.

"We are new students here. If I'm not mistaken this should be our class."

Abigail said.

Wisley saw the name of the class her two students were referring to.

"It's true that this is the class but the first day of school is an introduction to the school. So all the students are in the main hall of the school. Wait, you didn't hear the announcement?"

Said Wisley.

Abigail and Bella fell to their knees because neither of them heard the announcement. Then the two of them hurried towards the main hall.

There they saw a man with a mane around his neck.

"Thank you to all the students who have enrolled in Theresian Academy. Here we will turn all of you into heroes worthy of the world you are coming to. With technology from Vulcan, knowledge from Earth, Magic from Fredena and Bolfas. We will train you all with perseverance and also equality so that all of you can become the strongest and best heroes of all worlds. That is my speech. Thank you. "

The man half lion said to the disciples.

All the students applauded.

"We're late listening to his speech. But yes, at least we're not late for school."

Bella said.

"If you were a little taller maybe we wouldn't be late."

Abigail said teasing Bella.

Bella was annoyed and hit Abigail on the shoulder.

A few moments later, the students disbanded and began to enter the selected class.

Abigail and Bella have entered Empire class. Empire class is a class of heroes, King class is a class of SOULs, Count class is a class of special elite security guards or abbreviated as SES, Earl class is a class of supporters this class contains special people in supporting heroes, Viscount class is a class of craftsmen where they are experts in making equipment for supporting heroes, and finally the Baron class which is the class of ordinary humans. Although they have ranks, the head of the Theresian Academy named Sigurd the Northern Lion expects them not to look down on others.

When Abigail walked to her class, some would-be heroes were bullying an SES who protected a half-animal human.

"All of you! Leave her alone!"

The word SES put his body in front of the half lion girl.

"What's your problem? Move over and let us play with the lion girl."

Said the insolent teenager.

"Wait here Bella, I'll take care of them for a bit-"

Said Abigail.

However, suddenly an eagle slid towards the naughty teenager and hit his head.

The teenage friends looked at Bella and saw Bella pulling her bowstring towards the four of them.

"You bastard! How dare you ask us to fight!"

Said a man from the teenage friend.

Bella opened fire on the man. The arrow that Bella launched turned into a wind eagle and hit the man's head.

The three naughty teenage friends stepped forward and prepared to attack Bella. A man with a grim face swung his sword at Bella, but Abigail grabbed his sword and deflected the man's attack. Abigail accidentally released 10% of her strength and with only blocking the man's sword shattered the moment it touched Abigail's sword.

"Too much strength!"

Thought Abigail. Two other friends try to beat Bella. But it appears that a man in a security guard throws a slime at the two naughty teenagers who are about to hit Bella.

The slime started to absorb the strength of the two brats.

"You better stop the bullshit you all do."

The security guard said to the naughty teenagers.

"Why are you punishing us! You're just a lowly security guard! Don't you dare order us!"

Said the leader of the thugs.

But it appears that the principal Sigurd is walking towards them.

"Principal! We've been bullied by them as well as that!"

The five of them said.

"Really? Why are they bullying you?"

Asked the principal.

"We just want to play with the girl over there. Really! We just want to touch the whole body of the lowly being protected by that training SES. How dare you protect a lowly creature like her!"

The leader of the thugs said to Sigurd. Hearing this, Sigurd became angry.

"That's right, headmaster! Now their punishments—"

Said the leader of the ruffians,

But Sigurd grabbed the ruffian leader's face.

"What did you say to my daughter? A lowly creature? Isn't that right? You want to hold my little girl's whole body ?!"

Said Sigurd angrily.

Then, appear the two previous SES who are looking for Abigail and Bella.

"Capture the five of them! How dare you look down on other races! In the Theresian Academy, everyone is equal! Both human and half animal races are all equal here!"

Sigurd said.

Abigail and Bella became relieved and put their weapons together.

"Good job, you two. And sorry about earlier this morning."

The security guard said to Bella and Abigail. Abigail waved both hands.

"It's okay. What's wrong with being short and whiny anyway."

Abigail said.

"Why are you always teasing me!"

Bella said.

Then, Abigail hugged Bella like a doll.

"Because you are so cute!"

Abigail said.

Then SES who protected the half lion girl thanked the two of them and the son of Sigurd thanked them both.

"My name is Sam. I'm from America and entered SES as a scout. Can we know you guys? Except for the principal because we've heard your cool speech."

Said Sam the SES. "Hahaha ..... You are very good at crafting young people's praise. If I'm not mistaken, the sword you are holding is 'judgment'. The sword of the strongest hero on earth, are you Abigail Rose, the daughter of Megan Rose?"

Asked Sigurd.

Sam looked at Abigail with a surprised face. "That's right. I'm Abigail Rose. Daughter number two of Megan Rose."

Abigail said.

"And I'm Bella, the eagle archer!"

Bella said to them.

"My name is Siege and I thank all of you for protecting me."

Siege said the son of Sigurd.

"There's no need to be so formal with us. We'll all be friends in this school after all."

Abigail said.

"Miss Siege, why didn't you protect yourself?" Asked Aftal the security guard.

"I didn't want to kill them. So I restrained myself because if I hit them all their guts would spurt everywhere."

Siege said while showing his fist.

"Turns out he's more dangerous."

Thought Abigail, Bella, and Sam.


Abigail Rose [Yuusha]

The power of true holiness :

This power was very strong and the same as that of her mother. Receive power above average, neutralize all negative effects, heal wounds on oneself very quickly, limbs that are severed can reconnect by themselves, attacks always element holy, move as fast as light, endurance surpasses ordinary humans and much more. Usually they are called Judges. The artifact Abigail was carrying :

Holy Maiden Set.

The same holy armor as his mother's. Increase all holy effects.

Abigail always struggled to control all of her strength because her strength was too strong. Usually Abigail only used a maximum of 10% of all her strength.


Bella Shagthertel [Artificial]

artifact belonging to Bella :

Eagle bow.

Each arrow that is fired will turn into a wind eagle that will target the target Bella chooses. The arrow will continue to chase the target until it hits the target.

"I'm not in elementary school!"

The sentence that Bella often put out because Bella is so short that it is mistaken for an elementary school child.