he is... covered in Blood!?
'hey hey what happened!?' Emily asked , 't-theres a-a guy around h-harrasing someone and i saw him and he also saw me t-then he hitted me with a knife but i m-manage to survive...' then the guy got unconcious and Emily called the ambulance for help.
She didnt know what she should do she almost panicked
When they got to the hospital the doctor said he lost to many blood and it will take a couple of days for him to recover
Emily doesn't also know why she is so attached to that guy
When she fall asleep she got this dream
*oh my Emily I will protect you forever and I will do everything to meet each other again pls do not forget me MY LADY*
and she woke shocked!she almost hit the guys tummy!she was very shocked she hears her heart beating so fast and the doctor told her to go home
Emily cant stop thinking about it everyday, everynight she is having nightmares she didnt had before
and one morning she heard a woman screaming she is so curious and looked she saw a guy wearing a black jacket, a black hat, and black facemask
she's shivering her legs were vibrating
the guy was stabbing the woman multiple times and she sreamed 'HELP SOMEONE HELP!!!' she screamed loudly
and because of that the runnes fast and she saw him glanced at her
like the will make her pay for it , like she will be the next target!!
she layed down and the help got there too
but she felt scared she cried and cried like its the last time of her life she is so scrared and felt so deppresed...