Chereads / Eternal Saga: The Beginning / Chapter 18 - Ancient Temple Part One

Chapter 18 - Ancient Temple Part One

As night fell, the cool air caused Yuki to shiver. Michi brought Yuki into her embrace and covered her with her tail. "Thank you, Michi." Yuki smiled, she felt very warm. She was basically lying on top of Michi and had nuzzled herself into Michi's chest. Michi's breasts were around the same size as her own but still big enough to make for a soft pillow.

"As long as Yuki is happy, Michi is happy." Michi nuzzled her nose in Yuki's hair, taking a sniff. She loved Yuki's smell the most.

As for the annoying little bird, the branch he was tied up to was now bound to the side of a root that hung over the inlet they were currently in. The fire they started kept the small area quite warm but the gentle breeze that dipped down within would cause a chill. Unfortunately, for the annoying little bird, he was in the coldest spot and was currently chattering his little beak off from how cold he was. "St-St-St-Stupid… Hu-Hu-Humanoids!"

Yuki fell asleep in Michi's warm embrace while Michi gazed down warmly at her. Michi's soft voice could hardly be heard over the crackling of the fire next to them. "Whether you, remember everything one day or not, I do not care. I will always protect you from everything. Our love will always be eternal."

*Chirp!* *Chirp!* *Chirp!* *Chirp!*

The sound of morning birds could be heard as the sun rose from its long slumber. Yuki's eyes parted as she reached up and rubbed them. She lifted her gaze to see Michi's sleeping face causing Yuki to smile. Leaning up ever so slightly, Yuki couldn't resist but to kiss Michi's lips. When she realized what she was doing her cheeks began to blush. She had no idea why such things with Michi were so easy to do and felt so natural. But she also found she had never once hated anything the two of them had done. Just this thought alone filled her with a warmth that was hard for her to describe.

"Yuki?" A soft voice came from above as Michi woke up.

"Sorry, Michi did I disturb you?" Yuki asked as she slowly got up.

"No, Yuki can never disturb Michi." Michi smiled as she stretched her arms and stood up herself. She strengthened out her clothes and walked over to where the annoying little bird was tied up. "Yuki, I think it's dead!"

"Oh? Then we will eat it for breakfast." Yuki answered back without any hesitation.

"Damn human!" Was the answer Yuki got in return. Yuki had already heard shuffling from that direction, so she knew the annoying little bird was not dead and just as she expected as soon as she talked about cooking it, it spoke up really fast.

"Ugh… Michi!" Yuki felt a rumbling in her stomach and was a little at a loss of what to do. Michi looked over at Yuki and saw her pleading eyes and knew what was wrong instantly.

"Yuki, come!" Michi said ignoring the annoying little bird who was still complaining. Yuki quickly ran over to Michi who lifted her up and helped her down to the ground level where Yuki immediately created a bathroom out of the ground with her earth magic. After a few minutes, Yuki came out feeling much more refreshed.

"Michi, let's eat and get ready to enter this place." Yuki said as she stared at the dark entrance of the temple in front of her.

"Mmm… Roasted bird coming right up." Mich said with a bright smile. Yuki shook her head and held on to Michi as Michi gracefully glided back to the small inlet they stayed in during the night.

"And another thing, I do not have much meat on my bones so I would not be filling at all!" When they arrived the annoying little bird was still talking, even though no one was around.

Michi began walking over to the annoying little bird with hungry eyes causing the annoying little bird who had just happened to look at Michi to shiver in fear all over again as he started to panic. "Look, I said I was not tasty!"

"Michi, don't eat that, you do not know where it has been." Yuki yelled over as she began roasting some fish. Although eating fish all the time was really getting tiresome they had little to no choice with the small amount of food they had. Other than the rabbit meat and the skinny bird they really did not have anything else to eat and from the sounds of it, any monsters that would be worth hunting had yet to return since the rock lizards passed through.

"Humph! Stupid lucky bird." Michi grunted before walking over to Yuki.

Yuki let out a laugh listening to Michi as she finished cooking their fish. She never planned to let the stupid bird off the hook after what it had done to her and Michi. But she did not plan to eat it any time soon either. They were going to explore this temple and see what this so called treasure truly was and a bird on a stick was the perfect means of testing for traps. Yuki was nervous though. She was only level 8. Although she had much more [HP] than before, she did not wish to die any time soon. And she figured anything level nine and above could squash her flat with her horrible combat skills. Although she was getting better thanks to Michi's training.

After breakfast, the girls washed their faces and got ready to enter the temple. Michi once again held the bird out in front of her as they stood at the temple entrance. "I call abuse of the weak! Why are you making me the one who enters first!?" The Annoying little bird yelled.

"Mainly because we get a great reaction out of you and it is punishment for what you did to us. Now stop talking or I will just let Michi eat you now." Yuki replied coldly. She was getting sick of listening to this stupid annoying little bird.

The annoying little bird fell silent, cursing his own luck on the inside. He could do nothing as Michi took the lead and stepped into the darkness of the temple. "Lighting!" Yukie cast a light spell. It was part of her basic light spells.


[Mana Cost 1 per minute]

[Creates a light ball that will hover around the caster.]

With the magic ball of light now lighting their path, they were able to see the ancient murals that were painted on the wall. "I wonder if the civilization that drew these were humans dressed as birds or some kind of humanoid bird species..." Yuki said as she gazed at the drawings. It showed many different scenes. Some that looked to be strange rituals while others depicted their hunting habits. It also showed many warriors fighting gigantic monsters as well. There were even some images of what seemed to be slimes attacking humans.

The area they were in so far was nothing more than a straight hallway that continued on. But Michi seemed to have noticed that the hallway was at an incline bringing them deeper underground as they traveled deeper into the temple. "Yuki, Michi thinks this place has turned into a dungeon..."

"A dungeon?" Yuki asked, confused. She knew of two types of dungeons, one where people were brought to be jailed and tortured, and then the second kind which was dungeons in rpgs with a boss lying in wait on the bottom floor.

"A place will turn into a dungeon and spawn monsters over a period of time if something bad happened within that spot. There are also naturally forming dungeons that will also pop up. Michi can only guess this is the first kind, one where something bad happened causing it to turn into a dungeon over time. As monsters spawn and are killed your experience rate will be higher and item drops will also be higher. But the main issue is when you enter a dungeon you can not leave until you complete it..." Michi's voice was quivering a little. The two girls turned to look in the direction they came and sure enough Michi was right. The light of the outside that should be visible for them to see was now completely gone.

"It looks like we are stuck..." Yuki's face went pale. She never thought dungeons were basically a death sentence for all those who enter!

"Yuki, we should be fine. This area is lower in level so with Michi here we should be able to fight our way through and complete the dungeon no problem." Michi said, reaching out and interlocking her fingers with Yuki's. She was doing her best to keep Yuki from becoming too scared.

"Ahh! That is it! I am doomed! I will die in here! All those years of going without a mate! I will die a virgin at this rate! Damn human and demi human picking on a small little bird!" The annoying little bird began crying at the top of his lungs. Both Yuki and Michi's faces turned black and Yuki quickly formed a fireball in her hand and walked over to the annoying little bird.

"Say one more word at all and I will roast you. If your voice just now summons a bunch of monsters you will be tossed into them to keep them busy while Michi and I escape. If you even breathe I will roast you do you understand me?" Yuki was mad. She was not sure how monster aggression worked here but she knew one thing was for sure. If they were forced to fight a bunch of monsters at the same time there was no way they would ever be able to escape this place alive.

The annoying little bird wanted to say if I can't breathe I will die but he held it in knowing quite well that this human girl meant every word she said. The girls continued on very slowly making sure they checked their every step. Even though Michi could pick up the smell of monsters close by she still did not want to take any chances if it meant Yuki may be in danger. Finally, after what seemed like hours of travel, the group arrived at the entrance of a large room.

"Yuki, careful monsters ahead." Michi warned, causing Yuki to quickly summon her hammer.

"Will things be okay?" Yuki asked as she looked dead ahead of her.

"Mmm… Seems to be slimes up ahead… " Michi's ears twitched as she listened carefully.

"Then, let's try to clear the room out. We can make it our base of operations for the time being." Yuki suggested.

"That won't work since they will respawn after a certain amount of time and these slimes are not like the slimes outside which are level zero, these slimes will have levels to them. But no higher than level five. So fighting them will still be easy. Yuki, you take the lead. If this is a dungeon the rooms will light up as you walk in revealing more of the room as you venture in. I will be right behind you."