(The boy was lazy, but also a hard worker. He would go to school and afterward go to work. He continued this routine every day, yet he never knew why. He doesn't care if he graduates or not his only goal is to make it to 18. All the money he got from work he saved or gave it to his family. To him, he lived an average life. The boy spent his days seeing the world in nothing but black in white. He made all of his choices thinking about how he could benefit the most. He interacted with everyone, for he enjoyed seeing how others viewed the world. It was a hobby of his. He would put himself in many different situations just to see how others would react. For him, everything was only in black and white except for when someone's emotions were strong. When he looks at a sunset all he sees is How it is getting dark outside, and depending on his location he could be in danger. But when he looks at something like a sunset with someone who Likes them. He can see just a bit of light emitting from them lighting up the whole area. The boy has lived his life to this point believing that he would never feel any emotion so intensely form such a mundane thing. One day the boy made a simple choice that kept piling up a bunch of lucky situations. That led to him experiencing all of his emotions in the span of one minute. This caused a change in the boy that he would have never expected.
***Home Town***
The max came to a stop. I wasn't in a rush, so I decided to get off early. As I walked down the street I remembered thinking this lady is crazy. You see I was meeting up with a college recruiter about my financial aid packet. I didn't really care if I went to college nor did I want the free Starbucks she was offering. But hey it was a Saturday, and I had nothing better to do. I took my time walking to the store; for I wasn't sure If the lady was worth meeting. I didn't know much about the school other than the fact it wasn't a community college. I was sure no matter what the lady said. I wouldn´t go, because I wasn't taking out a loan.
I arrived at Starbucks, and she immediately spotted me. It wasn't that hard since I was the only black person in the store. She got up from her seat to greet me and offered me a drink. I declined for a bit then ended up getting a hot chocolate. After getting my drink I went to join her, so we could get started on my Saturday morning entertainment. She started talking about the school, and other stuff I didn't bother listening to. I only came to this meeting, because she would flood my email. After she finished talking about the boring stuff we eventually got down to the numbers. Long story short it would cost me $8,000 to go to a $46,000 school. The recruiter was a cool person, and she was going to spam my email even if I did say no. so I made up my mind to go. I told her it all sounds good, and I look forward to seeing you in the fall.
Now I´m a man of my word, so I started working my ass off to make $8,000 in two months. I applied to countless scholarships. That never turned up any results. I was working full-time and then going straight home to apply for another scholarship. It wasn´t looking good until the CEO of a non-profit I know sent me a link to a scholarship they're hosting. I applied and two weeks later I had $2,500 for my schooling. I also made a little over $1,500 bringing me to $4,000 which will cover my first semester. I wasn't really worried about the second semester since that was a future me problem.
A month before I went to school my job threw me a going-away party. We all had grape soda cheers. That resulted in me pretty much drinking all of them. They all just poured a little in a cup. I had to take one for the team and finish the rest of the cans. Everyone was excited to hear about my school, and that's when it came to my attention. I haven't researched a thing about my school. So instead of a party we just connected a laptop to the TV and started looking up my school. I knew it was in Wisconsin, but I didn't know were Wincosin was since I´ve never needed that information. I just hoped it was somewhere warm. Saying that is what made everyone realize I didn't know anything about my school. One of my supervisors actually hit me with an ¨oh boy your in for a shock.¨ He then pulled up google maps and showed me that I was as far north as I could go in that area of land. At that moment I realized I done fucked up, but it was too late to turn back. At the party, I also learned that I would be going on a week-long Orientation trip or OO trip for short. Apparently, you're supposed to pre-register for that. All my co-workers looked at me like ¨" you definitely didn't register did you.¨ I was appealed that they all unanimously thought I didn't register. To make things worse I didn't do it. I applied so late that all the cool options were gone. I got stuck with backpacking; which was the only OO trip I´ve done before, but thanks to my laziness I ended up on the trip with the person that eventually made my heart skip a beat for the first time.