Chereads / Railway Lovers / Chapter 11 - Back To Normal, Right? (X)

Chapter 11 - Back To Normal, Right? (X)



The train doors slid open, sidewards, revealing a familiar face inside the cart. Jeiro. He's standing and his eyes are glued to his phone. "Hey," I called his attention. "Oh hey, Ronnie," he responded.

"So... how are you now?" I asked even though I didn't want to open the topic about yesterday. I just can't stop myself from knowing on how he's doing. "Do I look dramatic, dummy?" He raised an eyebrow.

Yup, he's somehow okay.

"Yeah, you do. Standing here even though there's a lot of vacant seats," I looked around the train, seeing empty spaces on its chairs, "I'm going to sit now. Just stand there if you wanna, okay?"

I headed my way towards the seat and stared at him, smiling awkwardly. He rolled his eyes before making his way to the seat beside me. "Just thought that others would need it more, okay? I wasn't being dramatic."

"Sure," I shrugged before shifting my gaze towards the window. "But yeah, I'm okay now, I guess. Thanks for asking," he said in a sad tone. "I was worried about you, honestly. I couldn't imagine myself in your situation."

"Stop crushing on me," he said. "You wish."

"Everything okay now?" Kyle asked. The four of us decided to hang out in the soccer field where we are now. Only the four of us were in the field. Kyle and I sat at the bleachers while Jeiro and Allison chased each other at the grassy field. They're children, really.

"Yeah, he seems okay. I mean, he is back to his lazy and sarcastic self. He's even running around with Allison!" Kyle paused, letting out a long 'hmm', "I don't trust what Jeiro shows with his outside self, honestly. He's good at hiding emotions to make others worry less."

"He said to me that he's okay," I mumbled, staring at Jeiro with worried eyes, "Is there a chance that he's hiding emotions again?"

"Because of the gravity of his situation, I say yes," Kyle frowned, "I mean, he is shattered internally. I won't be surprised if he frowns from time to time."

"He's always frowning," I said. "A frown with sadness, not with being an asshole," Kyle claimed. "Whatever."

"Jeiro," I called. He stopped walking and turned to me in the middle of the hallway. Kyle and Allison already left to do something else. "A-are you really okay?" I asked. "What makes you think I ain't?" he smiles.

"W-Well..." I tried to make something up since I don't want him to know that Kyle's being saying stuff about him to me. "Kyle told you something didn't he?" My cover's blown. I sighed deeply, "Yup, sorry."

"I knew I was your topic back at the fields," he crossed his arms, "it's okay. I get that you're worried. But I'm telling you... I'm fine." His low toned voice gave my back chills, "Sorry for questioning you again. I just want to let you know that you can tell me everything, okay?"

Jeiro laughed suddenly, "Why the hell are we getting dramatic in the hallway?"

"I'm serious, Jeiro."

"Okay. Thanks, Ronnie. You really cheer me up," he said, "what happened yesterday's done so let's just leave it there, okay?" I purse my lips before mouthing an "okay" with a smile.

It was another moment at the train. The system's air conditions gave the ride a more cooler feeling than usual. "My hands feel cold," I said. "Why?" Jeiro asked.

"Because it's cold, dumbass. Can't you feel that?" I hissed. "Nah, I'm too hot," he proclaimed. Oh hell no. "Maybe 'cause you're a devil or somekind."

"Hey, I'm hot, aren't I?" His fingers grabbed my chin, turning my face into his. He was smirking with this arrogant look. His brown eyes showed confidence along with his cheek bones that stood tall. Well, he's handsome, I'll give him that. "Take a bath first."

"Can't you just support me Ronnie?" he asks, poking my upper arm. "No, and quit acting like a child." He grabs something from his bag, "You need mittens?" He suddenly pops out a pair of dark purple mittens.

"Why the hell do you bring mittens in school?" I asked. "Helps me masturbate," he shrugged. "First of all, no thanks, I'm not using that. Second, fuck you for even offering that filthy shit of yours." I turned my head against him.

"I was joking, okay? I bring them for times that I don't want to get any paint in my hands," he reasoned, still offering the mittens to me. I clicked my tongue and accepted the mittens before slipping them unto my hands. "If my hands smell like semen later on, I'm going to kill you, okay?"

"Attend my funeral then," he smirked. "Fuck you, really."

"I'm home," I said before stepping in. "Goodness gracious, why are you 30 minutes late from your dismissal time?!" Mom suddenly ran towards me.

Wait... she's here.

"Ronnie, be extra careful outside, okay? Don't ever go home late again," She advised, pointing a finger at me. "Anyways, how's that concert that your choir is planning?" She asks. "I'm... not sure if I'm joining."

"But why not, darling?" She puts a hand on her hip, "You know that the Lord gave you such an amazing voice and therefore you must use thee in his name, right?"

"Amen, mom," I said, mentally rolling my eyes. "Hallelujah, I'll be going to the bathroom for a moment before we catch up, okay? It's been long since I was back here." She makes her way towards the bathroom. I stared at Vicky who's at the other side of the hallway, mouthing a 'sorry' at me.

I walked towards her, "Why didn't you text me that she's here?!" I ask. "She's not the only one here," she answered nervously. "Ronnie," a big, deep voice echoed from the living room. "D-Dad's here as well?" I stuttered. Vicky gulped, "I was just about to text your whereabouts." I made my way towards the living room.

"Yes Dad?" I said. "Aren't you going to greet Daddy now that he's here?" He said in that ominous, deep voice. "Welcome home, Dad." He chuckled, "That's my boy." I only smiled at him.

"So, Vicky, how's being a lector at the local church?" Mom asks before sipping from her cup of oolong. "I-It's good, everyone seems nice." She lied. She doesn't attend that anymore.

"Good, good. You and Ronnie are very good servers of the Lord. Continue doing that," she says. "If not for that voice of my boy, I would've sent him to a military camp," dad claimed. "No, darling. Thou shall not kill. You know how the military kills people right? I don't want to make our little Ronnie become a heavy sinner."

"I know, I know. He's better off singing anyways," Dad replied before the two of them giggled. Me and Vicky were very stiff on our seats as we watch our parents giggle in front of us. My heartbeat is still fast. It has been since I saw Mom.

"Ronnie," she called me, "Me and your Dad drove by at your school on a plan to pick you up." They did? "But it looks like you already left the premises since I know how good you are in conserving your time," she takes a sip from her cup once more.

"One question though." I gulped. "On our way here, we passed by the train station at Stardelle. We saw you... with a boy," from the swirling spoon around the tea, her sight lingered over to me.

"Who's that boy, Ronnie?" she asked.

Mom, that's just a friend...