It was a peaceful evening, the sun just setting, it's rosy hue making the backdrop of the lake perfect for what he had in store.
Lillian Blackwell was the shy type who didn't really fit anywhere with her peers, she felt truly alone in the world, unrealising of the the events that would unfold and change her world forever....
Lillian looked outside of her one bed apartment in the middle of the sunny village, Vanilla Hope, the sun was rising, it was her only day off in months. She moved 6 months back and hadn't had time to explore yet so she decided it was a great day to go up to the lake and get some art done, she gathered her things and set off hiking, it wasn't far to the lake and she wanted to get there early to get some painting done before the sun set.
"This is amazing" she told herself out loud as she was clearing the tree line and seeing the lake in it's full splendour, having to work full time at the local bar didn't allow her to vacate often and she almost forgot the sight before her, she put her belongings on the ground next to a fallen log and turned full circle to appreciate the view.
When he heard her he didn't know what to do, that voice, that smell, she was the one the only one "Soul love"!
Matais Romano the ruler of all the fey who dwelt in these lands wanted to look closer at the fey he didn't know, hadn't seen before, "Where did she come from"? a little voice said beside him looking down he saw his littlest sister Amelia and smiled warmly "I'm not sure yet" he said "but I will find out". "Does she know she is fey? Why is she not wearing her hair right and what is she wearing"? Ameila gasped shocked at how a fey would wear such outlandish attire.
She was becoming too loud with all her questions that Matais had to cover her mouth and drag her away.
Lillian heard the commotion and although not brave decided to see who was with her, then Amelia bit Matais's hand hard causing him to yelp in pain and ran towards Lillian, Lillian saw the fey child and stopped in her tracks, "Hello I'm Amelia who are you?" she asked curiously, "Lillian" Lillian answered and the sharp inhale of air and a rush of energy is all she felt before Matais was by her side, she was his and he was hers the moment she saw him she knew it but didnt understand it, looking at eachother nothing else was interesting to them.
Not the sun finally going down, not the plan he had to amaze his youngest sister, just her Lillian the Queen of the fey has returned....
Let's go back in time a bit to before the Queen had disappeared...
Long ago there was a time where the fey had a full royal family then, they were assassinated by a rival countrys royals for power, little did they know the king had a secret child with a mortal. Lillian was born in a hospital to her mother and father Ken and Millie, not knowing their daughter as actually a fey princess they gave her a normal mortal upbringing, keeping the fact that her mother was a witch, she was top of her class in every class, excelling in art she took a major in the village of Vanilla Hope, she took a job as a waitress in a bar to pay for her fees and apartment. It worked for her so she was content.
Back to the present...
She felt a surge to touch him without even knowing why so she did, she slid her hands through his raven black hair without even thinking about it, his green eyes grew wide and he flushed bright red, Amelia giggled so much at his expression she had never seen her stoic brother so exasperated so red! He shot her the smallest of looks before returning his gaze upon Lillian "I am Matais and this is Amelia ruling fey of this land and you are my Queen!!!" Amelia sucked in a breath forming a huge 'o' with her mouth pointing to Lillian and Matais excitement rolling through her eyes. "What?" said Lillian "No, I'm just a simple girl,no royalty here" she laughed at his statement. Flabbergasted he pointed and said "Why you'll see" he was hurt she rejected him outright. "Come." is all he said before turning on his heels and heading towards the forest.
Going through the gateway he led her to a great library full of all the history of their kind along with some from the lycan and wolf worlds, "This library is the biggest and fullest, it has books about our world it has everything from training books to names and that's why I brought you here you need to see this." he said matter of factly. Lillian looked at the book he gave her and read down the names till she thought she saw her mothers but where her fathers should be Ken wasnt there instead it said Lucian, "That's not right!"she said to Matais but he just nodded his head as if to say yes it was. Under her mothers name was hers she couldnt believe what she was looking at.
She took the book and stormed out not knowing where she was going and ended up directly in the main hall where a party was being set up, everyone turned to look as she stomped into the room, she looked up and her true father was standing there looking at her his eyes widened as he took her all in "Just like her mother" he thought and smiled wide "Finally, my daughter has returned!" he said and gestured towards her, the fey getting the party ready stopped and bowed instantly, Lillian didn't know what was going on and bolted again straight into the arms of Matais.
"Whoa there, its ok" he said to her, she was shaking like a leaf in autumn threatening to fall of the tree."I got you". She didnt relax but fainted....
She woke in a bed of soft moss with worried expressions all around her. One she couldn't look at was her Father, her true father, "What was this all about" she thought before sliding to a sitting position. "Erm I'm not sure what is happening but I'd like to go back to before when my life was normal please" with that she kind of laughted hysterically knowing it never would again.
With Matais,Amelia and her father telling her tales of when she was born and the events leading up to her being found again she now understood why she didn't fit in, heck she was a princess of the fey no wonder she loved the outside so much.
She decided she needed to stay a while and get to know her roots, so she went back to her dank apartment wrote a note to the landlord and her boss at the bar hand delivered them and moved to the city of fey.
Little did she or anyone else know that this move was to be perilous as she was not meant to be found.
A fey named Afelia wanted her position and would stop at nothing to get it.
Afelia sent a group of lycans to take care of her problem not knowing what powers Lillian had, Lillian was about to go through the portal to her new home when she heard a low growl behind her. She dropped her things and turned slowly not knowing what animal it was from, as she turned she saw movement from between the thick trees and froze, the group of lycans formed a circle around her blocking her entry to the fey realm, she was scared and closed her eyes waiting to be mauled when she heard the lycans rush toward her and then nothing, she didn't know what happened but all the lycans were laying in crumpled heaps on the forest floor she spun around eyes darting to them all and fled into the portal with haste.
Tears streaming down her face she landed by a fountain with an imp pouring water from a jug, not where she wanted to be she exhaled and walked angrily to the castle that was to be her home, arriving a short time later everyone welcomed her but worry quickly formed on their loving faces as to her disheveled state. "What happened?" Matais asked taking hold of her in a side hug "I I I dont know one minute I was at the portal and the next I was surrounded by these beasts big scary beasts I cant even say what they were, and then they surrounded me and I closed my eyes heard them rush to kill me and then nothing, nothing hit me so I opened my eyes and they were all lying still, I ran through the portal and ended up by the fountain then came here , I left all my things in the forest " she finished sobbing, the looks on the elders faces was a sight to behold they had heard of a prophecy of one with the power to eliminate any enemy without being harmed with the mark of cain upon their soul they called it as no one survived the wrath of it.
The king and Lillian's father decided he needed to have a talk with his daughter and tell her the full tale of her birth and the prophecy which was about her.
A few hours later, feeling tired and wide awake, Lillian needed to eat. So Amelia came and took her to eat in a fancy dining room off the main hall, there were lots to choose from. Lillian chose some honey roasted potatoes with sweet peas and some nice tasting sauce, she ate with vigour and Matais couldn't help but chuckle "She is perfect..." he thought to himself. His talk with her will be a bit more difficult as she was not accustomed to their way of life and she was his, he felt it the moment he heard her speak the scent of her was enough to drive him on a wild hunt, but that voice made him weaker then he had ever felt...he would die for her!
Lillian looked up to see Matais's perfect green eyes looking at her with such ferocious passion she felt her cheeks heat immediately, she couldn't hold his gaze for long without wanting to rip his clothes off and taste all his flesh, she continued to eat though, feeling a jolt of excitement pulse though her. She wanted him, needed him, had to have him, this was new to her as no one had made her feel this raw energy before. It was confusing as she didnt want to seem to be coming onto him straight away, there was a magnetic pull she couldnt ignore, "Does he feel it too?" she wondered looking at him again as intently as he had her, it was his turn to blush and look away. A smile crept on her face maybe, just maybe, he does!!
After their meal Matais felt now was the time to make claim on his future bride, so he took her by the hand and led her back to the fountain, he turned to face her and said simply "Your mine" she replied without thinking "You are mine" blinking at eachother they closed the space between them and kissed for the first time. Electrical currents rippled from their bodies through the city and beyond, the whole world felt it, the Queen had returned and has claimed her King.
Without knowing the pair continued their feverish kiss not understanding the way they felt, like they were the only ones in existence, pure raw animalistic passion, not a want but a need to be entangled.
Matais had never felt so alive in all his years having his Queen wanting him back was the most uplifting feeling in the world and he wanted the world to know, they were interrupted by Amelia laughing so hard she was crying, behind her stood the King and the court with solemn faces.
"Oh no what is it?" Lillian asked trying to calm her racing heart the kiss was just, wow, she still felt it on her lips.
"You two must come with me as a matter or urgency" the king said, they followed looking scared, they were led into the living room of the kings castle and sat down before the king, "Do you know what just happened?" he asked, they looked at eachother and shook their heads, "Well it would seem you two are true soul loves and are destined to be king and queen of the fey, this hasn't happened for near a millennia and your powers Lillian are unheard of among the fey seems, your mother was a magik, and my coupling with her has made the most powerful fey magik we have ever seen." "Wait what? My mother wasnt a witch she couldn't do magic? How am I a queen I'm not even a princess.?" "Stop right there, Lillian you are my daughter and I am King so yes you are a princess. I didnt know you were the next in line or of your mothers powers, that, is new to me and I'd like to help you figure it out, as for you two the soul love bond is strong and is not relenting, you found your true soul loves early, you're lucky , when I found your mother I was already with the queen and had many children but when I found her one day I knew she was my one and I had to see her again she felt it too and like you didn't understand but went with it , my parents weren't open minded and the thought of me with a mortal was not happening so I had to leave her. I regretted it every day. I didn't know I had a daughter by her, so when Matais brought you here I was shocked, but knew look like her, how is she? Is she happy?" he asked hopeful.
Lillian listened and answered very quietly "She died when I was young we were camping and the biggest wolf I ever saw took her, she told me to hide and drew it away, that's the last I saw of her or the wolf" her fathers demeanor changed from sorrow to pure rage "I'll Kill HIM" and with that he flew from the room heading towards to portal. Matais didnt know what was going to happen but took off after his king Lillian in tow, they found him where she had been attacked earlier pounding a lifeless lycan to mush, "You got our revenge my sweet child" he said as he saw them "This one killed her he has her necklace" he said ripping it from the beasts neck. They collected Lillians belongings and headed back to the palace.
A few days later Lillian was in the library, this being her new favourite place, reading about the history of her family, when Matais came in wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head "Hey, hows it going?" he asked.
"Yeah good I need to paint though" she replied. They left the library and walked to the forest edge where she could see the lake they first met. "Race ya!" she shouted as she ran, taking off her clothes as she did to jump into the lake, not knowing the dangers that lurk in its misty waters.....
Matais ran as quick as he could to get to her, she didn't know the lake was poisoned against fey, damn the lycans and their meddling ways.
He dove in and got to her within seconds, dragging her to the shore he had to run back to the portal to make sure she was ok, he ran and didn't stop till he got to the healers hut "She swam in the lake " was all he said. The healer Maice was shocked a fey would swim in the lake on purpose but knew Lillian didn't know so she got to work on healing her body hoping her mind would recover too....
Two weeks later and Lillian hadn't woke up yet....
Four weeks still nothing...
Six weeks nope....
A full eight weeks after the lake incident and she finally stirs, Matais hasn't left her side and is so happy when she wakes he kisses her instantly, he pulls back grinning at her "Morning sleepy head"
"Morning?" She replies. "You've been asleep for a long time" the king speaks from the corner, Lillian looks at him and asks "What happened I remember going into the lake and nothing after?", The king doesnt look happy and says "We didnt think to tell you with all the excitement but the lake is poisoned to the fey, it can take your powers and your mind, lucky Matais acted quickly but you have been out for eight weeks and need to eat and move about." Shocked Lillian looks to Matais "Eight weeks, I've been asleep for eight weeks? Feels like it was only a few hours".
"I'm glad you're awake and have your mind intact" the king said, then left quickly.
After eating and having a long drink of water Lillian got up and started moving about the room, though she was shaky from not moving for so long she had Matais to help her. "We have looked into the prophecy and your powers, seems the first ever Empyrean had it too" he said rather impressed.
The Empyreans were the race of fey that begot all the others from fairies to nymphs and all those in between, they were powerful beings that only needed to feel a threat to diminish it without lifting a finger, but all died out due to not being able to reproduce amongst themselves. A few saught out other beings in which to mate with, they soon found humans and discovered they could populate with them, though it was banned for fey to lay with mortals, two decided it was time for a new being, one they could mold to have the ultimate power of all beings. They were Nikolai and Ester. They came together young and enjoyed the life they had, just one thing was missing and they knew they couldn't attain it so they left their home and traveled, soon they found a dwelling of mortals and discovered that they weren't meant to be together as their soul love bonds kicked in and they found their true mates, it was like nothing they had ever felt the pull of the bond taking them ever closer to their mates, the humans were taken back by their beauty and followed them till they stopped at a brother and sister "Mine" they all said at once, the townspeople were clueless as to what was happening and who these strangers were, one mortal spoke up and wasnt too kind about the fey, so the fey took the brother and sister to their home and kept them there, they had longed for so long but now the first fey magik children were born. They had unusual eyes their only difference to the fey but had many more than their mortal parents, who grew to fear their children in their rages.
They grew and had their own children, but children of fey and mortals were not to be seen again until the King that is now decided to venture by the lake in the human realm. His child was not like the fey magik children of old, she was beautiful and had strong power with her mothers looks, he was content to leave her in the mortal realm to grow and be safe for if she ventured into his realm she would surely be in danger. The ones who pose the threat are the same that bore the first children seeing that they were abominations, they were angry that their counterparts were false soul loves and killed them without remorse. They made a mistake though, if they had listened to the Witch they saw before that they could have been saved but she cursed them with cains mark so their children and so on would bear it, but the true heir to their power would come and ruin them all, a child of witch and fey, the father wouldn't know he was a marked man as the mark was on his soul as it was with his daughter, she will have power beyond any being, the true Empyrean.