Chereads / PVT Smith / Chapter 7 - 1928

Chapter 7 - 1928

Autumn in Topeka, Kansas is vivid and bright with beautiful colors of different trees beginning to shed their clothes for the coming winter. 1928 has been a very rough time for the whole country, but even more so for the "free" states. It has been eighty years since the heroic and valiant Mathew Brodus rose from slavery to war hero, garnering support and appreciation from almost all circles of social life in the country. The South was still violently bitter over being defeated by the hands of a former slave, causing a lot of tension towards the five states that were rewarded to Brodus and his followers following the war. The five states became known as free states, not just for the minorities to find a judgment free and equal place to live but for women's rights as well. Each of the states has had several black governors and even a few women. This cold October morning was on cusp of the first black woman Governor for the state of Oklahoma. Her name was Sheela Campbell, and she was a very well educated woman in her late 40's that was a practicing attorney before getting into politics. Her election was all but certain, thanks to the major support from the most popular Governor in the free states, Dwayne Palmer. It is in his office in Topeka that this eccentric and powerful public speaker has been able to command respect and loyalty far beyond his state of Kansas. This year was the most important year for him. He decided four years prior to run for the President of the United States and was the first black person to do so in the country's history. However, his campaign was bombarded with direct and indirect countermeasures to never allow him to be on a majority of the states ballots. The Western states mostly allowed him on the ballots there, followed sparingly by some Northeastern ones as well. The South and states bordering these free states, almost unanimously opposed his name being put on their ballots. They had a lot of political power with many of the businessmen from the North East, due mostly to their stranglehold on the much needed raw materials for the North's manufacturing and fabricating businesses. Gov. Palmer was very patient and meticulously arranged enough states this year to possibly win and help usher in a new era for this great country.

"It is looking very close Governor, the latest word is we have enough support to reach 270 if some of the states hold their ground against the opposition." Milton Bledsoe reads off from a transcript. Milton was the campaign manager for Gov. Palmer and was very effective at arranging resources and pulling behind the scene political strings. His father was the Senator from Pennsylvania and he was Harvard Law School graduate over a decade ago. He gave up on law after the 1924 election, because of the injustice Palmer had endured. "So, we can win this sir. I have several people crunching numbers and everyday that goes by we get more support. If the election was a week later we would have it in the bag."

"November 6th the people of this country will elect whomever they feel is most suitable. If I lose I will continue my work here in Kansas for as long as I am needed." Palmer said in a very consistent, but not boring tone. Palmer was a very strong willed and intellectual person that was among the most powerful public speakers in human history. His voice commanded respect and even the attention of his rivals. With Europe edging closer and closer to war, Palmer's opponent, a utilities owner that had cornered the electricity market early and was now raking in pure profit by raising the costs every year significantly. His name was Charles Smith. A fourth generation plutocrat that inherited an enormous fortune that he in turn bought out all competition to allow for control of the prices. The two held complete opposite views on the looming war in Europe as well as the profitability and monopoly of what is now essential utilities. Palmer felt such services should be government run and regulate and his opponent believed America was great because of profit that can be made in any and all avenues. This is what the election would be about, according to Palmer, whether the country should police the world and if businesses should be allowed to corner the market and charge whatever they want for goods and services.

A few weeks away the election felt like it would never come for Palmer and his fellow Republicans. The party was started with Lincoln and cemented with Grant and Brodus pushing for more social services, like free public education for every citizen and access to clean water and relatively safe living conditions. Republicans had fought hard against racial inequality and social injustice against their Democrat rivals. Democrats brilliantly controlled many of the building blocks for creating wealth and maintaining a profitable business. They used this power to keep the influential North in line with their goal at limiting blacks from places of power and respect. This served them well in denying Palmer a fair chance in the previous election.

The five free states had their own agriculture and manufacturing entities initially brought about to limit the unfair prices they had to pay other states for goods and raw materials. Mathew Brodus left a lingering legacy for having education be the main priority followed closely by military might. He was once quoted after the Civil War as saying "A smart man is worth ten soldiers in peace time, but the opposite is true at times of war." This mentality persisted in the grueling training and preparation by the over hundred thousand troops maintained in the free states. They also had a very skilled group of pilots flying the new Boeing P9 fighter plane and Martin MB-2 bomber. A military on edge and slightly paranoid was necessary after being surrounded by states and people that dislike your existence. Drills had been conducted starting in 1924 after the five states pooled resources and Intel on a possible second civil war. They practice attacking key targets and simulated different direction to push to allow a better foothold and defensive border. None of the military leadership wanted another war, the cost in lives and supplies would be too great to sustain their sovereignty. But there are certain lines that can't allow to be crossed by the South and their allies.

The cold morning of November 6th 1928 came early after a sleepless night for Palmer and his wife as they sat with each other in his office mostly sitting silently in their warm embrace. Both of them know how dramatically and quickly their lives would change if he gets elected and both equally knew the safety of the first black president would be a constant concern. At nine am Milton knocked on the door almost like clockwork and the two high school sweethearts let out a simultaneous sigh as they held tightly one more time before starting what was sure to be the most frantic day in their lives. Milton wasted little time as Gov. Palmer opened the door and saw his friend carrying a stack of papers and reports.

"Good morning Sir." Milton responds to door being opened. He quickly enters and starts to lay out various papers on the long table behind one of the sofas. "Things are looking good as you know in the West and Northeast, but good news from some of the East coast states we were unsure about. We had a 120% jump in Republican registration in most of the states, including Florida. Sir, I know I don't need to tell you but if we get Florida, none of the other close states are needed to win."

"Patience Milton. We have at least ten to twelve hours before we can be reasonably sure of the outcome and we should try not to speculate too much. Have you had breakfast yet? "

"Uh, no sir. I wasn't planning on eating anything today, let alone breakfast."

"How about you leave the reports alone and let's sit down and enjoy a nice quiet breakfast. Roger can you come in please." Roger Knowles was assigned to Dwayne Palmer's security detail after his first successful Gubernatorial election eight years ago. Roger handpicked members of the detail and was a very strict and thorough individual that spent twenty five years in the Nebraska Reserves before wanting to expand his skill set. He fit in well doing security for a politician, he maintained discipline no matter what star studded venue Palmer went to. There had only been a few close calls that Roger handled efficiently and mercilessly. "Morning Roger, can you radio down for some breakfast, you're welcome to join us of course."

"Thank you sir, I will notify the kitchen." he replied.

Roger wouldn't join them. Both of them knew how that game was played, Palmer would offer with a genuine feel of courtesy but Roger always declined. He was friendly but not a friend. It was easier for him to keep on his toes and keep his guard up if he allowed himself to relax while on duty for even a second his primary would be vulnerable. Palmer and his wife sat quietly at the table with Milton and the three enjoyed an array of breakfast items from croissants to scrambled eggs and biscuits with gravy. This is probably the first time the three sat together without talking about politics or agendas in the last four years. After they had enough food and drink they all seemed to mentally prepare themselves for the day that was laid out before them. The two men made their way over to the skinny table that held the reports and begun discussing different topics and issues involving a vote suppressing tactic being employed in the Southeast to campaign volunteers enduring verbal and sometimes physical abuse. Mrs. Palmer was on the telephone contacting different wives of other Governors and political figures to get a good gauge of how everyone was holding up and their individual concerns about today's events.

At 10:30 a bell chimed and Roger opened the door to remind the Governor that he himself needed to vote with his wife at a nearby fire station. Rogers signaled for the rest of his detail to prepare to go mobile with the primary and secondary. Today would be very hectic for security as anytime the two went out to an event they were usually swarmed by supporters and well wishers. As they approached the fire station Roger knew this would be no different than before. There were hundreds of people lining the street with a large crowd gathering at the front of the station awaiting the presidential candidate. As the two cars pulled up to the front people got close to the car to wave and shout inspirational cheers for the two. Rogers was riding shotgun in the Governors car and by the time he exited his vehicle the people waiting patiently along the street began to envelope the cars. Rogers other security members in the first car quickly left the car and began to clear a path all the way to the station. Roger circled around the back keeping an eye on the crowd and opened the door to Mr. Palmer's side. As he and his wife exited the cheering roared loudly but most people kept a safe distance from the security team as well as the candidate. Palmer began reaching into the crowd for handshakes and high fives as they made their way down the path to the rolled up station door. It was about halfway to the door when Roger noticed an individual with his hat pulled down low covering all but one eye. This man stood out vividly in contrast to the energetic, cheerful and animated people all around the presidential nominee exuberantly clamoring to touch their beloved politician. This man stood completely still, like a lone man made building surrounded by swaying trees in the wind. Roger knew this man had no well wishes to give the president.

Roger clicked a button in his hand that sent a buzz to the inner thigh of the others in his security detail and they instantly knew things were about to get hectic. The closest agent to Roger glanced at him and followed his locked gaze to the target and sprung between the unknown assailant and Gov. Palmer. Roger moved at a steady pace, closing the distant between him and the masked individual, when the man pulled out a firearm or some sort and pointed it at Palmer who was now directly in line with that man a few people back. The gun fired with a very deafening boom as a projectile headed straight to his intended target. The agent that sprung between the shooter and Palmer, noticed the man begin to raise his arm and caught a bullet dead center of his chest causing the force to knock him backward into Palmer as the two fell to the ground. The assassin dropped the firearm and disappeared in the frantic crowd. However, Roger never dropped his gaze and after glancing at Palmer and finding him in no more danger he resumed tracking on the fleeing suspect and pursued. The rest of the security agents quickly gathered Palmer and his wife into the first car as it sped away, the remaining agent took the wounded agent in the second car and followed.

Roger was two blocks behind the masked man in a near full sprint, gaining ground slowly as the two men had equal amounts of speed and endurance. Winding around the city streets and alleys, Roger was closing faster and faster. This is no doubt thanks to his tireless and exhausting workout ethic rain or shine, night or day. One more corner and he feels ready to pull out his custom made Colt Model 1911 pistol, had the trigger customized to allow better accuracy while moving for situations such as this. That next corner comes and Roger pulls his gun from his holder on his inside left side and takes aim as he rounds the bend. Just as he prepares to fire, the masked man is met with a running car and another masked individual hanging out the opposite window with a Thompson machine gun. Once this assailant see the pursuing agent he opens fire in a very disciplined and accurate manner and Roger is barely able to leap behind a nearby wall untouched by the hail of bullets. The second after the shooting stops Roger rolls out from cover in a crouched posture with his handgun held firmly as he tracks the man still hanging out the window. His breathing is understandably heavy and he takes two seconds to calm himself the best he can and he lightly squeezes the trigger. His pistol sends a handmade .45 caliber round out of its chamber at over eight hundred feet per second. This round cuts through the air like a knife through butter as it seeks its target. As true as his aim is, the dead center of his attacker he aimed for is missed by a half foot, but still hits the fleeing man in the upper left shoulder and the force of this impact rips him from his perch on the window opening. The car with the first man, that fired on Palmer, never slowed down or hesitate and kept its escape unimpeded.

In the basement of Rogers security headquarters, where agents from the free states can receive training in all matters related to protecting politicians or notable persons, he stood next to a bleeding masked man tied down in a chair. Roger himself went through this training center that Mathew Brodus had set up in the wake of his transforming these states into self sufficient entities. Roger was able to fully utilize the many assets this center offered after graduating and having a very prosperous and successful career. There are various hate groups that have tried several half ass attempts and assassinating Palmer and others in the last four years. Not only had no one came as close as this days' attempt, but these men were very well trained and disciplined. The bleeding man, that still retained his mask, had not said anything in the last four hours while being strapped down. Most of the hate spewing rednecks they interrogate love talking and mouthing off until they put them through a few painful procedures. Roger could tell this man was going to be very different and, for the moment at least, decided to forgo any kind of torture until they had more information. The pistol recovered at the scene was a handmade contraption that was designed to shoot once and then render it completely useless. The agent that took a bullet for Palmer was wearing a crude protective vest that should have minimized the damage significantly, but there was some penetration and the agent was currently unconscious at a nearby hospital. Everything about this assassination and the people involved completely perplexed Roger and other head Agents. They left the man to bleed unaided for another few hours until a call came in to the headquarters from the hospital tell them the Agent had passed away from a poison that entered his bloodstream. Furiously Roger stormed into the interrogation room and kicked the bound man forward onto his head, as he applied pressure with his boot on the back of the chair pushing his head more into the cement floor.

The man, when sat upright again, was now bleeding from his forehead as well as his left shoulder, and he began to laugh out loud. Roger was almost overcome with anger and restrained himself from beating this man to death with his massive fists. After a few calming breaths he continued his questioning.

"Who do you work for?" Roger asked calmly.

"I am the cure for parasites like you."

"Interesting, so you are no different than the toothless, inbred, uneducated rednecks I have had the pleasure to educate with pain?"

"There is nothing you can do to me that I haven't had done to me before."

"You should seek new employment if your employer will treat you as bad as your enemy." Roger smiled when he said this.

It was well into the late evening when they decided to take a break. Inmate 1, as he was designated, had been given a shot to knock him out for an hour or two as they crudely stitched up his wounds and hung him upside down naked. They then took turns beating him with a two foot chunk of tire rubber that swung as easily as a baseball bat. Initially the man held his claims but he was beginning to get weary and his blood curdling screams were a good indication he was near a breaking point. Roger and the four man team, assigned to this interrogation, sat in an adjoined room and ate some sandwiches that were made earlier in the day as they gathered their strength to continue. Just as they were finishing the phone rang inside the room. Roger quickly climbed to his feet and picked up the phone knowing full well who was on the other end.

"Yes sir... no sir, I understand. We will not fail, congratulations." Roger hung up the phone and faced the puzzling faces of his coworkers.

"Good news is, Palmer is projected to be the next President of these United States." Cheers erupted out of the four men and they turned to hug or handshake with each other. This was a milestone for the free states and everyone was understandably exuberant with emotion. "Unfortunately, Palmer has demanded we get answers tonight in regards to who this man is and what organization he works for. We will not fail our future president, so let's get to it."

The cheerfulness drained from their faces as they returned to the proper frame of mind it takes to torture another human being, regardless of how despicable they find him they were good people at heart. The grey paint less cement room they had this man hanging upside down in, served as a good atmosphere for the gloomy work that lie ahead. The men exchanged no words as they continued taking turns beating the bruised and bloody upside down assassin. Roger calmly watched from a corner he leaned into with one hand across his waist and the other perched below his chin. After another hour or more of screaming and beatings Roger held up his index finger and the panting men all stopped and faced him. Roger pointed to the chair that lie on its side the masked man was in previously. They put away the chunk of rubber and various beating utensils and lower the quivering physically and mentally broken man and retie him in the chair he started this ordeal in.

"Bring that radio from the common room in. I think we can solve this in a non-physical manner." Upon this order one the Agents leaves the room and returns with a bulky wooden radio with two cords, one for the power supply and the other to establish a better signal. The unknown enemy lets out a resistant snort, almost as to say you can't break me. However, Roger stood quietly in the corner contemplating how to get pertinent information out of this person that has been properly trained in resisting physical torture, that is when he decided to go more psychological and just let him hear what was happening outside this room.

"This is a monumental occasion for America and likely the world." The announcer was speaking about the election that day. "The United States has elected its first black president, with most precincts reporting in we are calling this long and hotly contested election in favor of Governor Dwayne Palmer."

Roger walks over and turns off the radio. He can see his enemy slump in a defeated posture with his head down and his chin to his chest. This man is so physically exhausted that he has neither the energy or emotion to question whether this report is faked or not. He clearly has taken what he has heard as the truth and is noticeably shaken up over it.

"Enjoy this small victory, it won't last very long." He says slightly muffled as he keeps his head held down.

"We have won, all of these United States have had their vote counted and whoever you work for will soon work for President Palmer."

"These immigrant mutt states will be drowned in the same poison that would have killed that nigger Palmer. You people will be put back in your place, which ever ones of you survive." the assailant says in his defeated poster and Roger just shakes his head unsure of what this man has said is threat or fact. Just as he begins to contemplate the seriousness of this allegation the unnamed man springs forward, out of his defeated posture, and with arms and legs still bound runs full speed towards the concrete wall in front of him. He slams his head into the wall, making a loud audible crack and falls back completely lifeless. None of the men in the room could have acted fast enough, since everyone was put at ease with his defeated nature. Roger has to inform Palmer and interrupt his celebration with the gravest news possible.