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CRASH!! A chair was thrown out a window of a house that was settled in the middle of the forest. A voice of a middle age man was yelling and yelling back was a voice of a young teen.

*DONNIE:(angrily grabbing his son by the collar, pulled him to his face, and yelled at him spitting in his son's face as well) "Where is she?!, Where is that demon girl?!" (now shaking him)

*JESSE:(grabbing his father's hands with a sickish look on his face) "Let go of me!"

*DONNIE:(angrily) "First you tell me....." (interrupted by his son)

*JESSE:(yelling while wiping the spit off his face) "I'm not going to tell you anything until you let me go!"

*DONNIE: "Fine!" (throwing Jesse down hitting his head on the staircase) "Now," (bending down in his face again) "Where is that demon girl you call your sister!" (pointing a gun to his head)

The twins on the couch in the sitting room  gasped as they watched their dad about to pull the trigger on their big brother which made Little Alice starts to cry. Donnie turned to Alice and pulled out a second gun and pointed it at her while the other was still locked on Jesse.

*DONNIE:(angrily) "Shut your fucken mouths or I'll blow your brains out too!"

*ALICE: (with tears in her eyes she stopped crying and nodded her head)

*DONNIE:(turning to Jesse with a crazy killer look in his eyes) "Now tell me....Uhfff...."

Jesse punched his dad in the face and another in the stomach. Donnie fell to the floor as Malen Jesse's mom came rushing over to Donnie's side. She knelt by Donnie coughing on the floor then looked up at Jesse angrily. She got up off the floor and stood in front of Jesse, he stared at her as she raised her right hand and smacked him knocking him to the floor. He rubbed his sore cheek with his right hand as he tried to get off the floor with his left. Malen stood over him and raised her right leg and kicked Jesse in the jaw making him fly across the room and into the sitting room were Alice and her twin brother Rich were watching. They ran to their dear brother's side, he could barely sit upon his own.

*MALEN:(walked up to him and grabbed a fist full of Jesse's shirt and talked silently but angrily to his face) "Now tell us where that beast is now or else."

*JESSE:(scared for his life but also didn't want to tell them where his little sister was) "I...I uh..she's...she's"

*MALEN:(pulling him closer, he could smell her breath) "Well dip shit, where is she!"

*JESSE:(He knew she was in the back hiding under the porch with her fox pup but to protect her he lied) "She's in the forest with her fox pup leave me alone!"(he got his mom to loosen her grip so he quickly got up and ran upstairs and slammed the door of his room)

*RICH:(turning to his mom still standing in the same spot with anger and disappointment on his face) "I thought you were our parents!"

*ALICE:(standing up and grabbing her twin brother by his left hand making him stand up too she yelled) "Ya, I thought you were our parents not some abusive freaks! What happened to our parents we use to know?!"

Alice stood there for awhile holding her brother's hand and looked up at the lady that used to be her loving mother. Malen looked down at them with an "I don't care anymore look" then turned around and walk out the door followed by Donnie. He slammed the door on his way out knocking off two pictures hanging on the wall next to the door, shattering them into pieces as they hit the floor. The twins stood there for awhile then all of a sudden Alice ran towards the staircase dragging poor Rich behind her. They both walked up the stairs to Jesse's room with Alice on the right and Rich on the left still holding hands.

*ALICE & RICH:(with their free hands they both knocked at the same time) 'KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK'

*JESSE:(in this room on his bed with his blankets covering himself he called out) "Alice and Rich are they gone? Are Donnie and Malen gone? Is it safe to bring Maggie in and celebrate her 18th birthday in peace?"

*ALICE & RICH:(looked at one another then at jesse's door and smiled, both had their eyes close)  "Yes, yes, and yes big brother." (opened the door a little to poke their heads in) "Would you like us to go get her?"

*JESSE:( taking the covers off of him he slide to the edge of his bed looking down at the floor) "No..we.." (looking up and turning his head to  the left and he smiled at his little twin brother and sister) "We're going to her and surprise her with the cake and painting I made her, so come on let's go I know where she's at.....I told her to hide there till Donnie and Malen left." (he walked over to his door, opened it and walked out)

Jesse walked down the hallway with Alice and Rich following him. They all walked down the staircase and then into the kitchen. Jesse opened the fridge and grabbed the cake he made for Maggie. Their parents don't go through the frig so Jesse uses it when he cooks. They all walked outside through the back door with Jesse holding the cake and Rich holding the painting. They called out for Meggie.

*JESSE,ALICE,n RICH:(walking around calling Maggie's name) "Maggie! Maggie you can come out now their gone! Donnie and Malen are gone!" (Jesse turned around and saw Maggie crawling out from under the back porch with the  little red, black, yellow, and white fox pup Magic behind her)

'Maggie was all dirty, cut, and bruised with scars all over her because of how much Donnie and Malen hated her. You see Maggie has a special power that she had since she turned eleven. Maggie could read minds and knows anyone's deepest darkest secrets. After Donnie and Malen knew about her powers they treated her bitterly and hated her for they thought she brought a curse on their family. But Jesse, Alice, and Rich thinks differently, They loved Maggie and her new power. They didn't treat her any different all because she had a special power. They showed love and compassion when she wanted or needed it. Jesse also tried his hardest to protect Maggie from their parents and most of the time took the beating that she would have taken. He wanted to keep her safe like a big brother should. He also paid for Maggie to go to school because Donnie and Malen 'didn't think she should.'

Maggie stood there for a second with Magic right there always at her feet then ran to Jesse with a huge smile on her face followed by Magic for she has seen the cake and painting Jesse had made for her. Jesse placed the cake on the picnic table and gave the painting to Maggie. She sat her gift on the table as Magic pulled at her worn out jacket. She looked down at Magic and saw that he had something in his mouth. She giggled as she bent down to picked up the little fox pup with the folded up paper in his mouth, that was actually too big for him. Jesse walked up to Maggie and Magic to see what was up. Maggie turned Magic so that he was facing Jesse and as Magic was wagging his tail Jesse saw the big paper in his mouth. It looked like Maggie's birthday banner wrapped around something lumpy and cubed shaped, maybe her digital camera. As he yawned Magic dropped them on the ground in front of them. Jesse picked up the banner then took out what was  inside, It was her Digital camera. he walked over to the table placed the camera on the table next to the cake, place the banner on the table too then, unrolled it. Just as he thought it was her old birthday banned with the number 18 written before the word birthday. He smiled as he turned and looked at Maggie. She was smiling at him then pointed at a tree branch of her apple tree just above the picnic table. He knew she wanted to hang the banner up so he carefully climbed the table making sure not to step on the painting or the cake so he could hang up the banner in the spot Maggie wanted it. When it was up Jesse carefully got down and turned to Maggie.

JESSE:(walking up to Maggie and placing his hands on her shoulders smiling) "I invited your friend from school, Jane, is that ok little sis?"

MAGGIE:(smiling and putting her hands on top of his) "Yes, I don't mind, but where is she?" (looking around in a concern way)

JANE:(jumping down from a nearby tree, did a flip in the air, and landed on her feet like an acrobat) "Here I am Maggie." (walking up to Maggie with a smile and handed her a bright red wrapped box) "'s your gift!"

Maggie happily took the gift and put it with the painting. Maggie picked up the camera and held it out to everyone. Jesse took the camera and smiled, Maggie doesn't talk very much but he knew what she wanted to do. He setup the camera in a spot where you could see the banner, picnic table, cake, gifts, and don't forget Magic, then he told everyone to squeeze together to make room for him.

JESSE:(pushed the timer and ran to his spot) "Now say cheese everyone!"

EVERYONE:(smiling) "CHEESE!"

CLICK, FLASH the camera took the picture and Maggie was the first one to run up to it. She grabbed the camera and looked at the picture, it was a digital camera Jesse bought her for her 16th birthday and she cherishes every picture she takes. Maggie held the camera close to her as she walked over to the others already sitting down at the table waiting for the birthday girl to make a wish and blow out the candles. Maggie sat down right in front of the cake with a lit candle in the middle of it.

JESSE: (looking at everyone with a smile) " Ok everyone lets sing Happy BirthDay!"


Maggie closed her eyes and made a wish, but instead of thinking about it she said it out loud.

MAGGIE:(smiling with eyes closed and hands folded in front of her) "I wish...I wish that Mom and Dad will go away forever so me, Jesse, Alice, and Rich can live in peace." (blowing out the candle then looked up smiling and four faces smiling back)

They spent the rest of the time talking and eating the cake not leaving any crum of it behind. Jesse glanced at his watch on his right hand and went into a panic.

JESSE:(getting up quickly then walked over to Maggie and whispered in her ear) "We need to get you somewhere safe!" (he looked frightened and scared about something)

MAGGIE:(looking down at jesse's watch and her smile turned into a horrifying frown) "Oh no we spend too much time outside!" (she looked up at Jesse)

Jesse's face looked pale and scared and he wanted to get Maggie to somewhere safe. He grabbed Maggie by the left arm and looked quickly up at Jane. By the look on Jesse's face Jane knew he wanted her to take Maggie to that spot in the middle of the forest and hide her till things died down. Jane took Maggie by the right hand and swung Maggie over her back. Jane ran off into the forest with Magic following close behind while Jesse, Rich, and Alice cleaned up as fast as they could before their parents came home. Jane ran and ran, Maggie was so skinny she didn't weigh that much so Jane was able to run fast to get her friend to a safe spot. Maggie looked back to see if Magic was still behind them but he was gone. She wondered where he went then all of a sudden Jane stopped and almost made Maggie fall off her back. She is just staring at an opening in the trees shaped like an opening to some place like a garden. Jane started to walk to the trees, maggie was curious about what was going on so he read Jane's mind to ease her curiosity, but what she heard frightened her.

JANE'S THOUGHTS:(confused) "Should I or should I not? They would do either two things to her, protect her or kill her, but I have to keep her safe. It's a long shot, but the Pastas will keep her safe if they know what's going on."

Jane was about to walk right into the trees when she heard something behind her in the bushes. Jane turned around but nothing was there.

JANE:(looking to her left over her shoulder at Maggie) "Maggie, I want you to get off my back and head between those two trees. You'll then find a masion, go and knock on the door and ask for SlenderMan....." (pausing looking toward the trees) "...and if they ask why tell them Zalgo is after you, they'll let you in."

Maggie slowly climbed off Jane's back then stood there between the trees and Jane. She was confused, who was this Zalgo and who was Slenderman? Why was Zalgo after her? All these questions with no answers but before Maggie could ask Jane all her unanswered questions a black creature appeared behind Jane. It was fully pitch black with a few blood red strips all over its body. Its eyes glowed bright red and had an unusual pattern on its wings that glowed bright red also it had black horns on its head. It had black spines going down its back till they stopped at its tail witch had red fuzz at the tip. Then two more creatures appeared on either side of it.  One was whiteish with a hint of gray. It had long sharp claws that made it hunch over and it had a creepy killer like smile. The other looked like a scarecrow. It held a Scythe and its dress was old and torn. Maggie's face turned white as she stared fearfully at them. Jane looked at her in a puzzled look.

MAGGIE:(lifting her shaky right hand she pointed at the black figure) "J-Jane...." (she stuttered)

JANE:(looking at Maggie nervously and with caution) "What is it Maggie?"

MAGGIE:(trying to speak) "W-what's that behind you?!"

Jane turned around and her eyes widened, but before she had time to react the one with the syith grabbed Jane by the arms and disappeared without a sound. The black creature looked to its right at the pale one and snapped its fingers on its left hand. The pale one bowed its head and also disappeared. The black creature turned and looked at Maggie with a killer gaze. It walked closer to her then grabbed her left hand with its right and kissed it leaving a burn mark.

ZALGO:(eyes looking up at Maggie still holding her hand) "Happy BirthDay dear Maggie, I'm here to grant you one birthday wish. (putting up its left pointer finger) "Just one and only one so think it through, oh make sure its a good one."

The creature let go of her hand and stood in front of Maggie as it waited for her to make a wish. Maggie didn't know that was Zalgo and the other two were Rake and ScareCrow. All she knew was that this creature in front of her was offering her a free birthday wish. But where was Jane, where did they take her?

MAGGIE:(rubbing her hand with the burn mark) "I have a wish, a perfect wish that will change mine, my brothers, and my sister's lives." (with a smile tears started to build up in her eyes then she closed them and folded her hands) "I wish-I wish that my Parents will just go away and leave me, my brothers, and sister alone. So we can live in peace."

ZALGO:(it snapped its finger of its left hand) "Your wish has been granted but beware the consequences, your wish might have a loophole." (it disappeared with a evil laugh following behind)

Maggie stood there for a moment then she saw Magic running toward her barking his head off. Maggie knelt down as Magic stopped in front of her and barked. Then he turned around and barked at the direction of the house. Maggie looked up and her eyes widened  with fear. Smoke was pouring into the sky like a forest fire out of control. She got up and ran toward the house with Magic not far behind. The only thing on her mind was the endangerment of her siblings and that she wanted to save them. Soon she came to an opening in the trees and stopped dead in her tracks. There in a burning car was her family screaming and banging on the car doors trying to get out. As Maggie stood there she felt helpless, she didn't know what to do. The strange creature appeared behind Maggie and placed its right hand on her left shoulder. Maggie quickly turned around with tears in her eyes smacking its hand off her shoulder.

ZALGO:(snickering evilly as it stared at Maggie) "I told you Maggie to make sure you wished carefully, now didn't I?"

MAGGIE:(looking confused with tears in her eyes) "I wished for my parents to go away! Not my siblings!" (angrily yelled at the creature)

ZALGO:(shaking its head and waving its right pointer finger at her) "Yes I know what you said, but there was a loophole in that wish."

MAGGIE:(face turned white and she stared at the creature) "Wha-what do you mean a loophole?" (backing up from the creature and turning staring at her helpless family being burned alive) "M-my siblings aren't my parents."

ZALGO:(walked up beside her with a devilish smile) "Ah but they did take care of you didn't  they? (putting its right arm around her shoulder as she stood there frozen with fear) "They were like parents, more than your real ones who disowned you when you were eleven, right? HA-hahahahhahaha!" (walking towards the fire still laughing then disappeared in the flames)

After it disappeared Magic ran after it barking, Maggie saw her fox pup run into the flames and snapped out of her trance.

MAGGIE:(running after him with her left arm extended to the flames yelling) "Magic no! Magic!..."

But just then the car exploded knocking Maggie to ground hitting her head in the process. Maggie blacked out but woke up to a familiar voice calling out her name. It was dark and the only light was from the setting sun, moon, and stars.

JANE:(standing over Maggie with a scared look on her face) "Maggie, Maggie wake up! Please wake up!"

MAGGIE:(opening her eyes to see Jane and Magic standing over her) "Uhhhhhhhhh...." (rubbing her head with her right hand and sat up looking at her feet) "What happen?"(looking around in a frantic as Magic jumped on her lap) "Why am I still alive? How in the world is Magic still alive? And where did you come from?" (looking up at Jane while petting Magic) " I thought you were kidnapped?"  

JANE:(standing up) "There's a lot here for you to understand." (reached out her left hand and Maggie took a hold of it with her right) "Now let me tell you everything you need to know." (pulling Maggie up off the ground holding Magic in her arms) "Up you go."

MAGGIE:(staring at the burned car then started to walk towards it) "My family is gone." (taking a closer look inside the car then a puzzled look came across her face) "W-wait, there's only the bodies of my parents in here." (twirling around with a smile on her face) "Did they make it out somehow?" (running up to Jane with Magic barking and wagging his tail)

JANE:(turning around then looked over her right shoulder at Maggie, then waved her hand at her to motion her to come here) "Come I'll show you what's beyond those trees I took you to the first time."

Jane started to walk off into the forest and Maggie ran after her.

* * * *

On a hill by Maggie's house a tall white slender figure stood in the moonlight watching Maggie. It had one eye red as blood on its left side of its face. Its smile was filled with sharp pure white fangs but its clothes didn't scream killer. It wore A fuzzy red top hat with a black band around the hat and a fuzzy red Tuxedo with a black tie, belt, and vest. Beside it to its right was someone who looked exactly like the black creature Maggie saw. It was fully pure white with a few hot pink strips all over its body. Its eyes glowed bright pink and had an unusual pattern on its wings that glowed bright pink also it had white horns on its head. It had white spines going down its back till they stopped at its tail witch had pink fuzz at the tip.

Aalgo:(looking up at the slender white man) "So Father Slender what do we do now?"

FATHER SLENDER:(with a deep but gentle voice) " Well it's good thing I rescued Maggie's siblings from that fire." (looking down at Aalgo) "Your older brother is a minus. I didn't raise him to end up a trickster, (sighed with a smile) " I'm just glad his little sister is the good one."

AaLGO:(eyes closed and smiled) "Well I am the angel of life and....." (interrupted)

FATHER SLENDER: "Yes I know Aalgo, and Zalgo is the angel of death. Just like your cousin the Reaper." (looking up at the sky, the stars filled the night) "But I couldn't  save them fully."

AaLGO:(looking confused) "What do you mean sir?"

FATHER SLENDER:(looking down at Aalgo with a smile) "To save their lives I have to give them new life." (putting his right hand on Aalgo's head)

AaLGO:(her eyes widened in concern) "You don't mean?" (pulling on Father Slenders right arm as if she were hugging it)

FATHER SLENDER:(looking at the forest with a content expression on his face) "Yes, I had to if I wanted to save their lives. Maggie will be ok, I'll won't let them grow though till her 22nd birthday." (closing his eye and sighed) "That way we can watch her and she can protect her family at the same's too early for her to have that much responsibility. Till then let's keep an eye on her and keep her out of trouble."

AaLGO:(nodding her head) "Ok Father Slender."

* * * *

Jane and Maggie finally arrived at the trees that looks like an entrance. Then Jane all of a sudden stopped and Maggie almost ran into her. It was dark and only a few moon raises broke through the leaves of the trees.

JANE:(taking something out from inside her sweatshirt) "Do you really want to know what is really going on?"

MAGGIE:(with a serious but nervous look on her face) "Y-yes!" (stepping forward  a little) "All of this is confusing, I should be dead or severely hurt! And I saw Magic run into the flames as the car exploded!" (taking a deep breath) "If I'm dreaming please pinch me!" (angrily pointing to the ground  in front of her with her right hand as her left still held Magic) "I want to know everything starting now!"

JANE:(back still facing Maggie she held the object in her hands) "Ok if you really want to know I'll first start with me." (she put the object on her face) "Jane isn't my full name." (turned around with a white mask on with the eyes and mouth the colored black) "I know you read my mind earlier, remember when I mentioned the Pastas?"

MAGGIE:(nodded) "Yes I remember, but what does that have to do with you and what happen to me?"

JANE:(snickered) "Ok Maggie, I'll tell you everything but don't freak out on me." (sitting down on the ground criss crossed as Maggie sat on her knees in front of her still holding Magic) "Ok the Pastas hide in the middle of this forest and they have been living here ever since people stopped believing in them. This is a doorway that only lets Pastas in. If you're not a Pasta it won't let you past.  There are alot of us but some of us left. They scattered all about the world and if they are all brought together we could defeat the traitor Zalgo and his two followers Rake and ScareCrow. Each of us has a background story and are in a book that keeps track of all the Pastas. It tells the leader of the Pastas who the Pastas are and if a new one shows up they appear in an empty page of the book. The book tells all our strengths, weaknesses, how you became who you are, and your name of the thing you became. The Pastas are monsters who are just misunderstood and because no one believes in us anymore all we do is hide or try to blend in with the world. This is what me and you are." (standing up) "My name is Jane The Killer and your name is Maggie The WereBeast."

MAGGIE THE WEREBEAST:(staring up at Jane The Killer) "So I'm a pasta?"

JANE THE KILLER:(nodding her head) "Yes and so am I, and I had a feeling you want to see the others that are beyond the trees am I right?"

MAGGIE THE WEREBEAST:(excitedly with a confused smile) "Really?!" I get to meet them?"

(when Jane The Killer is talking it's the next day and Maggie The WereBeast is already getting ready to go leave the house)

JANE THE KILLER:"Yes, but you can't be seen. Tomorrow at noon head here. The Pastas are always having their lunch together out in the front yard of the mansion. Study them and learn everything you can from them. For when your 22nd birthday comes you'll meet them face to face. I'll see you on your next birthday, I have to go see someone important so you'll have to do this alone. But I know you'll be fine."

* * * *

MAGGIE THE WEREBEAST:(packing a shoulder bag up) "Ok Magic ready to go?"

MAGIC:(wagging his tail) "Bar barrr!" (pant pant)

Maggie and Magic both left the house close to noon and headed for the trees. Once they reached the trees they stopped right before they walked in. Maggie looked down at Magic and smiled. Then she looked back up at the trees and walked in. As she walked in with Magic close to her feet a bright light shined when they passed through. She shaded her eyes as she came into the clearing and then stared in awe at the giant black and dark red mansion on a giant meadow of light green grass and flowers. In the front yard there was a picnic table with two Pasta characters placing food and plates on it. One had a mask on that looked just like Jane The Killer's and the other had a hood with two red eyes and a red frown on it. Maggie took out the pictures of the Pastas Jane The Killer gave her and looked for their pictures to see what their names were. She flipped through them then finally got to their pictures but almost got caught so she hid behind some bushes to the left of her. She looked down at the pictures in her right hand then flipped  them over were the names were, but just then a letter fell out from between the pictures. Maggie laid the pictures on the ground in front of her then picked the letter up with her right hand then unfold the letter. It was from Jane or as for her whole name 'Jane The Killer'. It read,

Dear Maggie,

Yes I said Maggie. All because your whole name is Maggie The WereBeast doesn't mean I have to call you by your whole name. I'll call you Maggie and you can still call me Jane. If you're reading this that means you are already beyond the trees and in the forest circle were the  Pastas live. I knew you'd be interested in Masky and Hoodie first so that's where I hide my letter at. Remember what I said, study and know everything and if not at least most of the Pasta's behavior and personality. See you again soon.

Love, Jane

Maggie folded up the letter and put it in her right pocket, then picked up the pile of pictures with both hands flipping through them. For each new pasta came into sight she looked for their name ...but not very many pastas live in the house, not to what she saw. After an hour she packed up her things and started to head back. It was getting dark and she didn't like walking in the woods by herself when its dark. When she got home Maggie didn't want to go to the bedrooms so she laid on the couch. Picking up the TV remote with her left hand she turned it on and watched tv on her stomach till she fell asleep with her left arm hanging off the couch.

They next day Maggie grabbed a pencil, her sketchbook, and headed out to the Pastas Mansion as Magic followed her at her feet. She hide in the same spot as yesterday and watched as each of the Pastas walked out and sat at the picnic table. She sketched them one by one getting every detail of them just right to her liking. She sketched Jeff the killer playing fetch with SmileDog, Masky and Hoodie under a nearby tree sitting and talking, Ticci Toby bothering Eyeless Jack by poking him in the back, Laughing Jack laying in the sun in the grass eating candy, Grinny sleeping on a bed of flowers in the sun, Sally playing with SlenderMans tentacles as he read a book, and Ben sitting on the picnic table playing some kind of Pokemon game on the DS. Each day Maggie went back studying the Pastas and learning everything from and about them. For instants she found out Masky and Hoodie love cheesecake, Jeff has a temper, Smile is playful like Magic, Grinny is lazy, Sally looks up to the leader SlenderMan, Ticci Toby is annoying, Eyeless Jack knows doctor stuff, Laughing Jack loves candy, and Ben loves video games. Maggie loved going back each day to learn more and more about the Pastas but she missed Jane. She didn't know what here life had in store for her and what Jane has plan but all she knew is she trusted her friend so each day she went through the trees and learned more and more about the Pastas as Jan requested