Chereads / Liquid Fantasy / Chapter 4 - King vs King

Chapter 4 - King vs King

"the name is rune fantasy. nice meeting you." rune introduced himself.

"oh right! I am Ame Kotari." she said.

"Wonderful name! So tell me what got us summoned here." rune asked. although he already guessed they were in a classroom when it happened he thought he should get her perspective to match the story.

"Oh.. Weren't you there?" she seem kind of surprised as she raised a beautiful hand in front of her mouth.

"Well I was.. but.." Rune hesitated thinking if their world had similarities.. he never went to school so after middle but that didn't mean h couldn't meet or learn from those who did.

"I was running late so I just came from the cafeteria." he said checking her features for doubt.

"still I don't recognize you from our class.. could you be a transfer student?" she said suddenly giving him no reason to think further.

'how useful.. may be I could partner up with her?' Rune thought. hes always been alone experimenting with his powers so he never really made it close to anyone for friendship also his mother was going to rain on his already small parade with a job so good he left early.

"Yea ,that's right, I just came in today." when he said that she smiled.

"oh okay! since you're new lets get along well okay?" she said. So far she found his company to be pleasant and found her self thinking of bringing him around her friends.

"By the way.." Rune said causing her smile to become a curious expression. "since I'm new will you be showing me the ropes? also youre the first person that I'm meeting besides teacher San ."

'Oh that's easy, this man really is normal. was earlier a fluke maybe?' Her thoughts were as started to say. "You must've been meeting her too pick up your outfit.. nevertheless I guess there's no helping it."

Rune laughed slightly it was a laugh that held relief and a gladness for company. "Thank you!" he was fast and grabbed her hands Clasping them between his in gratitude."

"huh?" She thought she dodged... however. ' how?' its not that she didn't like being touched but because of a reflex.

Rune quickly let go and pretended to look around. 'now I've done that I will either be seen as weird or as I wanted ive gotten closer. the best way to break barriers is to pierce with a familiarity. usually experience is considered best but.. my laziness won't allow it. so familiarity?'

'then again experience takes longer when you can study it. right?'

"Looks like we're going will you be coming?" she snapped out of confusion a while ago and watched him gaze over the students. She turned from him finding nothing in his look to say who he was so she watched her class getting ready to head else where.

"Lets get moving I guess?" he pat the back of his head and they started walking. just a few step later.


"Guards!" the king roared.

The wall that was behind the student was broken through and large stones of what seemed to be earth magic and a damaged wall was barely visible through the fog.

for a minute all everyone heard was the clanking of metal armor from the battalion of knights confronting the situation. meanwhile the kings cane lit once more with a fireball.

the sudden crash caused a people to look back and soon the dust cleared.

"Summoned!!" A voice sounded from behind the small dust screen. it cleared the rest of the smoke with a force. now a royal figure could be seen.

The figure was a man who held a kings Goblet made with the finest jewels as he held it near him a magic circle floated above it and increased in size until it came to be above his his head circumferncing a meter.

His clothes were black. instead of a tie he had. a jewel and some scarf of sorts around his neck resembling royalty.

A lean build and long black hair which was perfectly kept along with long horns.

"DEMON KING!" the king roared as he flashed from his throne to his feet. "You.. you dared show your face before me and my Chagrin! I shall slap your face.. as hard as you've slapped mine." the king said in a tone filled with anger matching his expression.


"huh?" kotari said in a small voice. 'who-' she turned and saw the person who bumped her was the man she just met.

"I will protect you." Rune whispered. He noticed the worried face of the students and checked the girl he was with before stepping closer and bumping her for some recognition. softly.

'He doesn't seem strong.. We just got here. Maybe he's just being kind.' thinking like that she smiled and told him thanks before he slid his hands into his pockets. right now he black jeans rolled up yet low beneath his knees and he wore a black vest over his long sleeve dress shirt. this kind of thing was his prefered. style.

"Mortal king." The demon king spoke. he seemed to think as he whisked his goblet while slightly turning his wrist. "Shut up." the way he responded was much like a king tired of a annoying subordinate. eyeing his goblet he sent the summoned a warm gaze.

"Summoned hero's.. sorry for being late however I was required to sneak past this ones guard so that I could greet you personally." Seeing he had their attention he kindly continued. "I Merely wished to tell you both sides of the story as not one side could possibly be true.. I ask that you hear us both.. and the dying words of my father.. and my ancestors." His eyes seemed to glow towards his last words.

"Demon you have no words." the king seemingly calmed him self as he came forward. the summoned parted subconciously as the king walked past them walking as he only retained a glare and calm look as he spoke. "Are you certain you are in my kingdom? if so.. then." the king finally made it to the edge and was near Rune and kotari as well as he faced the demon lord.

"Leave. It is a old rule humans like us have in place for our own safety. You alone have most likely killed hundreds of my people coming here." the king said with certainty.

"summoned.. I'm sure you have been taught already to fear demons. as the enemies of humanity and to smite them on sight." he said loudly, the demon king loudly spoke as he looked over them to a certain spot and appeared there. "Summoned, as were the rest in this world they received the same mind magic like what you were to receive. if you were told while young that a being looked so different that they would harm you would you not strike first?" the hero's were already looking behind to the where the throne was, on it sat a king, not the one of before that broke the wall but a weary one.

"Think he's worth a listen, what do you say?" Rune said as he looked at the context of both parties, looking to his right he checked with kotari.

"I-" grrrrrrrr.

Kotari looked down, half shame and half embarrassed from earlier and the night before she had eaten none at all and was holding her hunger.

"Sorry -" Rune barely held his laughter causing kotari to glare at him. Rune stepped forward before putting on a serious look after chuckling at her cute expression. "We will hear what ever you have to say.. after brunch clear?" it sounded almost like a threat. but this was a habit picked up from being a man in power, he quickly learned to insert a will more domineering than another.