Chapter 11 - Die trying


Okay! Let's use that word to describe the current feeling the entire family was experiencing, right now.

Moving closer to her sister, Tara whispered into her ear, "he said he will bring him this week. And he's here now?" 

When she overheard the man talking about bringing Collins home, it sounds like he would make the plan after today, but the man actually went to get the boy today?

She couldn't believe it.

They were all seated in the living room with Collins being held by chairman Charles. The boy was still sleeping soundly.

He looked so happy and his gaze so full of dreams for the boy. 

His eyes began to redden as the boy tossed, turned and breathed in and out in his arms.

A nostalgic feeling settled in.

He recalled the day he was holding Collins father in his arms and looking up at his late wife with admiration.

The fact that she brought such a blessing into his world.

Time sure moves so fast and that blessing that nearly turns waste because he fell for a woman has brought another blessing into his life.

He gets to see this bundle of joy in his lifetime.

He raised his hand lightly and touched Collins' lips.

He began sucking on the inside of his lips adorably and the man giggled.

His wife just kept staring at him with a passive expression, while the two girls were feeling so uncomfortable with the way he was doting on the boy.

"Come take a look, honey. His temperature seems higher than usual or is this normal?" He suddenly looked up and asked.

The two girls blinked and looked away, because the man caught their unamused look.

"Seems my princesses are jealous hun?" He teased them and having been warned by their money not to take their irritation too far to make the man weary, they forced a smile and shrugged their shoulders.

The wife stood up and moved closer, while Charles was still busy telling his daughters that they should embrace the little bun as their flesh and blood.

They nodded their head, but still a bit disgusted to touch him.

Their mother felt Collins skin with the back of her palm and let out a soft sigh.

"It's nothing serious, but it seems he was sick. Maybe he was just recovering or a fever just began to set in. Anyway, we should call the doctor over." She said and without arguing, the man reached out his hand and Tara quickly got up and passed him his phone.

He called the doctor, while his wife offered to take the boy.

He happily let her carry him.

With the same dreamy look, Collins was stared at by the woman.

She wasn't planning to do him any harm.

At least, not yet.

His brain is fresh and as long as her husband sees sincerity in her attitude, he won't mind her training the boy along with him.


He will instill it in the boy's life that when he heard her name, he would shiver.

The boy would be trained to answer to the snap of her fingers like the almighty God made a statement for his believers.

He will be wrapped around his finger and even if her daughters didn't get the company, having Collins get it wouldn't be different from her owning it.

A sweet smile played on her lips and her daughters caught it.

They know their always silent mother will smile like this when she has won a battle in her head.

"I will take him upstairs to rest properly and get clothes delivered for him." She said and Charles raised his hand to ask her to wait, which she did.

"Hello, Mr David. I would like you to come to the main house and check on my grandson." He said to their family doctor, who asked when he got a grandson.

Charles chuckled with pride and history started.

He is a good friend with the doctor, so he didn't hesitate in explaining who Collins was.

"He's Alexander's son. You remember the slut who ran away with him then?

Yes, her. 

She gave birth to his son and I just brought him home. We would talk about it after you check him out…." They talked and exchanged pleasantries before they ended the call.

The ladies were awfully silent. They just kept watching everything unfolding.

"Honey, let me take him up and don't bother with his clothes, I'm going to go shop for him tomorrow morning. Do you want to come along, Honey?" He asked his wife who gently smiled at him and passed him the boy.

"Your taste in clothing isn't so great. I would do us the honor….. For our grandson." She said and the man mentally breathed a sigh of relief.

Actually, he owns the whole place, but knew for the boy to grow well, there must be harmony under his roof.

He's glad everyone is flowing with it and he doesn't have to use threat.

"I'm grateful for this." He said, taking his time to admire the emerald hue of his wife and the way her lashes do the reply to most things the mouth should answer to.

It closed and opened and with a soft smile, the man felt assured that everything went successfully.

He doesn't care about Mel, because there's nothing she can do anyway.

And even if she tried something, he has his plans.

Before his son returned from the meeting he went overseas, which was one of the reasons why he couldn't wait and just decided to take the boy today…..

Mel would have been silenced for good.

He won't let the boy leave his home.




Amy was being operated on and Mel was crying in front of the ward.

It was like her entire life came crashing down in an instant.

Despite her overprotective ways and actions over her boy, he was taken away and she couldn't stop it.

She only has her mouth and tears, those bastards have money.

But one thing they didn't understand was that taking Collins from her was like taking her breath away and no way she's going to survive without breathing.

Even if it costs her life, she will get her baby back.

Or die trying.