So first and foremost I'd like to thank everyone who has been following the series thus far. I actually only thought of this idea once I began typing, and wasn't too certain what direction I'd take with it.
Once it started getting traction however, I began to map everything out and envision several of the upcoming arcs. I'm excited to get to the points in the story that I've created and can see this series continuing for quite some time. Well over 500 chapters and arcs are planned in the coming months.
That being said, aside from the main plot of Ora gaining a powerful relic, everything thus far had been made as I wrote. I'm proud of many of the characters that will have been made, and of course ones that you shall eventually read about.
Just to clarify, this story has largely been a rough draft and I plan on rewriting it later on. For now, I'd like everyone to enjoy the concepts and visualization of what I have planned. Eventually, I'd like to go back and re-do many of the parts that I may have poorly portrayed.
But for now, I'd like to tie up loose ends through the information below. It is a step by step analysis of the events occurring.
Circa 80 years prior to the start of the series, the 3rd great war ended. This was due to Yorba's God Relic which wiped out 2 different countries.
About 30 years prior to the story, Baerim annexed Sei'O and Lakia. After a couple years of Baerim rule, Sei'O attempted to rebel, but was stricken with a plague. This plague killed of more than 60% of their population and military force. With most of their resistance gone, Baerim imposed their rule even more aggressively.
The ill who lived long enough to bear children gave birth to Plague Children. The plague's epidemic eventually died away about 15 years prior to the story. However, these are not concise cut numbers. The last case of the plague might simply be 10 years prior, and the first case might have been more than 5 years prior.
The plague didn't just spawn, and then disappear one night within these number of years. It slowly started, then became a big problem before it was, for the most part, eradicated. Cases occurred a little bit after, but eventually it was too small to be such a big threat. (Many insights and secrets will be revealed.)
Now onto the main story. Yorba had largely been the only country with S-ranked relics. They had blocked other countries from gaining powerful relics priorly through the usage of Harre Gibbs' "atma" relic.
Initially, Lynx was to receive the relic known as "the world". However, after Harre was sent to a future that saw Lynx as the holder, she was apprehended. Yorba then had no way to retrieve her unless they killed the person that was to hold the relic.
Lynx gets killed off, thus changing the future that was intended to happen. Instead, Ora obtains "The World"-- Which brings us to this current fiasco of events. Lynx and Ora are extreme parallels of one another. While Lynx was plenty times more peaceful and caring, Ora... well the chapters speak for themselves.
After defeating Yorba's strongest warrior, Kars, Ora's current exploits had lead him to clash with Baerim. This of course did not end well for Bearim. But it is when the true story I had planned begins to unfold.
This current arc was largely introductory and I had a hard time thinking of a name for it, but I'll just call it the Inheritance arc. Side Note- I am very...very bad with creating names. I can write a story in minutes, but get stalled on making a name for days on end.
This chapter isn't to conclude the series or anything. It also isn't to state a stall in the next arc, but it is to tie up any loose ends and understand more of what I'm missing from my audience.
I wasn't aware that some of my messages didn't come across as cleanly as expected until I got comments and reviews about them. So, if you have any questions or concerns, I'd like you to ask them in this chapter. This way I can know what to revise when I remake the story later on.
Aside from that, the second arc begins now. The Recon Arc. I'm excited to write this one out.
For the majority of you that have been keeping up with the story, you have my sincerest gratitude. I probably would not have come this far without any support for the book. You guys keep me writing.
I know that there are many loose-ends to my story, and that I've been missing information in some parts, or that some areas may not convey as well as I had hoped to. This story is just a first draft.
It will eventually be rewritten, but for the sake of all the readers that are still following the story now, in order to keep a fluid motion from this arc to the next, I'll explain several things that others may have missed below/above. (Author's Note{