Chereads / Space Explorer / Chapter 4 - Heartbeath

Chapter 4 - Heartbeath

The heart and mind of Rose was at full speed trying to think of a solution, she knows that politics is in everything no matter what you say all of that is politics, your stand, opposition, likes, dislikes, etc. Her desicion could make everyone in here live a hell for the rest of their lives and now she could understand the scream of Robert, if their choice is correct they will become super rich, she could receive a very handsome reward in the form of personal classes from a star designer, the access to the terran technology and the resources of the HAF. but if she makes the wrong desicion all of that will be for naught.

Everyone wants the entire ship and its secrets! If the AI abboard the ship is active they could replicate the feat of a 100 meter minimum Jump a very frigthfull technice in space combat, altought the technology is nothing to them the very fact that the ship is intact gave a very powerfull signals that something very important is in the ship, perhaps a technology that the big three couldn't replicate, technology... Yes that's the reason something major is in the ship a very big secret that none of the big three could possible pass! what is it?

But no matter how much she wanted to think more the others gave her no chance, with a very powerful voice the president of the terran federation delivered his orders.

"Miss Carpa by the law of the terran federation i order you to bring back the Norweian Pirate, the code that i will give you grants access to the star engine and the bridge to input the coordinates that i will give you"

The law of the terran federation! altough she isn't part of the terrans their law still encompass a lot of power in the galaxy! no matter how much she struggle the simple fact that she is a true galactic citizen in the name of being a Distinguished Mech Designer make things very difficult to refuse that order! Rose was swetting bullets how in the hell is that the supossely mass of raw exotics that she was expecting to find became her demise in the form of a Warship! fortunately for her Robert wasn't an idiot, all his years in the field of politics and scienses gave her a hope in the name of Fuel!

That's right the fuel! no matter how much the ship is intact its fuel reserves need to be low, after all the battle of the apex was fought in the galactic center in the Elysium System and the ship is in the very rim of the galaxy!

"Venerable members i'm afraid that i can't fulfill that order, we don't know how much are the fuel reserves in the ship, even if we are lucky and the ship has 10% of its reserves we will never reach the system that the venerable president of the federation was telling us, at Most we will reach a star system that could be somewhere of some third rate power" Rose spoke with certainty no matter how much you claim to have a access to a big ship as this and claim that you are the owner of one the simple fact that this things eat exotic fuel as if it was potato chips could make any state below the big three go bankrupt.

Her response was meet with silence but it was broken pretty quickly by the Admiral Silverwing.

"Good Job miss Carpa! sucks to be you right Louis hahahaha. Miss Carpa i expect the coordinates when you have it"

That wasn't a say it was an order and the other two expect the same. 'It seems that a third rate power will be destroyed!' 'Who cares! i'm dealing with the big three and they don't take a no for an answer'

"At one venerables, i will informe you of our status in every moment!" Rose

with that the screen was again off only for the formers representative monitors ouer every move.

"Ma'am we recived the data and codes, Robert will begin the preparations to launch a graviton laser to the spatial lock. please await a few moments" Captain Francisca informed their commander of the procedings that will happen in a few moments.

After what it feels the longest three hours in their lives the tripulation of the Wind Queen finished the preparations for the operation and without a minute of delay they launched a compact laser charged with graviton particules.

It went beautifull, the laser acuratedly impacted in the expected zone and the spatial lock was inmediately destroyed as if it was a bubble, after that miss Carpa issued her commands.

"Send the codes we need to enter ASAP to the ship." when they did that for aproximately 30 seconds nothing happened but in the 31 seccond a tractor beam locked the Wind Queen and was being dragged to the Hangar bay. from affar the tripulation could see the ship as something relatively small but when they were dragged they become stupids at the seer size of the mounstruosity that the Norweian Pirate is.

"Their main Guns are bigger that our ship! they could put our ship in them and send us to oblivion!" thats how big the norweian pirate is in reality. later when they aproached the Hangar bay, massive doors where being open and with a lot of space they entered the mythycal Norweian Pirate.

When the finally docked in the interior of the ship its gargantuan doors started to close and against all odds an atmosfere was being reproduced.

"Status Report" said Captain Francisca to this tripulation. "all green captain, the ship contains the atmosfere to breath without our space suits" answered the alferez of the ship.

"Don't lower your guard all personell needs to leave the ship and enter the Norweian Pirate i don't like that all was being perfect, there's no perfecction in the universe, so expect trouble" Rose

the entire tripulation started to put their exosuits, and space suits and orderly they started to exit the Wind Queen. When all tripulation was in the Hangar bay every one of them was marveled again at the sher size of the place they are, Miss Carpa was the last to step in the hangar bay and looking around her she saw it.

With a scream miss Carpa was trying to wrap her head in her hands, the tripulation and medic went to her with concern. "What happened miss Carpa?" asked robert at seeing the painful expression of her commander.

"My design Philosopy is being contaminated!" miss Carpa say in painful groans. the tripulation was perturbed at the revelation. but what could make her design philosopy to being contaminated. with shaking hands miss Carpa signaled to a certain part of the Hangar Bay in there they saw it, the apex in the mech industry, the dream of every mech pilot in existance and the realization of every mech designer in the galaxy.

With an humanoid form, a mech green in colour with the head of a serpent in form of a helmet and human caracteristics in its face, the helmet contains fannels in the form of wings, its hands were a mix between human fingers and claws, its feet were strangely enough in the form of dragons in the western mythology in old earth. The mech has a Sword in its back and what it's now a taboo in the galaxy a graser riffle in its right arm; the machine not only could fight with a sword or a riffle but that his hands and feet are also weapons that can shreed all kind of alloys. altought a thousand year old the mech is still a Prime Mech.

The pilots in the tripulation as if motes to the fire were being drawn to the mech and if it wasn't because miss Carpa gave her orders and stop them, the security measueres in the ship will kill them. "Stop you Idiots! don't you know that you are inside a dreadnout! this ship has measures agains personel that don't have the clearence to aproach that mech." all of that was said by miss Carpa with closed eyes. She can't see the mech directly because the design phylosophy of the creator of the mech might destroy her phillosophy and she will become a puppet to the older and most proficient designer.

With abated breath the tripulation went to the elevator and without pause they enter and close the doors, after a few minutes the tripulation reached the doors of the brigde and with tremblind hands miss Carpa inputed the code to acces the bridge.

One by one everyone accessed the bridge and they were again marveled at what they saw a place that can host more than three hundred people with massive displays in a semi circular format, a star window shows the two bigger monsters that they are still out there.

with cautious steps they aproached the dais in the center of the bridge the place in wich the person that has absolute command of the ship is and with jesus in their mouth they saw the body of the absolute general of the ship Karl Fabian Mont.

All of them saw the body of the General in his exosuit that covers his entire body, a black exosuit with a black helmet that make his facial features impossible to know, a Bip alerted the entire tripulation as if the body of the General was moving but only for a line of code that requieres password to be inputed is in one of the consoles.

All of them saw each other and with a breath of releief they saw what it was being displayed in the screen.

"Input Autorization Code"

when all of them was looking at the screen none of them took note of a heartbeath that apperead of nowhere.