"W-where did you come from? W-who exactly are you? W-where is the child that I asked?" stammering, yet she was still able to ask a series of questions while trying to look brave in front of the man.
"I sense great fear within you, hon... don't be" a slight curve at the end of his lips were formed. "Wouldn't it be awkward if you'll be terrified of your own husband?" Erebus let out a soft chuckle that made Stella's knees shake.
"Husband?! What are you talking about? Are you crazy?" she moves little steps towards Erebus as she exclaims. Erebus smiled, letting his tiny fangs visible as Stella's magnificent figure came closer to him. The woman didn't fail to make his heart pound fast.
"Oh c'mon... as if you have a choice" the demon growled as he forcefully grabbed the lass' waist making her whimper in pain. Stella tried to get away from his powerful grasp, and as she does, Erebus' grip on her became more intense and powerful, leaving her weak and unable.
As Erebus noticed that Stella started to get weak, he lifted her chin up and stared at her eyes intently. His strong grasp slowly turned into a gentle and soft caresses. His stares were deep and profound, seems like he's wanting to dive into Stella's deeper self, her soul.
Silence transcended, no words came out of both of their mouths. Their eyes did all the talking. Erebus' stares seems to be asking for this woman to put all her trust in him.
On the other hand, Stella, although she had doubts and second thoughts about the man in front of her, her cold and terrified heart, were gradually soothed. The gazes took long enough, until they didn't even realized that their faces were getting closer to each other. The surrounding aura of the place started to change into an intimate one.
Erebus kissed Stella in a passionate manner. At first, the girl is hesitant and doesn't return the kiss. But Erebus' succulent lips did not retreat. He licked her bottom lip causing the girl to moan, and giving his tongue the chance to enter. Stella's protest diminished.
She was weakened by his kisses, and decided to just let him do what he wanted to do. Their lips crashed as their tongue started to fight. The sensation that Erebus is giving to Stella, it was irresistible, Stella had done nothing but to groan. Catching breaths, soon they found their selves naked, clothes scattered on the floor. Gasps and moans filled the room.
Their colliding bodies sent them both in the panting state. They ended it as they reached their climax. Stella fell on top of Erebus as they were still catching breath.
"Magnificent..." Erebus said under his breath. Stella didn't say any word but her flashing red face told a story. They rested for awhile then they returned to wear their clothes.
"I couldn't believe I did that" Stella frowned and her face showed great disbelief on what just happened. A warm body suddenly envelopes her slim figure. "It's fine, I won't do it again, and that I promise" he said it in the most gentle and comforting tone while caressing his lady's cheek.
"I only did that because it's what you wanted right? You're the one who summoned me here, and now you shall bear a daughter inside your womb" he trailed off, "That's what my mission here is. To be the father and let you bear a child"
Stella didn't say a word. Her eyes fixated on the soft creature in front. "But I'm afraid, this might have some consequences..." Erebus continued to speak but this time he looked away, clenching his fist.
"Consequences?" Stella was left dumbfounded. "Let's discuss that after we get married" although Erebus was a bit hesitant, he left a reassuring smile plastered in his face making Stella trust the guy even more.
As to how they will be tied and get married, Erebus held Stella's left hand, fingers interlocked within each other. "This will hurt a bit..." Erebus mumbled, his hand started to heat up. Stella whimpered in pain yet he trusted the guy enough that's why she didn't let go of their hands. She endured the pain. It took awhile and Erebus can no longer take the look of Stella being in an excruciating pain.
His lips suddenly landed on Stella's making her blush as she was shocked of the sudden action. Surprisingly, it was quiet effective in reducing Stella's pain.
Not long after, Erebus let go of Stella's hand. And to her surprise, she got an occult symbol in her palms. Erebus noticed Stella as she can't help but to stare at it for quiet some time now. "That's a symbol for marriage in hell", Erebus gently chuckled as he hugged the woman, which is now officially his wife. "You know we can't be married in front of a priest" he said in a jokingly manner.
Stella nudge Erebus then they both shared a laugh. The image of both of them laughing was like they were already married for years. Their genuine smiles, as if they were both deeply and madly in love with each other. Not knowing that they just met perhaps, a few hours ago.
After a few moments of just laughing and teasing each other, they were both tired already and all they want to do was to fall on a deep slumber. So Erebus invited Stella to live in his manor from now onwards. A white Maserati Quattroporte suddenly made its way in front of them.
Stella was again left dumbfounded and confused as on how in the world would a demon possess such luxury. But Erebus didn't say a word and just dragged Stella into the car. They were both silent inside the vehicle.
One is thinking of a way on how to say such sinister consequence while the other is busy thinking about the beautiful features that the other person have.