August 31, 20-
Dear Diary
Hello! Umm, yea... so... I got a diary now, which would make this day pretty nice... except for the fact that my parents kicked me out the second I got my acceptance letter from Troy Grooman University, literally, as soon as I got home and told them they somehow packed all my junk into my luggage and the rest into my backpack, gave me this diary as a gift and kicked me out along with my dog Alfy. So now I'm at an airport, trying to find a apartment near campus since all the pens on campus have been taken probably by the rich Asians who could afford buying Gucci everyday, currently the only one that doesn't cost me an arm and a leg is this one place called "Springview Apartments," rent is cheap but there are three other people, but I it would be significantly better than sleeping at an airport and eating MacGonald's "the food that gives you Mono." Let's just hope and pray they're not serial killers and don't steal my food, it feels nice to write this...