Chereads / Its ya boi, Emisyl / Chapter 125 - I hereby declare myself as the leader of this Order

Chapter 125 - I hereby declare myself as the leader of this Order

"This doesn't look like... shopping..." Hecarion speaks in the background as they are in a graveyard.

"Who do you think I am? I have no time for useless things" Niul replied.

"Or I do" she suddenly adds.

A portal appears right in front of them as the clouds go dark.

"I know you would be here Zenichius" Niul says.

"Building an army I see?" she adds.

"You didn't. There was a God beside you" Zenichius says.

"I was listening to whatever you said to him. It was a bad idea" he adds.

"Yeah. I didn't remove the tracker" Niul replied.

"You got played" she adds then disappears in the air.

"Hiya!" Niul performs a downward ice strike that caused her shirt to move up a bit and we see things unrelated to the story.


It was a direct hit and Zenichius' arm was sliced.

"Urgh..." he groans in pain.

"I was always the reason why you succeeded" Niul melts the ice blade.

"When I lost that fight, you were pretty overwhelmed"

"Don't you agree?" she adds.

"I always knew you as a person who never gives up" Zenichius says.

"If you died that time, I already got the plan to reincarnate you"

"In the end, you we're not as barbaric as I thought. You know when to give up"

"Lucky for me, I was sent to this world. I've molded a country to feel that they are the strongest people of the world and they somewhat did"

"As our mind was one. I have hopes for another cleansing" he ends.

Niul then walks closer.

"Not gonna happen. I'll cut and crush your head off" Niul says as she stares down.

"And if you like, you could eat this tracker" she adds as she removes some sort of a microphone and fed it to Zenichius.

He's choking.

"I'm not gonna drag this any longer" she says.

"And by the way, I already killed those who were supposed to save you. However, one of them manage to run away and I'm sensing him at this very second"

"Though, I have to kill you first" right after this words, Niul severs Zenichius' head.

Emisyl sees his own body being decapitated.

After Zenichius was killed, markings appear on Niul's arm and some sort of energy was sucked within the markings.

Niul then looks at Emisyl's ghost.

"You were a God?" she asks.

"What? I don't know" Emisyl answers.

Hecarion couldn't believe what he just heard.

"This is Faerie King energy. How did you lose that easy?" Niul asks.

Enormous amounts of energy starts to flow within Niul.

"I could manage this but still, this is insane" she adds.

"Sadly, you have no ways of getting this back. You are a collateral damage" Niul ends.

Hecarion sees Niul talking to the air and he was confused.

"For now, I have to get the last guy. I'll be back" Niul says then she dashes away.

"You guys saw her talking to the air?" Hecarion asks others.

Symira and Gloriasse nods.

"She's been doing that since Emi disappeared" Gloriasse says.

"She said he's still with us" she adds.

"Is that so?" Hecarion asks.

Knowing this, Hecarion enchants his body and his hair turned grey with markings on his face.

"It's been so long since I unlocked this one" he says as anticipation for people around him feeling the aura.

"I used to collect souls and increase my capability. Now I'm just a Celestial Assistant" Hecarion says.

"Since Leader and her brother whooped my ass, I just had to know my limits" he adds then he noticed something.

"Now I could see you" he says as he sees Emisyl's soul.

"So you were the modern Faerie King huh?" Hecarion asks.

"I had a battle with him long ago but I failed to take his soul"

"Although, I did so much damage to him that he became a normal person after he was reincarnated" he says.

"Feels bad knowing he turned into a blob and for some reason, his royal abilities were passed on to you and I feel it was complete. It's just that, you don't know how to maneuver" he ends.

"I don't understand. Can I get my ability back?" Emisyl asks.

"Oh. You don't know your history?" Hecarion asks.

"No. But I saw mom doing good shit" Emisyl says.

"Alright then. Your grandpa is on one of military training realms in Dusk" Hecarion talks.

"We did a great battle in Faerie realm and he was killed and I heard his throne was taken over by another Faerie"

"Then that same Faerie failed to protect your realm. She went alone against Dusk's Elites and the moment she returned home, the damage was worse"

"Everyone is gone"

"I sure that's exaggeration because you exist but that's what happened" Hecarion says.

"How did you know this?" Emisyl asks.

"I am the Soul Stealer during my past. My work was to eradicate strong enemies similar to Niultenjere and Zenichius until I met Louel and Louliette from the Second Light"

"This would be a long story but I study my targets. It's simple as that" he says.

"I use my Celestial abilities to detect the strength within the whole globe and take its soul" he adds.

"Why do you do that? Does it benefit you?" Emisyl asks.

"No. But I feel strong when I take out someone who is also strong" Hecarion answers.

"It was my will to live" he adds.

Emisyl doesn't know what to say and he isn't curious at all about his grandpa, he just wants his body back.

"Anyways, no time for chit chat. I might go to heavens or some shit because I saw other dead people flying around in here. How do I get my body back?" he asks.

"I couldn't see the others you see flying, they're probably weak souls. Though, I sure do told that Lou will get you a new one" Hecarion answers.

"As for the strength. I'm not sure if it would be as perfect as the one you had and if you want to be sure then you have to kill Niultynjere" he says.

"Whoever you are talking to, I won't let master be killed" Symira didn't like that and she starts posing stance although no aura.

Hecarion then looks.

"Don't worry. It's just a choice if he wants his new body to be clear copy" he says then looks back on Emisyl.

"I shouldn't have said that early. I could give Lou the history of your grandpa and make her feel how strong he was then she could create your grandpa but with your physical look"

"I think you both should be pretty much the same" Hecarion ends.

"Whatever. I'm not remembering all of that but I want my body back as soon as possible" Emisyl replied.

"Just calm down. I got you" Hecarion says then turns off his Soul Stealer alter.

The markings disappear and Hecarion went back to his regular look.

Now we check what happened with Niultynjere.

We see Eule wounded and his uniform was ripped.

"I have no choice" he says.

"Golem of flesh!" he speaks a summoning spell and a golem made of insides start to appear.

"Groargrag...." it released unpleasant sound and smell.

"I am proud descendant of Zenichius. I call him dad and you don't understand!" he shouts.

"Yeah. You don't sound like his son and I don't remember him having a kid" Niul replied.

The golem then delivers a slam on Niul.

Niul dodged and she jumps then sliced its arm, leaps on it's shoulders then she flips and cuts its head then tosses her ice blade then performed a downward ice kick to knock it down.

As she drops, she catches her blade then melts it.

"Any last words?" she asks.

"Tch..." Eule was cornered.

"Sir were here!" a shout was heard in a distance.

Suddenly, a gunshot was sent on Niul's shoulders.

"Guheh..." she was caught off guard and dropped.

She can't move her arms and it is bleeding.

Eule then rides the car from his grunts.

As they go, he sees Niul knocked on the ground and thought she was cute.

"Stop" Eule commands them.

"But boss, this bitch just tried to kill you" a grunt says.

"Boss!?" the grunt shouts as Eule run towards Niul's location.

"Follow me with the first aid kit!" Eule shouts as he goes further from their view.

"Hey! Hey!" he calls Niul and she looks knocked out.

(Damn. She's really cute) he speaks on his head.

(The Ampherian Weaponry is really good. It managed to knock out someone this strong) he suddenly tells himself as he takes the clean handkerchief by his pocket and applied pressure to Niul's wound so it would stop bleeding.

Not so long he was done and checks her out.

"Hey. Can you talk? I'm taking you to the hospital" he says upon recognizing her fine breathing.

(Her skin is soft but this is no good time to think about something else) Eule talks to himself as he was distracted of her soft skin and her sweat falling in his palms.

( I don't believe she'd die from this bullet but I know I have to save her) he says.

Eule then looks around before trying to pick up Niul.

After he sees no one is around, he takes some sweat by her neck and licks it.

(Salty and sweet. It also smells so good) he speaks on his head then picks her up.

A grunt saw that.

"Boss!?" he was ignored and Eule acts as if he didn't saw him.

"Boss, we got the kit" the grunt was also ignored as he is running straight.

"Screw kits. We're going straight to the nearby hospital" he says.

Then they ride away.

Back at Emisyl's area they felt something.

"Master's aura disappeared. Was she defeated?" Symira was worried.

Hecarion then uses his ability to scan the world and finds Niultynjere.

Her energy is increasing and the movement seem like she was being taken cared of as contrary to reducing energy if someone was attempted to be killed due to injuries.

"She was taken away by someone but they look like they have no plans of killing her" Hecarion says.

"Anyone here who understands coordinates?" Hecarion asks.

"I do" Symira answers.

Hecarion then gives the location about where her energy is planning to go according to it's angle and velocity.

He told Symira with the exact number from point to finish.

"They are fast. Where are they now?" Symira asks.

"They stopped at ####" Hecarion tells a coordinate.

"####? That's the nearby hospital. I know this area" Symira says.

"Should we follow?" Gloriasse asks.

"Better not. Whoever helped her would be afraid of us" Hecarion suggests.

"We trust them this time and perhaps, Niul is a strong person" he adds.

"I have regenerative abilities" Emisyl says but no one hears him or sees him since Hecarion turned off his ability.

"You Emisyl, follow us" Hecarion instructs as he expect Emisyl to listen.

"I'm actually hungry" he adds.

Now we're at the hospital.

Eule enters the counter as Niul is being carried by his grunts.

"Isn't this Mr. Eule from Order of Belief?" the counter recognizes him.

He then tosses bunch of cases full of cash.

"Please do something about my wife. Remove the bullet on her shoulder" he says.

"Wait sir, are you married?" the desk nurse asks.

"Wow, I thought members of Belief Order never touched a woman" a male nurse speaks from the side.

"Please. Save my wife" Eule ignored everyone.

"Alright sir" the nurse by the counter then speaks on mic and calls other nurses.

"You'll be fine my princess" Eule looks at Niul as she is being taken care off.

"You sir are also wounded, I think you need help" the desk nurse asks.

Eule then sees his wounds and his bloody clothes as well as its destroyed parts.

He then faints like a cartoon character upon realizing.

"Boss!?" the grunts talk.


"Boss!? Boss!?"

"I hereby declare myself as the leader of this Order" a fat man gently speaks from a distance.

No one listened to him.

