Chereads / Journey from Comics to Media Empire / Chapter 8 - Turtles, comics and papers

Chapter 8 - Turtles, comics and papers

21 Jan,1978

Edward Newgate MC POV

At Newgate mansion

After working with the GALAXY Games team in developing games like 'Star Wars', 'Snake' and 'Tetris' I learnt more about the games.

Game designs, programming, arts and graphics, sound designs and testing… which helped me understand the era and see the development of the industry first hand.

The games 'Pac-Man', 'Tron' and 'Indiana Jones' are in production, especially 'Tron' which is already in the film adaption process and Uncle want the game to be released before the film is made.

He and the Disney want to replicate the Star Wars success if possible.

Even the arcade owners are eager for the arcade machines because of the company's successful games.

My birthday was spent with Uncle and me going to a trip in a cruise ship in Hawaii and it was a thrilling experience for me a homebody in previous life.

The breeze, those waves, the sun and the fish; it felt good going out once in a while.

I was thankful for having such an Uncle who helps me, cheers me, plays with me, eats with me… because if it were others, they will squeeze me till there is nothing left. After all, these are money making projects.

He not only trusts me by considering the suggestions and ideas I told, he also does his best in providing the best of best if possible.

While I was enjoying the tour, Uncle came from behind and said that he will leave me on the island and I had to survive there.

I glanced at him with a 'Are you serious' look and he sighed. He said that kid like me should be scared and crying to not leave on the island alone.

I thought it was true that kids of my age will surely crying and wailing, but I am different and said "Uncle, I am thinking that if it is possible to live there. Will there be any monsters, witches, ghosts or any treasures hidden by some pirates… then if I find the treasures like Indiana Jones of my story, should I give them to museum or use them myself…."

He looked at me and said thoughtfully "You have great thinking, kid. I am struggling to accept that a kid like you still thinking about monsters and treasures, then if the treasures are found you still think about spending it or not… What can I say, you wrote that Indiana Jones and it not hard to accept if you are thinking about treasures and monsters. Though it's kind of reminding me that you are still a kid with all this imagination."

After we went to the hotel for the stay. When we are going back, I saw sea water turtles in the pet shop.

They look kind of cute and they reminded me the famous 'Ninja Turtles'. There are also four turtles in that aquarium.

The shop looks small, after all it was 70s.

I asked my Uncle to buy the turtles.

Then he took me to the shop and asked the owner about their price and completed formalities.

Even in the 70s, they are considered as protected species. After completing the process, they were now considered to become my pets.

For next two days, we spent the time enjoying the warm sun, cool sea and him teaching how to swim. Under his supervision, I learnt well on how to float on water without sinking and finally learned to breathe properly without choking.

I have decided on learning how to swim because I haven't learnt such things in my past life. It felt good to learn new things.

Uncle too felt it was good to learn how to swim. He said that he will assign me to a good swimming teacher to teach me how to swim in summer.

Like that, we spent three days in Hawaii and returned to our home in San Fernando.

My pet turtles were sent home on the day they were bought.

I named them same as their counterparts Leo (Leonardo), Donnie (Donatello), Mikey (Michelangelo) and Raph (Raphael).

When I named them after the Renaissance Artists, he was speechless and said that my naming sense is the best.

I chuckled at his remark and said "Thank you, Uncle".

I thought of creating them now, but I am sure they will face the scrutiny of being parody or copied of 'Daredevil' and other Marvel characters.

Next day, after my daily routine, I went to the Newgate family's bookstore 'The Book Tree' with a large Tree symbol at back and Gate symbol covering the front.

I went through the comics section, because of the comics boom and many people are purchasing them, there are now sold in book stores or in sections of bookstores.

Though they were sold in newsstands, many people are also going to the book stores for the comics.

The book store owners also saw the rise of comics, started to sell them in their stores.

I was known to workers of Newgate family and they took me to the shelves of the Marvel comics.

There are many issues and I browsed through them and took Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Incredible Hulk and X-men issues with me.

After reading them in my room and I can conclude Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk and X-men have good plot and Daredevil is not of that famous one of my past life.

I then went through their respected art works, story writers, inkers and the team behind the creation.

I found that Frank Miller, the one that made the Daredevil famous was not one of them.

After this, I went to my bed thinking about on next work.

I have completed 'Care Bears' and 'My Little Pony' S1,2 and 3; of which S1 are airing and half of S2 have been produced and remaining are in production.

'Jumanji', 'Indiana Jones' and 'Tron' picture books are hits and sensations; of which 'Tron' was already in both film & game adaptions and 'Indiana Jones' was in game adaption.

I messed in 'Saturday Night Fever' and 'Star Wars' films.

Made 'Star Wars' and 'Snake' games.

Now 'Tron', 'Pac-Man', 'Indiana Jones' and 'Tetris' games are in production.

Along with 'Alien' and 'Tron' films are also in production.

If I make those famous comics of my past life, then I might lose them.

Because the Comic Code Authority (CCA) is on their side and if they feel threatened or having losses, then they invoke those laws and stop us from publishing the comics.

The parents will also feel that we are doing things wrong and will also go on strikes.

If the strike goes on, then the comics might get banned for real and copied by them.

First, let the comic boom spread, if they are selling well and large market is being cultivated then it will be helpful to me;

Second, I will have my Uncle help me set up a new rating system based on film rating system for comics, this will be helpful in resisting CCA;

Third, it will not be good for a kid to make comics with mature themes. So, I will wait for another year and publish my comics with genius template.

I am already participating in games production and it will make others accepting the fact that I have great creativity in the games. Also with the picture books, this will further cement that I a genius.

Then I went to sleep.


Next day

After deciding what to do and what not to do, I went to school.

After school, I then again came to the Newgate family's book store 'The Book Tree'.

I browsed through the comics section once again. Then I went to children's section of novels and picture books to see is there are any new works for inspiration (Plagiarism).

I found the famous 'Narnia' series, also 'Bridge to Terabithia' which was also inspired from 'Narnia'.

When I looked at them, I remembered how I was excited to see the 'Narnia' film made by Disney and was thrilled to see the iconic scene of Aslan and his army's confrontation with the Witch.

The 'Bridge to Terabithia' was also succeeded in conveying the magical realism through the special effects.

I also want to remember, if there is any related content to plagiarise. I thought for a long time and went home.

While I was thinking, I seemed to remembered the comic 'Pakkins Land' by the Image comics. The story of Paul, a young boy finds himself in a magical world filled with talking animals, mystery and excitement.

It seems to be good for my comic debut, I can introduce the taking animals and then make the 'Ninja Turtles' saying that it gave me the inspiration.

'Pakkins Land' was successful in my past life and was also able to attract younger audience because of its style.

But first, I want my comics not to follow the today trend with being printed on cheap quality papers and the cover page being messier with all those names, price tags, ads, etc.

I will introduce the high-quality paperbacks and volumes from the 2000s era along with the cover page follows a neat format and specifically coloured using Bristol or glossy paper.

I want to use 350gsm glossy or matte art paper for the soft cover to make sure they are hard and flexible. They shouldn't tear easily like other comics in the market.

Like that, I spent nearly a week and used the connections from Uncle to learn the information about the Glossy papers and Bristol papers, their corresponding manufactures from the Newgate Publishers.

I found out not many companies produced them especially in California. Giants like International Paper, Champion International, Mead corporation etc produces different types of paper.

Because Glossy papers are used for magazines, brochures, photography etc and Bristol papers are used for art, technical drawings etc.

After learning the situation, I approached my Uncle and said about my idea of drawing a comic with theme like 'Narnia' and all.

I also said that I want to draw on Bristol or Glossy papers with Bristol Board as cover for volume and Glossy papers as soft covers and all. Also explained how I am going to use volumes style like Japanese manga.

He listened and said that he will take of it.

Then he handed me some of the scripts that he brought from the studio to see which were worth investment.

He said that I keen sense for picking up good scripts and to find one from this. I should also pick one and tell him the decision a week later. In the meantime, he will help me with the paper stuff.

I was excited about all this and said that I will surely tell him.

Next week was spent with me going to school, participating in game productions in spare time, reading the scripts at home.
