Chereads / Before the Dawn / Chapter 5 - Three - The Accident

Chapter 5 - Three - The Accident

Hyena's POV

"Omma.. Appa.. Kaja! We will be late for our flight!" I shouted happily.

I am really excited about this trip. Every year, we always make sure to have our family trip. Two years ago, we went to Paris, France. I really liked it there. I saw a lot of beautiful things and I really fell in love with the Eiffel Tower the most.

Then last year during Spring, we went to Jeju Island. It was so beautiful there. The beach looks very beautiful and we even climbed Mt. Halla. I really fell in love with that place. How I wish I could go back there again next year. I think I have to beg dad again for that. Well, he can't resist my charm once I showed him my aegyo.

Anyway, I have no time to complain because what more can I ask for. We will be going to Greece this year.

Yehey! Greece, here I come! I'm so excited.

"Appa!!!" I shouted louder.

"I'm here. You don't need to shout!" he said while laughing.

"Omo! Omma, you are wearing the necklace that I gave you." I beamed as I saw the lovely necklace hanging from her neck.

"Of course. You gave me this, so I will wear it proudly." she said.

I was so happy that my parents are wearing the presents that I gave them. I spent half of the money I got from my part-time job last summer just to buy them.

Anyway, I watched dad as he put all our things in the car's trunk. Mom was also really excited about our trip, too. You can see it in her expressions and she was smiling non-stop since this morning. Looking at my parents makes me feel happy. I can't help but envy their love for each other. I wish I could meet someone as handsome and as caring as dad. I know I have my flaws, but I hope that my future boyfriend or my future husband will accept me and love me just like how my dad loves my mom.

Wahhh.. What am I thinking?! Boyfriend?! Husband?!

Dad will definitely freak out if he knew what I was thinking. Believe it or not, at 18, I am still not allowed to date anyone. Well, there is just one guy that he approved of. Remember what I told you about my childhood friend, Yonghwa Oppa?! My parents really like him ever since they moved to the house near us. My dad is really strict with me when it comes to boys. He doesn't let me go out the house unless Yonghwa Oppa was with me. When Yonghwa Oppa went back to Japan, he got even stricter. Could you believe that he even didn't let me go to my school's prom? I know I was just like 15 at that time, but am I old enough to know what I should and should not do?

Let me tell you a secret.

Shhh... don't tell dad about it. Jebal!

I do have my fair share of suitors. Well, I do have the looks. LOL! Ever since I was in elementary, a lot of people had been captivated with my beauty.

Then why don't I have a boyfriend? Well aside from the fact that I am not allowed to date, I think I haven't found the person who will make my heart beat crazily like what I felt for someone before. Yes, I used to be in love with someone, but unfortunately he's not around anymore. I don't know if he still remembers me. Okay, I admit it, I have a huge crush with Yonghwa Oppa. Who wouldn't?! Aside from the fact that he is really handsome. He is also very nice and he was always there for me whenever I need him. I seriously fell in love with him. Just when I gathered all my courage to confess to him, he told me that his family had to move to Japan. I got so heartbroken that I decided to just keep those feeling bottled-up inside me. From then on, I just decided that I will just have to wait for the right person. Besides, I don't want to be in a relationship where love doesn't exist and I also don't want to keep any secrets from my parents.

Well, I do have crushes in the university, but it's not enough to be in a relationship. Besides, who needs boys, when I already have 7 handsome boyfriends.

Seven?! Hahaha! Don't get me wrong. They are only my boyfriends in my dreams.

Seriously, aside from my first heartbreak, one of the reasons why I am still single is because I haven't found a person just like my dad. Well, I guess my standards in guys are so high because I think my dad is really one-of-a-kind. Aside from that, imagine me comparing them with the seven guys of INFINITE.

No wonder, I still don't have a boyfriend yet. I guess I will be like this for a long time.

I guess you are all wondering what my dream guy is like. Well, I'll tell you about it, just don't tell anyone, arrachi?! Especially dad.


If he finds out, I know he will surely lock me up in my bedroom.

Well, here it goes:

First, I want a guy who is like KIM SUNGKYU.

Someone who is reliable and with great leadership skills. Someone who is reliable and someone with brains, accompanied with wit. Who wants to have a dumb boyfriend, anyway?! I want a person who I can talk to about anything under the sun. Sungkyu is INFINITE's leader. I want someone who can be as responsible as him.

Next, I like someone who is like JANG DONGWOO.

I like someone who has a pure heart and someone who can be sensitive enough to know what I feel though I don't say anything. Someone who only have eyes for me and a man who will always be there whenever I need someone. Dongwoo is INFINITE's happy pill, the group's energizer. I want someone like him who can comfort me whenever I am down. Someone who can make me smile with just his gestures.

Then, I want someone who can be as childish and sweet at the same time as LEE SUNGYEOL.

Aside from his great looks and height. He is indeed a person who is not afraid to show his sensitive side and his dorky side. I want someone like him who is brave enough to show the people they love that he is always there for them. Someone who will fight for his love, and someone who can spoil me. Sungyeol maybe INFINITE's choding, but he is the kind of person who you can count on always. I know there will never be any dull moment when Sungyeol is around.

Next, I want someone who is tough outside, but who is also sensitive inside just like LEE HOWON (HOYA).

Howon or Hoya as people often call him, is very sweet when it comes to his members. He always takes care of them and he makes sure that all of them are safe. He has a tough image and I want someone like him who can take care of me. Someone who will be there when something happen to me.

Then, I also want someone as humble and passionate as L or KIM MYUNGSOO.

He is really handsome, but don't get me wrong. I am not the type of person who just look at the outside appearance of a person, but it wouldn't be bad to have a boyfriend who is as good looking as him, right?! LOL! Well, Myungsoo is not just handsome, but he is a very nice person as well. We actually have a lot of things in common. Well, we are both fascinated with photography and we both love going to different places. I think it will be fun travelling while taking some awesome pictures with him. I would surely learn a lot of things from him.

Next, I want someone who can be as caring and kind as the group's maknae, LEE SUNGJONG.

Sungjong always cares for his hyungs. He is really kind and caring. A man like that can be very sweet to the person that he likes. I want someone who can sweep me off of my feet. Well, people often underestimate Sungjong, but he always try his best in everything he does. I want a man like that. A man that is full of passion in everything that he does.

Lastly, I want someone like my ultimate crush, NAM WOOHYUN. 

Yes, I like him so much! Wait, I think I am in love with him already!

Woohyun is INFINITE's heart prince. He also has a wonderful voice. Wouldn't be nice to hear someone sing for you with all his heart. With his voice, he can easily makes me fall for him. His voice can melt my heart right away. He is also the king of fan service. He does everything for his fans. He is loyal and very sweet as well. With those characteristics, he can be a perfect boyfriend.

Hmmmm... I wish I could meet them someday. I wish I could go to one of their fan meetings. If only I have the courage to do that. Oh well.

Back to reality, I just really want to have someone like my dad. He is a total package. Mom is indeed really lucky to have him.

"Hey, you are daydreaming again. Earth to my princess!" dad said as he snaps his fingers in front of me.

"I guess she's dreaming about her boyfriends again." mom said.

"WHAT?! Boyfriends?! Who are they? I want to see them. I want to talk to them." dad said as he try to get out of the car. "Chakaman. Boyfriends? As in more than one?" he asked said as he looked at me seriously.

"Omma." I whined at mom because I don't know how will I explain it to dad.

"Yeobo! Calm down." she said as she asked him to go inside the car. "His boyfriends. As in the idol group that she likes. The k-Pop group, INFINITE."

Mom knows that I like INFINITE so much.

Well, who doesn't like INFINITE. They are seven (7) good looking guys that could really melt everyone's heart.

To be specific, my heart.

How did mom found out that I love that idol group? Well, it's kinda obvious. I always make to a point to play their music in my room. I also ask her to buy me their albums. LOL.

"Ah!" he said as if he was relieved to hear about it. "I thought you already have a boyfriend without telling us about it."

"Appa, it will never be like that." I told them as I hugged them both. "You and Omma will be the first one who will know when I have a boyfriend already. Arrachi?"

Dad is being possessive again. He even said that I could only have a boyfriend when I am in my 30s. Anyway, even though he is like that I still love him so much. He is still and forever would be my king.

Dad started the car.

Finally, we are leaving now! I screamed inside my head.

We are really excited about it. We were busy talking about all the activities that we will do once we arrive in Greece. Aside from the wonderful sunset, I am really looking forward to see the Parthenon, too. As I said I like Greek Mythology, so I am excited to see where those stories started.

I was busy chatting with my mom that I didn't notice that we were already in the highway. That was fast. I guess time really flies fast when you are having fun.

Dad really wants to be in the airport now as he was excited as well. Though that's the case, he still drives carefully. He is always been a careful driver. He always makes sure to follow all the traffic precautions. He is always like that since mom and I are always there with him every time he drives. He always tell me that he has his queen and his princess in the car, so he really needs to be careful all the time.

"Appa. Can we listen to this album, please." I asked him as I hand him one of my flash drives.

"Okay. What is in there?" he asked as he connect it to the car's stereo.

As I about to answer, mom beat me into it, "Who else?! Let me guess, they are all INFINITE's songs, right?"

"Well, you really can read me very well." I sheepishly smiled at her.

"Alright! Let's listen to your boyfriends' songs." dad said while enjoying seeing me blush.

INFINITE's song, "Nothing's Over" fills the car. I was happily singing the song while mom was just humming and looking at me. Dad was glancing at his front mirror and smiling at me. Little that we know it is already our last memory together as a family.

A truck came rushing straight towards our car. The truck swivel to our direction. Dad tried his best to avoid the truck, but he couldn't do anything because it happened too fast.

All I could do is scream as the car started spinning because of the truck's impact. Mom and dad tried their best to protect me.

The car suddenly stopped spinning. I though everything is okay now when I noticed that there's smoke everywhere.

"Appa! Omma!" I said as I coughed because of the smoke. I tried shaking their body.

"Omma. Appa." I called them, but they're not responding.

"Help!" I shouted once again. "Please somebody help us. My mom and dad are bleeding. Help us!"

I looked at my parents again. I am trying my best to get up, but it was quite difficult since I am starting to loose consciousness already. I can see black spots in my peripheral vision. I tried to fight it because I know that my parents need me.

I shouted again! "Jebal! Please help us!"

After a few minutes, for me it feels like hours already. I can hear a siren. It might be the ambulance.

Mom, Dad, please hold on. Help is on the way. I said to myself. We will be saved soon. Don't dare leave me. I whispered to them.

I am starting to loose my battle. Is this really how it feels when you are about to die?

I was about to give up when I heard a voice.

"Agashi, are you okay? Agashi!" the paramedics asked me as they tried to take me out of the car.

I wanted to answer, but I felt my strength is leaving my body already."Please help my parents. Please!" I shouted, but it seems that they can't hear me.

"Don't give up, Hyena." I told myself. As I about to shout again, when finally darkness engulf my vision. I can't seem to fight it off. All I could do is close my eyes.