Chereads / Kingdoms Tower Defence / Chapter 13 - First Defense

Chapter 13 - First Defense

(Wave 1/3 Twenty Gnoll Reavers)

(Gnoll Reaver) (Class: Under Common Species: Hyena Brood') (Life Force: 80) (Regal Force: 0) (Physical Attack Damage: 4 - 7 per sec) (Speeds: 5 meters per second: Fast)

Description: Lowly creatures that serves as forward troops for every Gnoll Assault.

Danger Level: C+ Adventurers ranking, Dangerous in general.



Beast like maniacal cackling bellowed around originating from the other side as the great monster thread forwards, ravaging the once silent weald, filling it with this dreadful malice and uncouth savagery beyond the forests natural circle.

There as it reverberated the Monsters finally reveals itself once again, sauntering closer and closer to the band of heroes as they ready their weapons composing of magical armaments and cantrips.

And when they did begin to cross that free space of a enlarged road, their sights where immediately meet by the piercing pain of an arrow being fired into their hind legs and thick fur.

Rabid red eyes grew in anger, viscous drool of acidic saliva coughed and splattered down as the impact of the arrows grew stronger beyond the levels they could withstand.

Making them bleed the poisonous black blood coursing through their veins to corrupt the beautiful blue grass growing in the outskirts of Faerwood.

Currently a battle ensued in that same mythical forest belong to the wise and elegant Alvanis from the kingdom of Galrandilron, There both Wood and Moon Light Alvans unite to defeat a common foe breaded by their more evil kin for warmongering purposes.

Giant bipedal Hyenas of Abyssal descent, one from a more ancient powers, And yet here they faltered on their heels as the rain of arrows once again peppers their bodies into bloodied red mists and remains.

Simply because they could not directly fight their enemies on the usual fair grounds, for they became untraceable from both sight and scent, untouchable and reachable as the new era of defensive tactics employed by the Alvans destroys them.

One by one they where swiftly shot down, whether it be by magic or by master crafted war projectiles, even when they had stronger bodies or better equipment how could they have known how to fight against it? for none of that even mattered as they all fell the same way . . . . . . . . . . . .



Charging forth the Gnolls blood thirsty and angered they followed the path seen within physical limitations, not bothering to understand the illusions being set on place.

Meanwhile seeing what her boy Arvin is doing Gwyndelin was left shocked and scared out of her mind, as Arvin is seen right in the battlefield far from the Gnolls but close enough for them to reach him within a matter of seconds at the end of the pathway, Wearily she begins to call out to him almost crying and panicking cursing herself for putting her trust on him once again, 'ARVIN What are you . . ."

But before she could even continue Arvin still went and justified his actions, by reassuring her that everything is according to plan, 'Don't worry I got this! Just don't let them reach my area, Just Shoot at them as quickly as possible'


whimpering softly in hesitation Gwyndelin could only follow his words, as she begins to feel the magical effects of the spell calling out to her with this powerful comfort, that is not known but somewhat familiar to her.

Calming herself down, She prepares herself with regal focus, ready to smite her foes with magical powers.

'Alright Hunters Arbor no. 1, 2, 3, - 7. the moment you see them on your range start shooting at them, You will see that you become much more effective as when you stay hidden in those trees your stealth modifier will increase your damage' Arvin called out to the Alvan Rangers hidden in the front of the line making sure they now what blessing they are receiving when they are inside their designated tower.

Hearing the Young Commander once more they could only nod at the unfamiliar yet reasonable terms and slangs of the power up called damage and modifier, for they understood that their damage and range has increased but have not quite gotten the grasp of it yet.

(Wave one has arrived) Rusi announced, with the first of the gnoll hordes beginning to appear in Arvins map, there he reminded the Rangers at the Front of their Arrival to slaughter their foes.

(5x Gnoll Reaver per 7 seconds)

'Here they come, go and get them tigers!' And as he finishes the Gnolls begin to appear on their line of sights, separated by a 5 meter mark as to not get whittled down to quickly when their together, drawing their bows they begin to aim at them with ease as if their entire body became automatic on range finding the enemies.

Feeling this weird but beneficial situation they can only thank the powerful wizard for his high Arcana reservoir.

Five Gnoll Reavers, that are five meters apart from each other began threading on the path, towards the visible mage standing from afar at the end of it.

*Shunt Shunt Zwimp Zwimp Shunt

- 5, -7, -6, -7 * Urghh -7, -6, -7, -7, -23 critical

(Gnoll Reaver 23/80 Hit Points)

Firing their bows at the location of the gnolls they begin to pepper them down with a hail of arrows, revealing a set or oddity of numbers slowly being depleted on the top of their heads

- 7 critical * Shunt AArghhhhh . . . -7, -23 critical, -7, -6, -7, -23 critical, -7 * Zwippp Aughhnnn

(Gnoll Reaver x2 0/80 Hit Points) . . .

(Gnoll Reaver x3 80/80 Hit Points) . . .

"Trust our Aim!" the Alvan Rangers fiercely shouted, disorientating the enemies even further as the voice echoed throughout their surrounding areas, But upon hearing this again, the Gnolls immediately stopped what their doing and try to once more thread towards the high grounds towards the trees tops, seemingly further in the distance to destroy the Alvan pricks, while more of their kin continued on the set pathway.

(Gnoll Reaver x5 deployed 80/80 Hit Points) Rusi announced as more of them came into the battlefield.

Meanwhile the other Gnolls, as they climbed higher into the grassy foot hold they are swiftly stopped on their tracks by the infamous Alvan Rangers spell called Spike Growth casted at fourth level, sprouting out of the ground.

Blocking the Monstrosities from their path all the while scathing some of them that are too close for comfort.

-25 critical, -23 critical *BOOM AURGHHH

One of the creatures were torn asunder as they took the direct hit of the spell.

(Spike Growth Level 2 Spell, At Fourth level, durability 700/700)

On the other hand one of the Alvan Rangers became very confused as his hand automatically raised itself to cast that spell, Thinking to himself.

'What the F*ck why did I do that, Eh . . . Woahhhh Woaahhh I'm shooting at them automatically again, What sort of sorcery is this' he continued as his arm just suddenly once again does the weird thing again, and begins to shoot once more.

Scowling in anger the Gnolls could only bash their way through the Growth of thorns, while some waited for reinforcements of their brothers to help them in breaking it down, still being peppered by arrows from who knows where.

* BACHH BACCHHH BACHHH . . . . . . . . *SHUNT SHUNT SHUNT ~ AUGHHnnnn ~ Awwrrr

(Spike Growth Level 2 Spell, At Fourth level, durability 600/700)

Twisted thorns to roots where bent and broken, transformed into unrecognizable shapes as they tried to break through the Hunters Arbor barricade, Yet their actions seemed to be all for naught as they all took the fierce retaliation of the rangers, killing them before they could even destroy the ever so growing undergrowth with only 1/7 of its durability being depleted.

While that was happening the current 5 gnolls that recently appeared are ever so slightly getting closer to the Young Alvans position which is still quite a few miles away, Arvin is visible but not to the point the enemy couldn't just throw a ranged weapon at him from their distance alone.

-7, -6, -7, -5, -7, -7, -23 critical , -7, -6, -, 23 critical * Splat

But as they are walking down the pathway, Arrow upon Arrow slowly whittled their health, killing them before they could reach that distance and complete their task.

One was lucky enough though to pass through the wall of arrows, exiting the range of many but not most of the Hunters Arbor.

"Tsk, One is going to get through" An Alvan Ranger situated in one of the Arbors yelled to the others, making the Gnoll snarl in satisfaction as it nears the end.

*ZIIINNNNGGGG -12 . . . -12 . . . -12 * Splat

Two Homing Balls of Energy came forth and blasted the one gnoll three times, disintegrating the creature into ash, as a magical floating rock hovers in the distance, shooting at it in between its range.

"No Further . . ." Gwyndelin murmurs while standing on top of the floating rock, guarding the exit of the pathway, while protecting Arvin who is not so far away.

(New Tower)

(Mage Dais, 8 - 12 damage, 2 Homing Bolts per 1.5 seconds, Range 280 meters, description: Mystic mages cast dual homing bolts that ignore any physical protection."

This Mage wields stunning magical powers to its arsenal, dealing high amounts of concentrated damage on a single enemy, firing two bolts in a second and a half, It can hit both ground and air foes)

Costs: 120 Gold)

'And Another one, good job mom that's so cool!' Arvin Happily exclaims, making Gwyndelin blush in joy.

(Gnoll Reaver x10 deployed) Rusi Announced once more.

'There are more of those things coming! Arvin!, and they are grouped up together' Gwyndelin messaged Arvin as the last batch of the first wave came sauntering forth but in higher numbers, making the ever so squishy Gnolls to become a much more formidable cannon fodder.

'Stonebrow, Do it now! they can't hit you from there, Even if they try to enter your area I will stop them!' Arvin order Stonebrow the Geomancer in order to make the counter attack even fiercer than before.

And in Response, as Stonebrow hears the lad he only smiles as a giant shadow was looming over him the entire time.


Suddenly the air became damp as earthen magic filled the air, while the Alvan Rangers where shooting down the 10 Gnolls that are running on the paved road, A ominous feeling slowly crept up on those vile beasties, then a shadow stretches out to the skies, darkening the light of day against these lowly creatures, curious as to what was causing this phenomena they glimpsed upwards while trying to wave off the incoming arrows.

Confusion and dread filled thoughts suddenly popped up within the minds of these Gnolls as a small black dot begins expanding on the sky line, then with speeds faster than light it arrived.

- 12 damage Area of Effect 25 meters . . . . . . . .

(Gnoll Reaver x5 22/80 Hit Points)

The realization hurts, they were far to late to understand the object, as the impact of the makeshift weapon crashes unto them, unearthing the ground, leaving bits and pieces of stone and debris, or some pieces of limbs and splatters of blood trailing the ground, causing most of them to be smashed into smithereens.

"QUIVER and QUAKE, For It is I the MIGHTY STONEBROW" Stonebrow the greatest of the stone druids announced as he hurls more stones at the gnolls with his earthen gravitas magic.

(New Tower)

(Stone Circle, 7 - 12 damage Aoe 25 meters radius, 1 Large Stone per 3 seconds, Range 300 meters, description: "The Stone druids hurl heavy rocks that deal area damage."

This Earth Born uses metaphysical objects as its ammunition, inflicting splash damage whenever they throws stones on grouped up enemies every after three seconds, it can hit ground foes while splash damage can affect flying enemies.

Screaming in agony, the five gnoll grouped up together fell incapacitated into the ground, fazed by the wrath of the magical artillery, But not stunned to the point they stopped in place, sauntering forward they shook of their dazed stupor and continue to charge towards the exit path while both the mage and druid continued to keep firing at them.

*Swish ~ Spelch

In a flash, A Gnoll'ss head went flying into the air, leaving a trail of blood on its way, stopping the remaining Gnoll's completely in their tracks, as three green figures blocked their way, leaving them vulnerable to incoming stray attacks from behind them.

"For the Light of the Moon" Revealed the Alvan fighters, trained in the Alvan ways of sword fighting, saying this they begin clashing with the remaining Gnolls head on, displaying abnormal speeds and master full control of their bodies, flipping their swords from reverse grip to fencing stances as they parried and elegantly slashed at their halted foes.

(Alvan Defenders 50/50 HP) miss, miss, miss -7 *Urgh, miss, miss, miss (Alvan Defenders 43/50 HP)

(Gnoll Reaver 23/80 HP) -3, -4, -4, -4 , -4, -4, -4 *Shing Squelch (Gnoll Reaver 0/80 HP)

(Alvan Defenders 50/50 HP) miss, -5, -3 (Alvan Defenders 42/50 HP)

(Gnoll Reaver 12/80 HP) -4, -4, -4 *Auuwwnn (Gnoll Reaver 0/80 HP)

(Alvan Defender 50/50 HP) miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss(Alvan Defender 50/50 HP)

(Gnoll Reaver 23/80 HP) -4, -4, -4, -4, -4, -4 *Gackk the head goes flying (Gnoll Reaver 0/80 HP)

Finishing off the remaining Gnoll hordes, the Alvan counter attack prepares for the next waves . . .

(New Tower)

(Defenders Ambush 50/50 Hit Points, 1- 4 Melee Damage & 5 -7 Ranged Damage, Attack Rate 1 Action per second, Armor: 30% (Dodge Rate Chance), Range 150 meters rally point, Respawn rate 14 seconds, Description: Trained Alvan Defenders ready to block and fight incoming enemies."

The tower hides Alvan soldiers, called defenders. Defenders are the most basic soldier, with low health, negligible damage and little armor. They are able to hold and fight off enemies, but should not be relied upon to actually bring them down, as most enemies will be able to kill them.

Costs: 100 Gold)

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